Automotive Design and manufacturingMaster's degree

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    Our students tell you about it

    In first person

    With the support of a facilitator from the host company and another from the university throughout the dual learning process, Oihane Agirregoikoa tells us what it was like to study and work on real projects in the company simultaneously, until she ended up as a process engineer in the company where she worked and developed her dual project.

    We train...Automotive professionals

    Advanced Automotive Management

    Automotive technologies

    Advanced Materials Transformation Processes

    Advanced Manufacturing

    Vehicle Dynamics

    Computer Aided Design, Calculation and Manufacturing

    Gerardo Navajas

    The automotive industry needs young professionals with a global vision of the sector and solid and specific knowledge of both current technologie...

    Gerardo NavajasHead of paint process department. Mercedes-Benz Factory Vitoria