Joint Master’s in International Humanitarian ActionMaster's degree

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    2025-2026 ACADEMIC YEAR

    Applications are now open

    The admission process for the 2025-26 academic year is now open

    Why offer a Master’s degree in Humanitarian Action?

    About the Master’s degree

    The main objective of offering a Master’s degree in Humanitarian Action is to address the growing need for university qualifications that have been specifically designed to tackle complex humanitarian emergencies.

    Unfortunately, not only have humanitarian crises increased in number, but they have also become more complex. The number of people and areas affected by natural and man-made disasters has risen and will continue to grow in the middle and long term due to the interrelated impact of current and emerging world tendencies such as climate change, the food crisis, the financial crisis, extreme poverty, urban development, the water shortage, energy security, migration and population growth. As a result, there is higher demand for qualified staff who can take on the new humanitarian action challenges, demonstrating proven supervision skills and the capacity to lead. These people must be equipped to set priorities and plan operations to successfully address humanitarian crises.

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    Ranked 1st

    in the Cooperation category in El Mundo Ranking



    You will be part of

    The NOHA Network: 12 European universities and 14 from other parts of the world


    Application deadlines

    Entry date: November 4, 2024 to May 31, 2025





    Network of more than 3000

    postgraduates working in the world of cooperation

    • Campus:

      Bilbao Campus

    • Programme name:

      Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree Programme in International Humanitarian Action

    • Duration/credits:

      2 years (4 semesters) - 120 ECTS

    • Language



    • Number of places


    • Programme type

      On campus. Full time

    • Application process:

      Admission process open

    • Faculty:

      Social and Human Sciences
    • Share:

    Cristina Churruca

    Master’s Programme Director

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    Cristina Churruca

    Master’s Programme Director

    Dr. Cristina Churruca, director of the Joint Master's in international humanitarian action - NOHA, tells us about the postgraduate course and gives us an overview of the career opportunities, internships and student profile.

    NOHA Master's recognized on the 20th Anniversary of the Erasmus Mundus Program

    Participant profile and student orientation


    This programme has been designed for people who work or plan to work in the humanitarian action area in positions of responsibility in national and international organisations, both at headquarters or in field offices.

    Read interview with Roger Gutierrez, former student of the master's course

    Student guidance

    The academic coordinators of the NOHA Master's programme are responsible for the general coordination of the Master's programme and for providing personalised support to each student. The aim is to ensure that the Master's in International Humanitarian Action provides an educational experience that is adapted to each student’s personal characteristics and professional development. These support actions include regular tutorials, informal meetings at the students' request, guidance in the process of defining and finding a supervisor for the Master's thesis.

    Further information

    Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s degree in International Humanitarian ActionIcono para el play del video


    The  NOHA Network and the University of Deusto have signed a number of collaboration agreements with different institutions to support internships and research stays for students.

    Entry requirements and admission criteria

    Application forms may be completed online through the NOHA network website. You must complete the online form

    Once selected, the University of Deusto will contact students to complete enrolment. 

    First application period through the NOHA network

    Key dates:

    • November 4, 2024. Opening of the call for all program applications.
    • May 31, 2025: central application deadline for all ordinary candidates
    • July 1, 2025: application deadline for those without EU citizenship or valid EU residence permits will be contacted in advance by selected candidates.

    When applying, candidates must select the university where they want to start the first semester of their Master's degree. This will allow the university selected by the candidate to assess the application using the selection criteria agreed upon by the network of eight European universities. The agreed criteria are: a degree awarded by a recognised university in a discipline of relevance to humanitarian action.

    See information


    Grants And Financial Information


    Grants And Financial Information

    The NOHA Master’s degree has been supported by the European Union for 12 years. The NOHA master's degree was one of the first 19 master's programmes selected at the start of the Erasmus Mundus programme in 2004.
    In 2017, the European Union renewed its support to the NOHA master's degree for a period of 4 years, including funding grants for 3 editions of the master's degree, the first starting in September 2018.

    Further information

    Financial information


    Testimonio de nuestros profesionales

    Elena María Galea

    Mi reto más importante era realizar esta experiencia en español, un idioma que no es el mío

    Elena María Galea

    Máster Conjunto Erasmus Mundus en Acción Internacional Humanitaria

    Andrés García

    Este máster me ha ayudado a aplicar la parte teórica, refuerza todos los conocimientos adquiridos

    Andrés García

    Máster Conjunto Erasmus Mundus en Acción Internacional Humanitaria

    María Azeredo

    Lo que más me ha gustado es aprender de otras culturas y adquirir un prisma más humanizador en el trabajo

    María Azeredo

    Máster Conjunto Erasmus Mundus en Acción Internacional Humanitaria

    Lilia Cheikh

    'Nunca pensé en estudiar en español; me quedo con las experiencias, la gente, poder visitar tantos lugares... Ha sido revelador

    Lilia Cheikh

    Máster Conjunto Erasmus Mundus en Acción Internacional Humanitaria

    Erasmus Mundus in International Humanitarian Action

    Quality Management


    quality management

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    Degree programme verification, monitoring and accreditation;

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