Sports analytics: Sport through dataExpert Diploma

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    Subjects Expert Diploma Sports Analytics


    The course syllabus is structured into 4 modules:

    • Module 1: Sports analytics (3 credits).
    • Module 2: Data collection and storage (4 credits).
    • Module 3: Data analysis (5 credits).
    • Module 4: Project (3 credits).



    Specific competences

    • Analyse the state-of-the-art in data analysis in sports and its impact on organisations.
    • Identify the main data storage and visualisation tools and learn how to organise and discriminate data.
    • Develop the basic statistical skills to apply data analysis techniques in the field of sport.
    • Recognise the basic aspects of the language used by data analysts: R, Python, SQL, NoSQL.
    • Examine the process required to design an interface and draw up reports on real sports challenges.

    What will be my career options?

    Career opportunities

    sports analytics

    What will be my career options?

    Career opportunities

    The Expert Diploma brings together data analytics and a passion for sport in general.

    Given the relevance of data incurrent sports contexts and its interdisciplinary nature, the areas of professional opportunity are linked to performance, management, and health.


    A practical and dynamic learning method

    UD learning model (MAUD)


    Experiential context

    We know that we learn from experience. Therefore, at Deusto, our starting point is students’ previous knowledge. In the first stage, activities are proposed to explore students' preconceptions, relevant cases and previous experiences related to the subject matter addressed.


    Reflective observation

    Once these preliminary schemes have been drawn up, it is essential to examineand questionthem. Thus, in this second phase, participants engage in discussion activities through questioning and systematic observation.



    We compare our prior knowledge with literature on the subject. The course is lecture-based(both classroom-based and online) and includes reading of texts and/or their guided presentation.


    Active learning

    Students will put into practice what they have learnt through practical activities such as attending clinical sessions as a co-therapist or reflecting team, case analysis, project development and external work placements in centres.



    Lastly, the assessment process comprisesreflection on what the student has learned and evaluation of the work completed. Students will carry out a variety of activities such as written tests, report writing, etc.


    Face-to-face and online tutorials

    You will have full support throughout the whole process. The university provides both face-to-face and online tutorials, aimed at supervisingand monitoring work (individual and/or group).



    From February to June 2026.



    Fridays from 15:30 to 20:30; Saturdays from 9:00 to 14:00.