Communication + International Relations

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    Make your experience unique

    International mobility


    Just as languages are vital to this degree, your willingness to experience life in other countries is also essential.

    Mobility procedures guide
    Completing this degree requires a full academic year at an international university.


    The international mobility programme takes place in the first semester of the fourth year.


    You will be able to choose, with the help of your tutor, from universities inAmerica, Africa, Europe, or Asia.

    List of international mobility agreements 


    The international stay will help you to:

    • Gain additional insights into the teaching methods used at UD.
    • Analyse and understand the main historical, cultural, political or economic features of the region.
    • Delve deeper into some of the key challenges and issues facing international actors and their policies.
    • Strengthen the communicative skills in the local language and deepen intercultural competence.
    • Become aware of the importance of belonging to a global and intercultural citizenship. 

    Further information →


    Independent and responsible work

    Students must submit two final year projects, one for each degree.
    Students must demonstrate their skills and ability to:

    • Work independently and responsibly
    • Integrate and apply the competences acquired throughout the degree,
    • Generate new ideas and knowledge, and
    • Effectively communicate the results in writing and orally.

    Supervised by a tutor

    The Final Year Project (FYP) involves producing an original and innovative dissertation independently on the main thematic areas of the programme. 

    You will also be supervised by a tutor.

    The project may be written in English or Spanish.

    Proposed topics

    • Politics and international conflicts
    • Integration and regional studies
    • Economics and international relations    
    • Multilateralism and global governance
    • International cooperation and human rights
    • Communication and international relations
    • Transition and democratisation processes

    Academic calendar, timetables and exam dates


    Academic calendar: 2024/2025

    Official academic calendar

    See calendar



    First semester

    Second semester


    Timetables 2024-2025 (provisional timetables, subject to change)

    Semester 1

    Year 1

    Year 2

    Year 3

    Year 4

    Year 5

    Semester 2

    Year 1

    Year 2

    Year 3

    Year 4

    Year 5