Law and Procuration+ Tax ConsultancyDouble Master's degree

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    Specialise in tax and fiscal advice

    about the double master's degree

    These two programmes, taught in collaboration with the Spanish Association of Tax Advisors (AEDAF), aims to respond to an increasing demand for law graduates who want to practise law by specialising in the field of taxation and tax consultancy.

    This Double Degree will give you a distinctive profile that will allow you to work in law firms, provide legal assistance and legal advice in criminal, civil, labour, administrative and commercial matters… with in-depth knowledge in the field of tax and fiscal advice. In addition to the Master's Degree in Law and Legal Practice, you will also specialise in the tax system of the Common Territory and the Historical Territories.



    Our academic team is formed by...

    Professionals from various areas of tax practice: practising lawyers, tax advisors, tax auditors, tax assessors, tax auditors, liquidators, large firms, and small and medium-sized firms


    Designed for...

    Graduates in Law, International Relations and Law, Business Administration and Law and Labour Relations and Law.

    • Campus:

      Bilbao Campus

    • Programme name:

      Law and Procuration + Tax Consultancy

    • Duration/credits:

      September 2025 - June 2026 - 134 ECTS

    • Language


    • Number of places


    • Application process:

      Application process open

    • Additional information:

      Classes: September 2025 - June 2026
      Internships from June 2026

    • Faculty:

    • Share:

    una imagen

    Este Doble Máster te facilitará tu inserción en el mercado laboral, o el reciclaje de tu carrera profesional

    Javier García RossDirector del Doble Máster en Abogacía + Asesoría Fiscal
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    El conocimiento de una materia tan compleja como la fiscal, facilita la consecución de un sistema tributario más justo

    Pablo Martín Ruiz de GordejuelaDelegado Territorial del País Vasco de la Asociación Española de Asesores Fiscales

    Joint degree programme

    Biscay Bar Association


    the figures behind our university

    98 % of students

    Pass the State Examination for Admission to the Bar thanks to the specific preparation sessions carried out during the Master's course

    +90 % of graduates from previous years

    work in tax consultancy and many of them work in the firms where they started their internships in this Master's degree.

    26 years

    of experience training Tax Advisors


    Internships are held in leading law firms, businesses and organisations in the tax and fiscal areas.

    In collaboration with



    In collaboration with


    In collaboration with the Spanish Association of Tax Advisors (AEDAF), which will allow you to use its network of contacts and will give you access to all its services, including a powerful legal and tax database and all kinds of its own doctrinal and practical content on tax matters.

    From law firms to tax departments

    Career opportunities

    Law Firms

    Specialising in all branches of law (civil, commercial, etc.), as they all need the vision of an expert in the field of taxation

    Accounting, auditing or consultancy firms

    all of which have legal and tax implications

    Firms specialising in international taxation or in advising public entities and bodies

    Public Administration

    tax branches, auditors, deputy auditors, tax agents, city council auditors, state, provincial and regional tax assessors. The Master's degree is assessed as a merit in the corresponding competitive examinations

    Administrative, financial and tax departments

    In small, medium and large companies

    Tax and business consultancies

    Educational establishments

    specialising in legal, economic, tax and accounting matters. Access to PhD programmes

    You will become qualified to...

    • Provide tax advice and planning to companies
    • Provide tax advice to individuals, prepare and file tax returns and self-assessments
    • Offer support to accountants, consultants, auditors, etc
    • Handle tax management, collection and audit procedures
    • Manage the fiscal and economic planning and organisation of family businesses.
    • Handle the technical management of appeals and complaints in administrative proceedings, and appeals in judicial proceedings.
    • Conduct legal defence in criminal proceedings for corporate and economic offences and offences against the tax authorities
    • Provide expert opinions on tax matters
    • Conduct international tax planning
    • Carry out corporate restructuring

    Who is this programme for?


    Who is this programme for?

    It is designed for those graduates in legal sciences who wish to work as a lawyer and are interested in doing so in the field of tax consultancy for companies and individuals; those interested in receiving adequate training and gaining in-depth knowledge of the legal and economic, theoretical and practical aspects from the best lecturers and practising professionals in the public and private sectors.

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    Hemos creado fuertes vínculos con despachos donde hemos realizado prácticas y profesores profesionales del sector

    Elena Muinozguren
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    En solo 2 años, obtendré 2 Másteres. Algo que no sería posible sin la ayuda de los profesores y el personal vinculado a los Másteres

    María Vicente






    If you are going to study at the University of Deusto, you can benefit from our grants programme. Find out about the entry requirements and the grants promoted by other organisations.



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    Law and Procuration + Tax Consultancy

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