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About the award and application

About the award

The award is aimed at women with degrees or careers in technology, engineering and other scientific fields closely related to technology.

The objectives of the award are:

  • To give visibility to women in the world of technology by recognising the relevance of their work, not sufficiently recognised by society at large.
  • Enriching society with technology outreach events, providing women's role models for new generations.
  • Encourage technological vocations by bringing technological work closer to adolescents, highlighting the positive aspects, especially in female vocations.
  • Give social visibility to the importance of technology for economic growth and as a future value for society.
  • Contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 5 of the 2030 Global Agenda: "Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls".

Gender Equality for sustainable development

For all these reasons, the Ada Byron Award is part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) programme. This programme presents 17 goals broken down into targets aimed at sustainable human development and equality between people. Specifically, Goal 5 refers to Gender Equality, making visible all forms of discrimination against women and girls.

The Ada Byron Award stands out for valuing the empowerment of women technologists and their positive impact on sustainable development and growth worldwide.

¿Conoces a nuestras Premio Ada Byron?

Historia del premio...

Patricia Horcajada

Patricia Horcajada Cortés

Premio Ada Byron a la Mujer Tecnóloga 2024

Experta en el área de Ciencia de Materiales
Alba gonzalez

Alba González Álvarez

Premio Ada Byron joven 2024

Ingeniería Biomédica y pionera en desarrollar implantes personalizados en 3D
Maria Jose Escalona

María José Escalona

Premio Ada Byron a la Mujer Tecnóloga 2023

Especialista en Ingeniería del Software
Sara García Alonso

Sara García Alonso

Premio Ada Byron joven 2023

Investigadora del cáncer y astronauta
Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro

Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro

Premio Ada Byron a la Mujer Tecnóloga 2022

Científica e investigadora, especialista en observaciones radioastronómicas
Julia Guiomar

Julia Guiomar Niso Galán

Premio Ada Byron Joven 2022

Ingeniera Biomédica e investigadora en dinámica cerebral
Elena Garcia

Elena García Armada

Premio Ada Byron a la Mujer Tecnóloga 2021

Ingeniera Industrial y doctora en Robótica
Jordina Torrents

Jordina Torrents Barrena

Premio Ada Byron Joven 2021

Ingeniera Informática y doctora en Inteligencia Artificial
Laura Lechuga

Laura Lechuga

Premio Ada Byron a la Mujer Tecnóloga 2020

Química e investigadora en CSIC
Susana Ladra

Susana Ladra

Premio Ada Byron Joven 2020

Ingeniera y doctora en Informática
Concepción Alicia Monje

Concepción Alicia Monje

Premio Ada Byron a la Mujer Tecnóloga 2019

Investigadora en Robótica
Ana Freire

Ana Freire

Premio Ada Byron Joven 2019

Ingeniera informática e investigadora en Inteligencia Artificial
Maria Angeles

María Ángeles Martín Prats

Premio Ada Byron a la Mujer Tecnóloga 2018

Doctora en Física y directora en investigación aeronáutica
Regina Llopis

Regina Llopis

Premio Ada Byron a la Mujer Tecnóloga 2017

Licenciada en matemáticas y especialista en Inteligencia Artificial
Nuria Oliver

Nuria Oliver

Premio Ada Byron a la Mujer Tecnóloga 2016

Doctora en Inteligencia Artificial por MIT
Asunción Gómez

Asunción Gómez Pérez

Premio Ada Byron a la Mujer Tecnóloga 2015

Investigadora y especialista en Inteligencia Artificial
Begoña Garcia Zapirain

Begoña García-Zapirain

Accésit 2015

Doctora en Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial
Montserrat Meya

Montserrat Meya

Premio Ada Byron a la Mujer Tecnóloga 2014

Lingüista especializada en lenguaje informático
Andrea Blanco

Andrea Blanco

Accésit 2014

Investigadora y experta en fotónica


Enter for the award! Encourage her to enter for the award!

This is the story of an incredible woman, a woman technologist with a strange gift: the gift of invisibility. Do you feel like ending this story? Deadline for applications open from january 25th to april 26th.

Ada Byron website


The award has two categories since 2019: absolute and youth* (under 35). Candidates must apply using the same application procedure. Each candidate can present themselves or be presented by any other person or entity.

The prize will be worth 3,000 euros (1,000 euros for the Ada Youth Award). 

An independent panel, made up of personalities from academia, business and the institutional world, will examine the nominations and choose the winner.


*Candidates who are 35 years of age or younger at the beginning of the award year will be considered valid candidates for the Ada Youth Award. For these purposes, one additional year shall be considered valid for each year of leave taken for birth, adoption, foster care or adoption.

  • Any woman who meets the following requirements:
  • Be of legal age and resident in Spain.
  • Hold a university degree in Engineering and/or have developed their professional career in the technological field.
  • Relevance of the innovations contributed to their scientific or professional career.
  • Relevance of complementary qualifications (such as postgraduate degrees or a PhD degree).
  • Capacity to connect different activities through collaboration with other people and entities.
  • Capacity to socialise knowledge and achievements through public dissemination.
  • Ability to overcome difficulties, including, where appropriate, those arising from their status as women and those generated by the need to reconcile personal, family and work and/or professional life.
  • Contribution to support the presence of other women in science and to bring about changes in science towards greater equality.



