Faculty of TheologyQuality Management

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The European Higher Education Area is structured around the principles of quality, mobility, diversity and competitiveness, and is oriented towards the achievement of strategic objectives such as the adoption of a system of easily comparable degrees, quality assurance, the structuring of university studies into two levels (undergraduate and postgraduate) and the implementation of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS credits).

The Degree has a Quality Management System that ensures its control, revision and continuous improvement. Furthermore, the centre in which the degree is taught, or the university, as the case may be, has procedures associated with quality assurance and formal mechanisms for the approval, control, periodic review and improvement of the degree, and establishes mechanisms for informing students and society about the degree and its objectives.

The system is maintained and continuously improved through the implementation of the quality policy and the objectives of the Faculty's strategic plan, the measurement and analysis of stakeholder satisfaction, the analysis of process results, audits and the review of the system by the Centre's Quality Committee.

The Dean and the Centre's Quality Committee, with the support of the Quality Unit, are responsible for the Quality Management System. 

The Faculty of Theology at the University of Deusto has a Quality Management System. This system is subject to a continuous improvement process through the analysis of process indicators and the procedure established for this purpose.

One of the main aims of the University of Deusto is to meet the needs of all the members of the University Community, with regard to the activities and services it offers.

Quality policy


Work as a team to continuously improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System of Faculties, Functional Areas and Services, and thus increase stakeholder satisfaction. The degree of satisfaction will be the reference framework for the establishment and revision of the quality objectives set out in the Management Plans of Faculties, Functional Areas and Services.

Inform, motivate and involve the staff of Faculties, Functional Areas and Services and students in the results obtained.

Improve the management of the processes determined through ongoing training of staff in Faculties, Functional areas and Services and appropriate handling of suggestions and complaints from stakeholders.

Guide and adapt processes to the requirements, needs and expectations of stakeholders in Faculties, Functional Areas and Services and to other applicable legal or regulatory requirements.


Vision and mission

Strategic plan


Deusto's Faculty of Theology is part of a University of the Society of Jesus, which also belongs to a worldwide university network with its educational tradition. This makes the Faculty a place of encounter and dialogue between faith and knowledge, between transcendent hope and the search for a more humane future, based on the conviction that the service of faith entails the promotion of justice.

The Faculty of Theology is called upon to make a threefold contribution:

  • Offer theological training (in undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral and continuing education) to students, both candidates for ordained ministry and all those who wish to critically and systematically deepen their knowledge of the Christian faith and tradition, enabling them to become qualified and committed members of the Church and society, both locally and globally.
  • Offer theological training to students from otherUniversity centres through the participation of their teaching staff in I+M training programmes or activities.
  • Provide theological research and reflection at the service of faith and the promotion of justice, especially in dialogue with other religions and with a highly secularised society, thus fostering a Church committed to the defence and service of the last and excluded.


The mission of the Faculty of Theology is, according to its Statutory Annex, art. 3 (28.6.2004):

  • Cultivate and promote a deeper knowledge of Revelation and a coherent and systematic understanding of the Christian faith, through scientific research and in collaboration with the other faculties of the University, in the light of the issues facing the local and universal Church in each era, and to be able to transmit this faith in a way that is appropriate to different cultures.
  • Provide students with a higher education in theology, enabling them for further research, religious teaching, the authoritative proclamation of the Word and the exercise of a qualified ecclesial ministry.
  • Promote theongoing training of the Church's ministers.
  • Encourage dialogue with the other Faculties at the University so that the Christian inspiration, and the demand for rigour in its reflection in the Faculty of Theology, remain in them.
  • Offer its collaboration to the local and universal Church, in close communication with the hierarchy, in its task of evangelisation and promotion of justice.
  • Collaborate in the enculturation of the Christian life and message in the cultural sphere of the Basque Country.
  • Disseminate the resultsof its research and reflection mainly through publications.



Develop a range of degree programmes to attract students:

  • Renewal of curricula for ecclesiastical degrees, adapting them to the orientations of Veritatis Gaudium
  • Design, approve, disseminate and implement new undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes
  • Design, disseminate and implement a variety of Continuing Education programmes (not oriented towards obtaining academic degrees)
  • Define and develop the Faculty's Research and Knowledge Transfer strategy
  • Recognition of a C research team by the University's Board of Directors
  • Collaborate with the Faculty and among researchers to increase the number of Teaching and Research Staff with accredited research periods
  • Implementation, improvement and development of the UD Management Model (MGPDI) for the Faculty of Theology.
  • Adapt the functioning of the department to the new management, teaching and research criteria
  • Reshaping of the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences (ISCR)
  • Encourage international mobility of teaching staff. UNIJES, ARISTOS CAMPUS MUNDUS
  • Offer international mobility for postgraduate students
  • Enhance collaboration with other institutions 








Further information in the  "Quality Management. A fully accredited degree" section for each programme.
