Baccalaureatus in Theologia

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    More than 130 years teaching religious studies

    About the degree

    Studying Theology at the University of Deusto has the great advantage of doing so in a university environment of academic excellence and major social impact. One of the major concerns of the Faculty of Theology is to educate its students to enable them to give an account of the Christian faith in today's world in dialogue with the sciences, the humanities and other religions.

    As a result of the process of adapting Theology degrees to the European Higher Education Area, we offer programmes designed to:

    • Hold a variety of leadership positions
    • Inculturate the Christian message in today's society,
    • Evangelise in various educational and training contexts
    • Promote training and growth in the Christian faith of groups, Christian communities and apostolic movements.


    This programme allows us to give an account of the Christian faith in today's world in dialogue with the sciences, the humanities and other religions.



    You will be able to work in pastoral ministries, in the media and as a secondary school religion teacher, among others.

    • Campus:

      Bilbao Campus

    • Programme name:

      Baccalaureatus in Theologia

    • Duration/credits:

      4 years - 180 ECTS

    • Language


    • Number of places

      100 places

    • Programme type

      On campus

    • Application process:

      Application process open

    • Additional information:

      Canonical Degree. Deusto degree programme with civil degree recognition.

    • Faculty:

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    Eduardo Villaverde

    In first person

    Theology, together with its philosophical introductory course, provides an approach to understanding reality like no other discipline.

    Baccalaureatus in Theologia studentEduardo Villaverde

    Bilbao Campus

    Find out about the Faculty of Theology

    You will be able to participate in ethics committees and advise on religious issues and provide a cross-cultural understanding of the Christian message.


    Train competent professionals in the teaching and research of theology

    Objectives and competences

    • Solid knowledge of theology, religious sciences and their methodologies.
    • Aprogramme of studies exploring the Catholic faith in dialogue with the sciences, the humanities and other religions.
    • Personalised teaching methodsincluding tutorials, seminars and the use of new technologies.
    • A Library, that of the University of Deusto, with an exceptional bibliographical collection, and spacious study and work rooms.
    • An understanding of Christian thought with an in-depth study of Sacred Scripture and Systematic Theology based on Tradition, the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and contemporary culture.
    • A qualification to teach Religion in secondary schools, in Seminaries and in educational and pastoral centres of the Church.
    • Writing, editing and publishing in theological, religious, pastoral and other journals as well as in the media.
    • Organising and managing documents from a theological and Christian perspective.
    • Action in the different areas of the Church.
    • Counselling and training in the Christian faith.
    • Carry out different tasks related to Human Resources.
    • Interpretation, reworking and transmission of Christian thought and its manifestations, symbols and traditions through conventional and digital media.
    • Teaching and research work in Catholic Theology.

    Career opportunities

    Career opportunities

    Pastoral ministries: priests, permanent deacons, religious men and women in Societies of Apostolic Life, lay people with a pastoral assignment in dioceses and in tasks of responsibility in Institutes of Consecrated Life (Religious people and Secular Institutes)

    Pastoral work in parishes, social, civic, educational, cultural and health centres, etc

    Teaching Religion in Secondary Education

    Animation of the faith in pastoral care of the family, health, youth, children, leisure time, etc.

    Archives, Libraries, Religious Artistic Monuments and Museums

    Documentalists and editorial content advisers.

    Diplomatic Corps and external action.

    University of Deusto students






    If you are going to study at the University of Deusto, you can benefit from our grants programme. Find out about the entry requirements and the grants promoted by other organisations.



    The application period for admission to programs with available places is open.


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    Baccalaureatus in Theologia

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