Subjects | Semester | ECTS | Type | Language |
Current issues of International Relations and Business Diplomacy | S1 | 8 | Obligatoria | en |
Interpretive paradigms, actors and global scenarios | S1 | 14 | Obligatoria | en |
Business Diplomacy and non-financial risk analysis I | S1 | 8 | Obligatoria | en |
Business Diplomacy and non-financial risk analysis II | S2 | 8 | Obligatoria | en |
International negotiation, crisis management and intercultural communication | S2 | 7 | Obligatoria | en |
External internships | S2 | 9 | Prácticas externas | es-eu-en |
Master's Degree Project | S2 | 6 | Trabajo Fin de Máster | en |