Faculty of Health SciencesMaster’s degrees and specialisations

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Degree programmes

Study at the Faculty of Health Sciences

At Deusto we understand health as a combination of biological, physical, psychological and social factors.
¿Are you interested in health as an area linked to growth and development and not so much to the concept of pathology or disease? Do you believe that we all play a significant and active role in defining our health and well-being at all stages of our lives? Would you like to train as a professional to help people take responsibility for their health? Do you want to learn the most cutting-edge and innovative methodologies in this field?

A wide range of master's and double degrees on offer

What would you like to specialise in?

Faculty of Health Sciences

Master's degree programmes


Psicología Jurídica y Forense

Este máster de Formación Permanente está dirigido a personas interesadas en adquirir las competencias necesarias para el desarrollo de las funciones de la psicología Jurídica y Forense, en sus diferentes campos de aplicación, tales como la psicología aplicada a los tribunales, o la psicología penitenciaria, entre otros. 


Deusto Orthodontic Programme (DOP)

This programme is made up of two consecutive Deusto master's degrees: Clinical Master's Degree in Orthodontics and Master's Degree in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics. A full programme that covers everything from diagnosis and monitoring of cases to their completion.



The Master's Degree in Gerontology aims to help future and current professionals in the field of gerontology to gain a new and positive perspective on the elderly.


Clinical Neuropsychology

Advanced training aimed at acquiring the skills required by professionals who will be working in the field of neuropsychology, framed within the principles of neuropsychological assessment and intervention.


Social Intervention Psychology

If you have a degree in Psychology and are committed to social change, the promotion of justice and the welfare of disadvantaged groups, then this is the master's degree for you. 


General Health Psychology

This master's degree in General Health Psychology is of qualifying nature and qualifies students to practise psychologyin the health field. It is also a prerequisite for opening a psychology centre.


General Health Psychology + Gerontology

With this double degree, you will be able to practise as a psychologist in the health sector and complement this recognition with a specialisation in Gerontology.


General Health Psychology + Clinical Neuropsychology

Practise as a psychologist in the health sector and complement this recognition with aspecialisation in Neuropsychology.


General Health Psychology + Social Intervention Psychology

With this double degree, you will be able to practise as a psychologist in the health sector and complement this recognition with aspecialisation in Social Intervention Psychology.


General Health Psychology + Relational/Systemic Psychotherapy

This Master’s degree will provideyou with the necessary skills for professional practice in the fields of healthcare andrelational/systemic psychotherapy.


Relational-Systemic Psychotherapy

Relational-systemic psychotherapy is a discipline in the field of mental health that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders, taking into account the relational contextin which individuals interact.


Group Analytical Psychotherapy

The overall aim of the Master's Degree in Group Analytical Psychotherapy is to enable students toapply the group-analytic technique in different fields: health, mental health, social intervention, education and organisations. 


Integrative Relational Psychotherapy

The Master' s degree provides the keys for self-awareness and the development of the attitudes necessary to establish a therapeutic relationship based on inquiry, attunement and involvement.

Faculty of Health Sciences



Experto en Rehabilitación Cardiopulmonar, Metabólica y Oncológica

La formación se erige sobre cimientos sólidos: enfoques respaldados rigurosamente por evidencia científica, la implementación de tecnologías de vanguardia y una comprensión minuciosa de las necesidades individuales de cada paciente.



Experto en Fisioterapia Manual y Tratamiento del Dolor Musculoesquelético

El presente título de experto brinda una formación sólida a los fisioterapeutas en estos avances, al mismo tiempo que amplía y profundiza en las herramientas que ya poseen, tales como el razonamiento clínico y el reconocimiento de patrones, la habilidad manual y las nuevas técnicas de tratamiento.


Experto en Intervenciones psicoterapéuticas basadas en la terapia dialéctica conductual

Los participantes adquirirán conocimientos muy centrados en la práctica clínica cotidiana, dirigidos a ser puestos en práctica en diferentes dispositivos asistenciales de la red de salud mental. 


Experto en Intervenciones Psicoterapéuticas basadas en Mindfulness

El objetivo prioritario es capacitar al alumnado para desarrollar en su práctica clínica intervenciones psicoterapéuticas basadas en Mindfulness y especialmente para llevar a cabo intervenciones centradas en la reducción del estrés.


Experto en Psicología del Deporte y la Actividad Física

El programa de Experto en Psicología del Deporte y la Actividad Física de la Universidad de Deusto está diseñado para que los estudiantes adquieran un conocimiento sólido en psicología aplicada al deporte.



Expert Diploma in Relational-Systemic Psychotherapy: Clinical Supervision and Psychotherapeutic Advances

An advanced course in Systemic-Relational Psychotherapy aimed at students who, having completed the Master's Degree in Systemic-Relational Psychotherapy or equivalent, can meet the criteria for professional accreditation as a Family Psychotherapist or Europsy Psychologist specialising in psychotherapy.