European & International Business ManagementMaster's degree

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    A fully international master's degree

    Your training


    International training

    Following an introduction to the fundamentals of management, the topics are revisited from an international perspective.This is applied to all subject areas such as finance, marketing, management or strategy.

    There are also supranational contents such as those corresponding to the European context (legislation, institutions, etc.).



    Classes are taught both in the local language of each country and in English, three of the most widely spoken languages in the world.

    The Master's degree includes classes to improve oral and written communication skills with native teachers


    Long- term internships

    At the end of your stay in Bradford, you will undertake a long-term internship (3-6 months) in a company or organisation with an international focus. Career Services department will support you as you find an internship that suits your professional and personal aspirations.


    Master’s Final Project

    This project is carried out in teams made up of classmates of  several nationalities and diverse previous qualifications. It is a way of simulating situations that you will experience in your internship.

    The only trilingual master's degree in Europe

    Programme structure


    University of Deusto (Bilbao) October - January


    Grenoble École de Management - Grenoble - France: February - June


    Internships and Master's Final Project: starting in June


    Subjects Semester ECTS Type Where

    Preparatory language course




    Finance and Sustainability


    7 OB Bilbao
    Marketing and Logistics S1 5 OB Bilbao
    International Context S1 5 OB Bilbao
    Innovation Management S1 5 OB Bilbao
    Strategy and Crisis Management S1 5 OB Bilbao
    Culture and Languages S1 3 OB Bilbao
    Finance and Sustainability II S2 3 OB Grenoble
    Marketing and Logistics II S2 6 OB Grenoble
    International Context II S2 3 OB Grenoble
    Innovation Management II S2 6 OB Grenoble
    Strategy and Crisis Management II S2 3 OB Grenoble
    Culture and Languages II S2 3 OB Grenoble
    Master's Final Thesis S2 6 TFM Grenoble
    Internship S3 12 PE  
    Work intensification S3 18 OP  



    A wide range of educational methods


    • Lectures
    • Group reflection and discussion
    • Preparation of case studies, reports, etc.
    • Research, reading and study of documentation
    • Presentation of work and case studies
    • Analysis and discussion of case studies
    • Reading and analysis of literature and news
    • Viewing and analysis of audiovisual material
    • Simulation exercises
    • Tutorials

    The programme demands a great deal of individual and group work.

    Students' assessment will be based on the final exams for each subject, which will be held in the language and by the lecturers from the university where they are taught. In addition, it is necessary to pass both written and oral language tests.

    Intensive language course

    Introductory French course

    Intensive language course

    This French or Spanish course is offered to students who are going to begin this Master's degree and need to increase their fluency before the start of the programme. There are two different levels, A2 and B1, taught by native teachers.

    Calendar and schedule


    Academic calendar

    - Intensive language course: From 9th to 27th September 2024 
    - Start date of the Master's degree: 30 September 2024 in Bilbao (until December)



    The schedule is different at each location although the lectures, activities, etc. will be held between 9:00 and 19:30, from Monday to Friday.

    Internships in companies with an international focus

    The last stage of the Master's degree in European and International Business Management consists of an internship in a company, preferably in a country whose mother tongue is different from your own. 

    The overall objective of this internship is to give students work experience with a high level of responsibility for a certain period of time and under the supervision of a tutor.





    3 - 6 month internships

    The internship lasts  3 - 6 months and is monitored by our teaching staff as well as by an on-site supervisor at the company. 



    Companies with an international focus

    You will do a full-time internship, preferably in organisations with an international scope and/or located abroad.

    Master’s Final Project

    Master’s Final Project


    In teams formed by people of different nationalities and previous qualifications, you will carry out a research project with an international focus on a business or current economic topic

    The Master’s Final Project allows students to demonstrate their mastery of the abilities needed to embark on an international multilingual career in the field of management.


    1. Report: 

    This report, written in English, is technical in nature and similar in style to a consultancy or management report.

    This report is done in groups of three people, whose members have at least two different nationalities and previous backgrounds in at least two different fields of study .

    2.- Oral Defence- (Comprehensive Oral Examination)

    The oral defence will be held at the end of June in Bradford, before an examining board formed by lecturers from the three universities.

    Together with the members of your team, you will give a presentation in English on the topic analysed in the report.

    Following the presentation, the examining board will ask each student questions in languages other than their native language.