Special Educational NeedsMaster's degree

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    Spanish and Basque


    Languages on the Master's Degree in Special Needs Education

    Spanish and Basque


    The Master's degree is taught in Spanish, although a large part of the practicums can be done in Basque.

    Some academic assignments and the Master's Final Project can also be done in Basque, as long as the student has a suitable level of fluency.

    Demonstrate your knowledge

    Master’s Final Project

    Master's Final Project on Special Educational Needs

    Demonstrate your knowledge

    Master’s Final Project

    Students must prepare and defend before an examining board a Master's project with an empirical or theoretical focus. The topic will be chosen by the students, after submitting a brief justification project, to ensure a good fit with their career development project.

    To prepare this Master's project (6 ECTS) students are assigned tutors . The project can be carried out in Spanish or Basque, depending on the student's command of the language.

    • The oral defence will take place in July or September. 


    From October to June or September depending on the exam sitting (first sit or resit exams).




    Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17:00 to 20:00. Some mondays and wednesdays there may be class, due to calendar adjustment.

    4 Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings throughout the academic year to be announced well in advance.

    Some Wednesdays there will be a Practicum follow-up and Final Master's Project Seminar .

    See timetable

    *Provisional timetables subject to change.


    Academic regulations



    Academic regulations

    The following section explains the University of Deusto Postgraduate Regulations.

    Postgraduate Academic Regulations

    Academic rules on procedures for the regulation of official master's degree courses

    Transfer of credits