Expert Diploma in Ethics of Digitisation and Applied Artificial Intelligence

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    About the Expert Diploma

    This Expert Diploma provides a solid professional, specialised training to respond to the growing ethical demands arising in the world of digitisation and AI. This programme is designed to equip professionals with the skills needed to navigate emerging ethical dilemmas and manage the impacts of digital technology and AI on our societies.


    Course content

    This is a fully recognised programme to competence in ethical management of digitalisation and AI. It equips professionals with the skills to identify, analyse, assess and manage the impacts of these emerging technologies.



    100% online

    This programme is mainly asynchronous, allowing you to adapt your learning to your personal schedule. Occasionally, we will offer live video conferences, with a practical focus on contemporary ethical challenges in the field of digitisation and AI.


    Career opportunities

    Graduates of the programme will have the opportunity to work in a variety of roles and organisations, both public and private. These include positions in government, the technology industry, the legal sector or academia among others, where they will apply their knowledge of the ethics of digitalisation and AI.



    With innovative and applied methodologies

    Our programme implements innovative and applied teaching methodologies, such as problem-based and project-based learning. You will face real-life situations related to ethics in the use of AI and digitisation.


    World-class academic staff

    Our programme is taught by leading experts and practising professionals with extensive experience in the digital ethics and AI field, providing our students with a cutting-edge education.



    It offers a specialisation in the ethical management of digitalisation and AI, providing an all-round education with a focus on the ethical considerations of these emerging technologies. Preparing our graduates to make meaningful and ethical contributions in an increasingly digital and automated world.

    • Campus:

      Virtual campus

    • Programme name:

      Expert Diploma in Ethics of Digitisation and Applied Artificial Intelligence

    • Duration/credits:

      September 2025-June 2026 - 24 ECTS

    • Language


    • Programme type


    • Application process:

      March 2025

    • Faculty:

      Social and Human SciencesEngineering
    • Share:

    Master's degrees

    Open Day

    Come to the Bilbao Campus (Auditorium Cloister) on March 20 from 12.00h to 17.00h.  

    Find out more about our master's degree programs and receive personalized advice.

    Miguel Ramón Viguri nos presenta el Experto en Digitalización e Inteligencia Artificial AplicadaIcono para el play del video

    Expert Diploma in Ethics of Digitisation and Applied Artificial Intelligence

    Miguel Ramón Viguri nos presenta el Experto en Digitalización e Inteligencia Artificial Aplicada

    Miguel Ramón ViguriDirector del Experto
    Borja Sanz Urquijo, profesor del ExpertoIcono para el play del video

    Expert Diploma in Ethics of Digitisation and Applied Artificial Intelligence

    Borja nos expone el perfil y las salidas profesionales del Experto en Ética de la Digitalización y de la Inteligencia Artificial Aplicada

    Borja Sanz UrquijoProfesor del Experto

    Nuestros estudiantes cuentan su experiencia

    En primera persona

    Testimonio Lorena Fernández

    Lo más valioso de este programa es aprender a mirar la IA y la tecnología desde una perspectiva ética y multidisciplinar. Un aprendizaje profundo que transforma nuestro compromiso con el futuro

    Lorena Fernández

    Testimonio Laura Gonzalez

    Este programa Experto ofrece una sólida formación en IA, digitalización y ética tecnológica. La experiencia es excelente gracias a un claustro profesional que capacita para gestionar dilemas éticos en tecnologías emergentes.

    Laura González

    Testimonio Aida Rivas

    Con la Inteligencia artificial cada vez más presente en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida, considero fundamental comprender los desafíos éticos que nos plantea esta tecnología.

    Aida Rivas

    Online but not alone


    Online but not alone

    In our online programme, you will feel connected. Our model promotes autonomy, while also providing ongoing support. Tutorials with the teaching staff will be a key element in your learning throughout the academic year. In the virtual campus, you will be able to interact with the teaching staff and peers: in forums, you will receive feedback on your assignments, participate in occasional remote meetings, work in shared spaces and access digital repositories.

    Admission process


    Admission process

    Regardless of the geographical area you come from, the University of Deusto has designed a process that you can complete 100% online. 
    Through our Virtual Office, you can register and check the status of your application at any time.

    Online pre-enrolment
    Registration deadline: from March 2025




    The recommended entry profile for this programme is diverse due to its nature; therefore, a variety of professional backgrounds is sought.

    Find out more


    See information



    Course fees

    Fee: €2.568,00€


    Course start date

    September 2025
    Course duration: to June 2026