Mandatory documentation to be enclosed


Mandatory documentation to be enclosed

  • A curriculum vitae specifying the following sections:
  • Training/education, 1 page maximum.
  • Professional development, 2 pages maximum.
  • A free motivation letter: ¿why should I be the winner of this award? 1 page maximum.
  • Optionally, a video presentation of the candidature of no more than 2 minutes in length may be sent.
  • The 10 finalists may be asked to provide proof of the information provided.

The electronic form will ask for identification (with social networks or email) and summaries of some aspects of the curriculum vitae are also requested in order to facilitate the panel's decision. Fill them in and also attach the full document:

Application form

Contact us if you have any queries or for additional submissions: premioadabyron@deusto.es

Jurado y Comité Científico Tecnológico

Asier Perallos

Asier Perallos

Presidente del jurado

Decano de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Deusto
Gobierno de España

Eva Ortega-Paíno

Secretaria general de Investigación - Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades Gobierno de España
Guillermo Dorronsoro

Guillermo Dorronsoro

Management Board Advisor en ZABALA Innovation Consulting
Idoia Maguregui Villalain

Idoia Maguregui Villalain

Consejera Asesora CIOnet
Izaskun Landaida

Miren Elgarresta

Directora de Emakunde-Instituto Vasco de la Mujer
Lorena Fernandez

Lorena Fernández

Directora de Comunicación Digital de la Universidad de Deusto
Manuel Salaverria

Manuel Salaverria

Presidente de Innobasque
Nerea Aranguren

Nerea Aranguren

Directora de Innovación de Danobatgroup y Gerente Ideko
Regina Llopis

Regina Llopis

Presidenta de Grupo AIA
Teresa Laespada Martínez

Teresa Laespada Martínez

Diputada de Empleo, Cohesión e Igualdad en la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia
 Sara Gómez Martín

Sara Gómez Martín

Directora del Proyecto Mujer e Ingeniería

Real Academia de Ingeniería
Estibaliz Hernaez

Estíbaliz Hernáez

Profesora e investigadora departamento de Química Física Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología UPV-EHU
Andoni Eguiluz

Andoni Eguiluz Morán

Comité Científico-Tecnológico

Universidad de Deusto
Cristina Giménez Elorriaga

Cristina Giménez Elorriaga

Comité Científico-Tecnológico

Universidad de Deusto
Cora Urdaneta

Cora Urdaneta Ponte

Comité Científico-Tecnológico

Universidad de Deusto

Patricia Horcajada Cortés Ada Byron Award to Women Technologists 2024 and Alba González Álvarez Ada Byron Young Ada Byron Award, leading women in the scientific and technological sector

Ada Byron Award 2024

Premio Ada Byron

Ediciones anteriores

Alba González, Juan José Etxberria and Patricia Horcajada

18 December 2024 - Bilbao Campus

Researchers Patricia Horcajada and Alba González receive the Ada Byron Awards for Women in Technology

Senior award winner Patricia Horcajada works on the design of new multifunctional materials for application in energy, health and environment. Alba González, young...
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Patricia Horcajada y Alba González

02 October 2024 - Bilbao Campus

The researchers Patricia Horcajada and Alba Gonzalez, winners of the Ada Byron Awards

The 11th edition of this Faculty of Engineering award has beaten a record with 178 nominations submitted.
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Sara García Alonso

18 September 2024 - Bilbao Campus

Astronaut Sara García Alonso meets with students of the new Biomedical Engineering degree to talk about ‘Biotechnology in space’

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Sara García, Juan José Etxeberria, Nerea Melgosa and Asier Perallos

25 January 2024 - Bilbao Campus

Astronaut Sara García and software engineering specialist María José Escalona, the latest winners of the Ada Byron Award, will present this year's award event for women technologists

This award, which has become a national benchmark, seeks to promote vocations in the field of R&D among women. The deadline for submitting applications is 26 April.
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Sara García, Asier Perallos y María José Escalona

13 July 2023 - Madrid Headquarters

Deusto entrega el “Premio Ada Byron a la Mujer Tecnóloga 2023” a María José Escalona, especialista en ingeniería del software, y a Sara García, investigadora del cáncer y astronauta

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18 December 2024 - Bilbao Campus

Researchers Patricia Horcajada and Alba González receive the Ada Byron Awards for Women in Technology

02 October 2024 - Bilbao Campus

The researchers Patricia Horcajada and Alba Gonzalez, winners of the Ada Byron Awards

18 September 2024 - Bilbao Campus

Astronaut Sara García Alonso meets with students of the new Biomedical Engineering degree to talk about ‘Biotechnology in space’

25 January 2024 - Bilbao Campus

Astronaut Sara García and software engineering specialist María José Escalona, the latest winners of the Ada Byron Award, will present this year's award event for women technologists

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International Award

As part of the internationalisation strategy and to give visibility and promote the presence and contributions of women technologists in various scientific disciplines in the past, present and future of technology and innovation, the prize is being promoted in Latin American countries. In the near future, there are also plans to expand the internationalisation of the award in Europe.

In 2019, the first awards in Mexico were launched by the Ibero Mexico and Ibero Puebla Jesuit universities, and in 2020 it arrived in Argentina with the Catholic University of Cordoba and the National Technological University. (In 2021, the Ada Byron Award also reached Uruguay, with the Universidad Católica del Uruguay, as well as Colombia, together with the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá and Cali)

A la mujer tecnóloga

Premio Ada Byron