Deusto wins the XXIV Hermano Garate Academic Debate League

The University holds its twenty-fourth competition focused on bioethics

This year the competition organized by Deusto Campus Cultura will focus on a topic related to bioethics.

23 October 2024

Bilbao Campus

From October 23 to 26, Deusto Campus Cultura held the twenty-fourth edition of the academic debate league Hermano Garate, an educational exercise that seeks to deepen the knowledge of different current issues, as well as the training and promotion of critical thinking of students. This year's competition revolved around the theme: “Is the use of the Pernkopf atlas ethical?”.

The first prize and mention for “best team work” went to the group of students that formed Deusto 8, composed of Ane Marquínez, Ana Pardo, Alazne Sagastuy and Aitor. The second classified team was Deusto 1 with students Berta Larrañaga, Haizene Gangoiti, Lorea Alonso and Naroa de Pedro, captained by alumni Sol Gil. Third place went to the team from Comillas Pontifical University, made up of students Claudia García, Lucía Resano and Adrián Campos.

The “best speaker” of the competition was awarded to Lorea Alonso, a student of Business Administration and Law. By speeches, Naroa de Pedro won the best initial speech, Lorea Alonso the best first rebuttal, Aroa Montero the best second rebuttal, Antonio Platero of the Colegio Mayor Universitario San Agustín the best third rebuttal, and Adriana Alonso the best conclusion.

Finally, the mention of “best research work” went to the multidisciplinary team Deusto 10 captained by Alberto Ramirez and formed by students Adriana Alonso, Camila Rojas, Lucia Castellanos and Nerea Doval.

Students from different faculties of Deusto and other university centers participated in this initiative in which, during the five rounds of debates, all were able to defend alternatively the positions for and against before a body of judges composed of university faculty and other external collaborators. 

In addition, between the rounds of debate, the debaters discussed and discussed their questions with the various experts in the field of law who shared their knowledge and analysis through the following lectures:

Complementarily, between the debate rounds, the debaters dialogued and transfered their questions to law experts who will share their knowledge and analysis through the following lectures:

  • “Introduction to the Bioethical Framework and Biolaw”, by Professor Emilio José Armaza.
  • “Pernkoff's Vienna: Evolution of the Historical Context”, by Professor Nere Jone Intxaustegi.
  • “The Patient's Right to Information”, by Professor Arantzazu Vicandi.
  • “The Pernkoff Trial”, by Professor Mikel Baigorrotegui.

The competition was also featured the participation of bioethics expert Professor Juan María de Velasco, SJ vice-postulator of the Cause of Canonization of Francisco Garate, who, in addition to presiding over the final debate, shared some extensive words on the figure of Brother Garate.

Brother Garate

Francisco Garate was an example of simplicity, hospitality and dialogue with different people in different situations. Remembering his example, our academic debate league seeks to be a space and a time of encounter between universities that share the mission of promoting the art of argumentation and critical thinking, so vital for the construction of cohesion and social justice. These dimensions have defined the league's themes since its inception.

More information

23/10/2024 - 26/10/2024 - XXIV Liga de debate académico Hermano Garate