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Theology Conference - 25, 26 and 27 March 2025

Theology and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) marks a turning point. It is increasingly present in personal relationships, education, economy, work, art, healthcare, law, warfare, and international relations. And for this reason, it is important to consider its anthropological, ethical, and theological implications, and to reflect on the challenges, threats, and opportunities for human progress and the common good. AI also raises questions related to the Christian view of humanity and the world.

Theology is called to attempt to understand the models of intelligence, rationality, and humanity that AI entails.

It also responds to the challenges this entails, adapting the Christian message to this new context of inculturation or the adjustment of the Christian faith to these new arenas.

Believers will be able to act as responsible actors, capable of using this technology to promote an authentic vision of the human person and society, based on a technological understanding as part of God's plan for creation" (Antiqua et Nova, note on the relationship between artificial intelligence and human intelligence, Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith). Dicastery for Culture and Education, 2025.

Register for the Theology Seminar

Registration is open until 24 March at 9:00

Previous conferences and contact information


Conference 2022

Transformation and spirituality

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For further information, you can contact us at: teologia@deusto.es