GerontologyMaster's degree

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A practical and dynamic learning method

The University of Deusto learning model (MAUD)


Experiential context

We know that we learn from experience, so at Deusto we start from the student’s prior knowledge. In the first stage, activities are proposed aimed at exploring students’ preconceptions, significant cases and previous experiences in relation to the subject matter addressed.


Reflective observation

Once these preliminary outlines have been established, it is essential to consider and question them. Thus, in this second phase, a number of activities are carried out for reflection through questioning and systematic observation .



We compare our prior knowledge with written theory on the subject. We follow a lecture-based method (online and live streaming), with reading of texts and/or their guided presenation .


Active experimentation

To put learning into practice, practical activities such as case studies, analysis of intervention and research projects , problem- and project-based learning, synthesis work, practical activities of students in the centres, data collection and analysis are carried out.



Finally, assessment is carried out to reflect on what has been learned and assessment is made on the work performed. Activities such as written tests, report writing and other activities are carried out.


Face-to-face and online tutorials

You will follow this whole process under the supervision of a tutor. At the university there are tutorials, both face-to-face and online, aimed at supervising and monitoring work (individual and/or group).

How is learning assessed?

Assessment system


How is learning assessed?

Assessment system

Three indicators are proposed to assess the progress and learning outcomes of the degree programme as a whole:

  • Assessment system to measure the acquisition of competences related to the different subjects.
  • Assessment of the external internships undertaken by students each academic year by academic and professional tutors. Upon completion of the internships, information will be collected from the tutors involved. Students' performance will be assessed to measure the degree to which the competences envisaged have been achieved.
  • Result of the Master’s Final Project. After completing their Master’s Project, students will end their educational process. The Master’s project will be assessed by an examining committee on a viva voce examination. The examining committee will be made up of three Faculty members (PhDs).

Academic calendar

From September to June.





Thursday and Friday 15:30 -19:30


Master’s Final Project


Students will be required to develop a research project under the supervision of a tutor, in which they will have to apply the knowledge and competences acquired during the programme. The topic must be related to a specific subject area covered during the Master’s degree programme.

The project focuses on demonstrating students’ knowledge of research techniques and methodology and their ability to apply them to a specific subject fulfilling the requirements for a psychology research project in Gerontology.


The subject will be assessed through the presentation and public defence of the Master’s project and the tutor’s report, which will include an assessment of the expected learning outcomes.

The prior approval of the tutor/project supervisor will be required for the presentation of the project. The public defence will be made before a Examining Committee (three lecturers (PhDs) from the academic staff on the Master’s).



Academic regulations



Academic regulations

The following section explains the University of Deusto Postgraduate Regulations.

Postgraduate Academic Regulations

Academic rules on procedures for the regulation of official master's degrees

Transfer of credits