Computation and Intelligent Systems Master's degree

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    Project-based learning and technological challenges

    About the Master’s degree

    The Master's Degree in Computing and Intelligent Systems (MUCSI) aims to produce professionals in the field of Computer Science specialising in current computing systems and intelligent systems. They will further their practical experience in real projects related to the company, in areas of great importance and current and future demand.

    It aims to train students to become professionals who:

    •    have an in-depth knowledge of the most important computing technologies on the market to be able to choose the most appropriate ones and use them to design solutions to real problems for any type of data analysis company, whether in services or industry;

    •   Identify and handle the most important AI algorithms and libraries in business processes, adapting and using them effectively in solving business needs;

    •   Apply mass data processing methodologies and technologies to integrate computational systems with analysis algorithms for any volume of data available, both for historical data and real-time processing;

    •    Have the capacity for creativity and innovation in the development of products and services in the field of computing and intelligent systems;

    •    Apply a values-based approach to their work and demonstrate an ethical dimension in their decisions.


    A full range of electives

    It allows students to choose the aspects they are most interested in.


    Integration of

    mainstream technologies and technological aspects with great potential (blockchain, quantum computing…)



    Students will have the possibility of doing internships in companies, and gaining access to doctoral studies.



    Participation of IT companies and professionals: academic staff, invited sessions and site visits

    • Campus:

      Bilbao Campus

    • Programme name:

      Computing and Intelligent Systems

    • Duration/credits:

      60 ECTS

    • Language


    • Number of places


    • Application process:

    • Additional information:

      Dual training option

    • Faculty:

    • Share:

    2025-2026 ACADEMIC YEAR

    Applications are now open

    The admission process for the 2025-26 academic year is now open

    Deusto 1st Basque University in Computer Engineering


    Deusto 1st Basque University in Computer Engineering

    Over 40 years training experts in computing. Specialise in 1 year with this master's programme

    We train IT professionals to lead the technological progress and society of tomorrowWith 40 years of experience, we offer you:

    Technical and scientific knowledge

    currently required by the job market, as well as the generic skills most valued by companies.

    Direct contact with the business world

    Through weekly sessions with professionals from leading companies in the sector, who provide their vision on the key aspects of IT, as well as visits to centres and facilities.

    Access to first-hand

    work experience through an internship in a company.

    The 10 keys to the Master's Degree in Computation and Intelligent Systems


    The contents cover the technical and scientific knowledge currently required by the job market
    , as well as the generic skills most valued by companies.


    Weekly sessions with professionals from leading companies in the sector who will contribute their vision on the key aspects of IT, as well as visits to centres and installations. Weekly sessions with professionals from leading companies in the sector who will contribute their vision on the key aspects of IT, as well as visits to centres and installations. Weekly sessions with professionals from leading companies in the sector who will contribute their vision on the key aspects of IT, as well as visits to centres and installations. Weekly sessions with professionals from leading companies in the sector who will contribute their vision on the key aspects of IT, as well as visits to centres and installations.


    You will be able to gain first-hand work experience by doing a work placement in a company. You will be able to gain first-hand work experience by doing a work placement in a company. You will be able to gain first-hand work experience by doing a work placement in a company. You will be able to gain first-hand work experience by doing a work placement in a company.


    As a student, you will have the possibility to study at a foreign university as part of an international mobility programme. As a student, you will have the possibility to study at a foreign university as part of an international mobility programme. As a student, you will have the possibility to study at a foreign university as part of an international mobility programme. As a student, you will have the possibility to study at a foreign university as part of an international mobility programme.


    It can be done in one academic yearIt can be done in one academic yearIt can be done in one academic yearIt can be done in one academic year


    You will have direct contact with research and innovation in new technologies by doing a placement in a technology centre. You will have direct contact with research and innovation in new technologies by doing a placement in a technology centre. You will have direct contact with research and innovation in new technologies by doing a placement in a technology centre. You will have direct contact with research and innovation in new technologies by doing a placement in a technology centre.


    The Computer Engineering profession has always had a high employability rate and the forecast is that this trend will be maintained in the future. The Computer Engineering profession has always had a high employability rate and the forecast is that this trend will be maintained in the future. The Computer Engineering profession has always had a high employability rate and the forecast is that this trend will be maintained in the future. The Computer Engineering profession has always had a high employability rate and the forecast is that this trend will be maintained in the future.


    The programme has the backing of relevant companies in the sector and research and innovation technology centres.The programme has the backing of relevant companies in the sector and research and innovation technology centres.The programme has the backing of relevant companies in the sector and research and innovation technology centres.The programme has the backing of relevant companies in the sector and research and innovation technology centres.

    Candidate profile

    Admission criteria

    • Graduates in Computer Science Engineering who want to further their career development.
    • Graduates in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence who want to broaden their specialisation in computing and artificial intelligence.
    • Graduates in Computer Science Engineering who want to make a qualitative leap in their career and specialise in one of the most promising areas in the coming years.
    • Other university graduates with professional experience in the IT field who wish to specialise in an area that is increasingly in demand in the labour market.
    • University graduates in any engineering field who wish to pursue a PhD degree at the University of Deusto or at any other Spanish or international university and dedicate themselves to research.

    Assessment of the supporting documents provided:

    • Application form
    • Full academic transcript of Bachelor’s, Engineering, Diploma or Technical Engineering degrees or equivalent qualifications:
    • Curriculum Vitae(and language certificates, if applicable)
    • Letter of motivation. two pages (maximum 800 words) outlining your motivation, potential to successfully study at postgraduate level and future professional interests.
    • Possibility of a personal interview.

    Further information

    The Committee will consult the report from the University’s Curriculum Adaptation Unit and the Social Work Service to ensure equal rights and opportunities for access and acquisition of the competences required for the award of the degree.
    Finally, the University of Deusto guarantees no discrimination on grounds of age, sex, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, origin, or any other condition with respect to access to Master's studies, as in other levels, for any person qualified to do so. 







    If you are going to study at the University of Deusto, you can benefit from our grant aid. We will give you information about the eligibility criteria and the range of grants promoted by other organisations.




