Addiction Prevention with Adolescents and Young AdultsExpert Diploma

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    Subjects Expert Diploma in Addiction Prevention


    The course syllabus is spread over 5 years:

    • Module 1: Substance use and addictions (3 credits).
    • Module 2: Addiction prevention (3 credits).
    • Module 3: Programme planning and evaluation (3 credits).
    • Module 4: Quality of prevention programmes (3 credits).
    • Module 5: Final project (3 credits).

    Just like in on-campus teaching, the subjects are designed with the University of Deusto’s Learning Model (MAUD)in mind. More information in Deusto Online Model.




    Planning processes

    You will acquire the educational knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values needed to effectively support adolescents and young people through their transition, addressing both substance use and misuse.


    Designing and evaluating programmes

    You will be able to design and evaluate addiction prevention programmes according to the European Drug Prevention Quality Standards (EDPQS) of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.


    Providing evidence to the process

    You will develop skills to assess the initial situation, identify the needs of the target population, relate risk and protective factors, ensure internal coherence between needs, resources, objectives, activities, and evaluations, and provide evidence-based contributions.


    Identify quality criteria

    You will be able to identify the quality criteria established on the Best Practice Portal for the reduction of drug demand and other addictions.


    Gaining a systemic perspective

    You will integrate asystemic perspective in addressing addictions with adolescents and young people, focusing not only on the individual but also on their surrounding environment. This includes key elements such as family, teachers, peer groups, and the broader social or community context.

    Expert Diploma

    Career opportunities

    Expert Diploma in Addiction Prevention with Adolescents and Young Adults

    Expert Diploma

    Career opportunities

    This programme is aimed at professionals in the healthcare, psychological, and educational fields who work in addiction care, as well as those involved in direct intervention with minors and risk behaviours, and professionals in the school environment. 

    Graduates of the programme are well-equipped for entry into or advancement within the following professional areas:

    • Addiction prevention teams at the municipal, provincial, and regional levels, as well as third-sector organisations.
    • Community Prevention Staff, youth leisure areas and youth centres.
    • Teams in educational centres oriented towards prevention with students.


    Virtual Campus

    From September 2025 to June 2026.


    Technical requirements for studying online


    The University of Deusto provides access to the technological tools

    necessary to develop your education.


    The University of Deusto provides ongoing IT support

    when experiencing technical difficulties.


    Operating Systems

    Windows: 10 and 11

     Mac OS: 10.15 or higher


    Compatible browsers:






    Webcam, microphone, speakers and mobile phone

    They will be required in some subjects for activities, tutorials or assessment tests


    Stable internet connection

    For certain activities (exams, virtual laboratories, etc.) the connection should be via LAN cable (Ethernet) to the router to avoid connection drop outs or network outages.