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    Competent bilingual professionals with analytical/communicative skills

    About the Master's Degree:

    With a theoretical-practical orientation, this international master's program aims to train individuals as expert professionals in translation (English-Spanish-English) at two European universities. It also aims to develop intercultural communication skills, enabling them to work professionally in international economic/business contexts and respond to the current societal needs. This international master's program specializes students in intercultural and professional linguistic/translation competencies in international settings where English and Spanish languages play crucial roles.The master's program promotes interculturality and interdisciplinary learning.


    Bilingual Master's Program:

    The master's program will be taught both in English and Spanish.


    Multidisciplinary Approach:

    Courses within the master's program are taught from various perspectives: translation, business, and new technologies.


    International Internships:

    These internships take place in companies and institutions engaged not only in translation practices but also in any organization utilizing English and Spanish languages in the business and commercial sphere.



    Application Deadlines

    From 01/10/2024 to 30/07/2025

    The application for admission is done through the University of Maynooth's website. For more information, visit their website.

    • Campus:

      Bilbao Campus


    • Programme name:

      Business Translation and Intercultural Communication in English and Spanish

    • Duration/credits:

      2 semesters - 90 ECTS

    • Language


    • Programme type

      On campus. Full-time

    • Application process:

      From 01/10/2024 to 30/07/2025, through the Maynooth University website

    • Additional information:

      Accredited Master's Degree

    • Faculty:

      Social and Human Sciences
    • Share:

    Master's degrees

    Open Day

    Come to the Bilbao Campus (Auditorium Cloister) on March 20 from 12.00h to 17.00h.  

    Find out more about our master's degree programs and receive personalized advice.

    An in-depth look at the master´s degree

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    An in-depth look at the master´s degree


    David Conlon, Director of the MA in Business Translation and Intercultural Communication (University of Maynooth)


    Entry requirements and Admission Criteria


    Entry requirements



    Admission Criteria

    See admision criteria

    Admission Process

    As the coordinating university, Maynooth University will conduct the admission process for the M.A. in Business Translation and Intercultural Communication in English and Spanish/Máster Universitario en Traducción Empresarial y Comunicación Intercultural en Inglés y Español. Applications must be received before the program's deadline, accompanied by all required documentation. Each application incurs a processing fee of €50. All applications received by MU are handled by the Graduate Studies Office and subsequently forwarded to each department for evaluation. Additionally, the International Office evaluates applications from non-EU students.

    • Applicants must possess an official Spanish or Irish university degree, or a qualification issued by a higher education institution from another European Higher Education Area member state that grants access to master's programs.
    • Graduates from educational systems outside the European Higher Education Area may also apply without the need for degree recognition, subject to verification by the Maynooth University General Secretariat, responsible for the admission process as the coordinating university. The verification confirms that their qualifications are equivalent to Spanish or Irish university degrees and grant access to postgraduate studies in the issuing country. Access through this route, according to current legislation, will not imply the recognition or homologation of the applicant's previous degree for purposes other than pursuing these master's programs.
    • A minimum proficiency level of C1 in English and Spanish, as per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, must be demonstrated.

    Scholarships and Grants


    Scholarships and Grants

    In their mission to serve all, both Maynooth University and the University of Deusto promote equal opportunities for access and continuation of studies. They facilitate students' ability to apply for financial assistance to enter or continue comprehensive and quality university education, enabling them to assume their role as members of the human community.

    University of Deusto Grants

    Maynooth University Grants

    A master with guarantees


    Suggestions and complaints



    Academic regulations