Special Educational NeedsMaster's degree

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    2 host schools or centres

    2 practicums

    Practicums are one of the key educational resources in the Master's degree in Special Educational Needs

    • They are held at two different locations, for participants on the programme who are not working.
    •  Participants who are already working will carry out an improvement project at their school or centre.

    The degree programme includes two practicums (depending on system at the host school or centre chosen by the students, these can be carried out in Basque or Spanish).


    Practicum in internal and external support services for school inclusion

    This practicum focuses on issues related to the content of the following subjects:

    • Didactics and Organisation of Educational Inclusion
    • Tools and Methodology to Aid Educational Inclusion

    Practicum in Learning Problems and Disabilities

    The second practicum is linked to the contents of the following subjects:

    • Learning Disorders
    • Intellectual Disability, Autistic Spectrum and Special Educational Needs
    • Mobility, Hearing and Visual Disabilities and Special Educational Needs

    We bring you closer to the world of work

    How are the practicums organised?

    • The practicum lasts practically the whole academic year, and students do one each semester. This work experience takes place in public and private schools or centres with which the University has signed training cooperation agreements.
    • They are held in the mornings, from Monday to Thursday, usually from 9:00 to 13:00.
    •  Programme participants who are already working in the field of education carry out their two practicums linked to improvement projects at their own centre, which are agreed on a case-by-case basis.

    The practicums take place mainly in centres in Vizcaya, although we also have possible locations in Álava, Guipúzcoa, Cantabria and other neighbouring communities .

    The list of host schools is wide and varied and includes educational inclusion support services such as Berritzegunes' special educational needs advisory teams, consultancy or teaching in support or hearing and language classrooms.

    See practicum host centres.

    Students’ interests, distance from their home and availability of places determine their choice of schools, etc. for these work experiences. The Master’s programme provides them with a list at the beginning of each semester.


    Examples of jobs

    Career Opportunities

    Some examples of jobs for which this Master's offers training (not necessarily qualification) are:

    • Support teacher or therapeutic teacher within the education system (for graduates in primary or early childhood education).
    • Schoolpsychologist or counsellor .
    • Consultancy or advice on special educational needs, or direct care professional in associations, organisations and services intended to respond to disability and special educational needs in childhood.
    • Psycho-educational intervention in organisations for people with disabilities.

    A small but significant part of our students go on to jobs directly or indirectly linked to our internship centres.

    For graduates without professional experience prior to the Master’s programme, approximately three quarters find a job one year after completing the programme.