Child Protection in Sports SettingsExpert Diploma

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    Asignaturas Experto Protección de Menores


    El plan de estudios se articula en 4 módulos:

    • Modulo 1: Introducción a las bases jurídicas y perspectiva de género de los/as  menores deportistas(3 créditos).
    • Modulo 2: Generación de entornos seguros para el/la deportista (6 creditos).
    • Módulo 3: Habilidades para la comunicación, la resolución de conflictos y la formación  (6 créditos).
    • Módulo 4: Proyecto Final (5 créditos).



    Specific competences

    • Interpret aspects related to the jurisdiction of the rights and obligations that entities involved in the sports training of minors must fulfil regarding the protection and overall well-being of children.
    • Evaluate aspects related to the well-being and protection of minors, focusing on emotional well-being and the promotion of healthy habits.
    • Design training and development plans for minors, integrating educational and sports domains, as well as developing communication skills and preventing conflict situations.
    • Analyse the knowledge that contextualises the protection of minors in the sports field from a multidisciplinary and scientific perspective.

    What will be my career options?

    Career opportunities

    Expert Diploma in Child Protection in Sporting Environments

    What will be my career options?

    Career opportunities

    Graduates from this programme may be appointed as safeguarding officers in any centre conducting sports and leisure activities, regardless of ownership, and in all cases within the Network of High-Performance and Technical Training Centres, Sports Federations, and Local Schools.


    Based on the University of Deusto Learning Model (MAUD).


    • Lectures delivered by experts in the field of child protection, aimed at contextualising learning.
    • Practical sessions where various content will be applied and analysed.
    • Individual and/or group tutorials aimed at providing guidance and personalised planning for students' learning process.
    • Supervised individual and group assignments where students analyse, reflect on, and apply the content and skills developed throughout the course.


    From February to May 2025.


    Opening hours

    Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: from 15:00 to19:00