General Health Psychology + Clinical NeuropsychologyMaster's degree

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    A practical and dynamic learning method

    Deusto learning model (MAUD)


    Experiential context

    We know that we learn from experience. Therefore, at Deusto, our starting point is the student's previous knowledge. In the first stage, activities are aimed at exploring students’ preconceptions, significant cases and previous experiencesin relation to the subject matter addressed.


    Reflective observation

    Once the previous background has been explored, it is essential to reflect and examine these ideas. Thus, the second phase focuses on activities for reflection through questioning and systematic observation .



    We compare our previous knowledge with written theory on the subject. We follow a lecture-based method (with face-to-face and online support) through supervised reading material and texts.


    Active learning

    To put learning into practice , a number of practical activities are carried out. These include case studies, analysis of intervention and research projects , problem- and project-based learning, synthesis work, practical activities conducted by students in the centres, data collection and analysis.



    Finally, the assessment process involves reflection on what the student has learned and evaluation of the work completed. Activities such as written tests, report writing and other activities are carried out.


    Face-to-face and online tutorials.

    You will be supervised throughout this process. At the university there are tutorials, both face-to-face and online, aimed at supervising and monitoring work (individual and/or group).

    How is learning assessed?

    Assessment system


    How is learning assessed?

    Assessment system

    • Individual practical activities in the classroom (questionnaires, solving exercises and problems, case analysis).
    • Practical activities in centres.
    • Record of participation and communication in the classroom.
    • Oral presentation in the classroom.
    • Project work.
    • Laboratory practice (Deusto-Psych).
    • Scientific report.
    • Individual portfolio.
    • Practical group activities in the classroom (debates, case study analysis, paper drafting, etc.).
    • Specific written tests.

    24/25 Academic calendar

    From September to June (two academic years).

    1 YEAR 

    2 YEAR




    Monday to Friday: 15:30 to 19:30


    Academic regulations



    Academic regulations

    The following section explains the University of Deusto Postgraduate Regulations.

    Postgraduate Academic Regulations

    Academic rules on procedures for the regulation of official master's degree courses

    Transfer of credits