University extension diploma in Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples

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Programme Structure

The 2025 edition will have a duration of three months and will be held at the Human Rights Institute, as well as at the headquarters of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland. During this period, participants will attend training and discussion sessions given by highly qualified faculty from various sectors and disciplines, ensuring a comprehensive and enriching perspective on human rights and human rights advocacy.

Course content

- General aspects of human rights
- International treaties and protection mechanisms
- Indigenous peoples in the United Nations
- Inter-American human rights system
- Indigenous rights and justice
- Land, territory and natural resources
- Indigenous autonomy
- Indigenous constitutionalism
- Multiculturalism and human rights
- Social dynamics, politics and indigenous movements
- Indigenous peoples and globalisation
- Conflict resolution, reconciliation and transitional justice
- Strategies for participation in international fora
- Strategies for political agenda setting
- Indigenous women
- Case study presentation and discussion

Who can participate?

The requirements for applying for admission to the programme and access to a grant are as follows:

1. Candidates must be indigenous (non-indigenous candidates will not be considered, even if they have close links with indigenous communities and/or organisations).

2. Candidates must have the support and formal proposal of an indigenous organisation or community. It is particularly important that the sponsoring organisation is well-established, representative and well-founded.

3. Candidates must commit to sharing the knowledge gained by training other indigenous individuals upon their return to their communities or organisations.

4. Candidates must have a working knowledge of theSpanish language.

The lack of formal education is not a hindrance to participating in the programme, given the socioeconomic barriers that prevent many indigenous communities from accessing formal educational institutions.

There is no age limit to apply and gender equity criteria are applied (40/60 %). Furthermore, priority will be given to the participation of peoples, communities, or countries that have had low representation in previous editions of the programme.

Programa alumni indígena (ex becarios y becarias)


Programa alumni indígena (ex becarios y becarias)

El contacto permanente con las y los ex alumnos y alumnas tiene como objetivos clave:

  • Facilitar la formación continua y la actualización en temas relacionados con los derechos humanos para las personas que han cursado el programa.
  • Acompañar a los ex becarios/as, sus organizaciones y comunidades en su labor diaria, facilitando el acceso a docentes y expertos que puedan ofrecer orientación y apoyo.
  • Fortalecer la colaboración y el apoyo mutuo entre los ex alumnos/as, promoviendo redes de intercambio de conocimientos y experiencias.