GerontologyMaster's degree

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Working in Gerontology


The centre has a process called “Career Guidance Management”Career Guidance Management” whose purpose and scope are:

  • Promote the employment of final year students or former students of the centre, putting them in contact with companies interested in graduates from the centre,
  • Measure and analyse the results on the labour market insertion of future graduates
  • Define the necessary improvement actions to enhance the course syllabus.

It also includes measuring satisfaction with the training received.

Career opportunities:

  • Social and health care services (residential homes, day centres)
  • Health services and health centres (dementia units, palliative care units)
  • Public entities
  • Social services companies
  • Training centres for adults and seniors
  • Telecare services
  • Leisure companies
  • Rehabilitation centres and memory units

Labour market insertion



Labour market insertion


And after finishing your studies? At the University of Deusto we want to continue giving you support and that is why we have a service called Deusto Alumni, whose main objective is to promote employability.

Deusto Alumni Grants