Doble Grado en Derecho + Comunicación

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Your first step into the world of work


Internships will open the way to a professional future in which you will be able to work with ease and confidence thanks to your training in a company, law firm or institution and the advice of the Law School's Careers Guidance Service.

+300Partner institutions

8.2Level of student satisfaction

Gestión y acompañamiento


La Facultad de Derecho ofrece el servicio de un departamento dedicado exclusivamente a gestionar las prácticas externas. 

Actualmente contamos con una red de más de 300 despachos, empresas e instituciones colaboradoras.

Las prácticas son compatibles con el itinerario tecnológico-jurídico y el itinerario internacional. 

Prácticas de Derecho: 

Extracurriculares en 3º., 4º. y 5º. curso.

Prácticas de Comunicación:

En 4º. curso curriculares y en 5º. curso extracurriculares.

Las prácticas del Doble Grado en Derecho + Relaciones Laborales son obligatorias y se realizan bajo la tutela de un profesional de la organización y con el apoyo de un/a profesor/a de la Facultad de Derecho.


Where will you do your internship?

Partner institutions

Prácticas Derecho + Comunicación

"En el Departamento jurídico de Urona he tratado con profesionales de diversas materias."

Paulo ÁlvarezDerecho + Comunicación. Prom. 2019
Prácticas Derecho + Comunicación

"Realicé prácticas en el Instituto Vasco Etxepare, llevando la web y las redes sociales y en Euskaltel, en Protección de Datos."

Graxi ArregiDerecho + Comunicación. Prom. 2019

open doors to the job market

Career opportunities


open doors to the job market

Career opportunities

The Law degree will qualify you to practise the legal profession in all its aspects, as a legal advisor in public bodies and institutions and in the private sector, or as a legal professional with expertise in the communication and ICT field.

The Communication degree will prepare you to work as a journalist, publicist, public relations, communications manager... in the media and communications offices or departments of companies and institutions dedicated to communication or public relations.


Law + Communication

You will learn to...

Broaden your opportunities by working in legal consultancies in the media or in the communications departments of companies and institutions, specialising in the legal handling of certain conflicts or issues related to the world of communications.

Work as a research journalist, able to understand the legal implications of a major public crime, to report with rigour and accuracy, or to follow a judicial process related to such crimes.

Enter the world of institutions and politics, where it is essential to know the legal and institutional frameworks and to understand how public opinion works and its ideological plurality, as well as the ability to communicate projects and messages fluently.

Delve into Information and Communication Technologies Law, a highly sought-after skill in society.

Maialen's experience

Targeting success


Maialen's experience

Targeting success

Maialen Sorzabalbere, Graduate in Law + Communication, began her journey at the University of Deusto in San Sebastian. Throughout her career, she has done internships in consultancy, in Euskadi Irratia; she received an award from the EITB, created and directed a webseries... 

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