Communication + International Relations

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    Profesionales del centro de prácticas y una persona tutora de la Universidad de Deusto te acompañarán de manera personalizada con el objetivo obtener una experiencia práctica que permita aplicar las aptitudes y conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo del Grado.


    Prácticas garantizadas

    El 2º semestre de 5º curso tendrás la oportunidad de elaborar planes de comunicación, gestionar redes sociales, diseñar páginas web, diseñar y maquetar revistas, redactar notas, planificar convocatorias de ruedas de prensa, redactar y emitir noticias, reportajes, y preparar la edición y posproducción de material audiovisual.


    + 200 convenios de prácticas

    Año a año firmamos nuevos convenios para realizar prácticas de carácter obligatorio en empresas de servicios de comunicación, agencias de publicidad y diseño, medios de comunicación, así como con organizaciones que tienen departamentos que trabajan diferentes aspectos de la comunicación organizacional.

    Consulta los convenios de prácticas

    Communication + International Relations



    Organisations, private companies and chambers of commerce, media outlets, NGOs, social entities, the foreign service, international organisations of both regional and global scope, or state information and intelligence services.


    International business management or communication within organisations: planning strategy, overseeing communication plans and campaigns, or managing institutional relations.


    International communication consultancy and advisory services: areas of international politics, international project management, and communication strategies. 


    International information and communication: international journalism, communication within international organisations.


    Advertising and public relations: designing advertising campaigns, developing marketing plans, creative plans, and/or media plans.


    Content creation: screenwriter, generating audiovisual communication content in various formats and channels (film, video, TV, radio, web).

    Bachelor’s degree in Communication

    Professional fields

    Daniel Marquinez

    I had the opportunity to do an internship at El País newspaper, and I came to realise how crucial it is to adapt to a real-world environment.

    Daniel Marquinez


    Internship Experience
    Ivan Gonzalez

    During my internship at the Kursaal Centre in San Sebastian, I realised the importance of having a solid foundation of knowledge gained in the classroom

    Ivan Gonzalez


    Internship Experience
    Begoña Marañón

    They come with a desire to learn and they do it quickly, contributing ideas, they integrate very well into the editorial staff of the station.

    Begoña Marañón

    Director of Cadena SER in the Basque Country

    Student internship experience
    Germán Lasa

    We expect graduates to have a proactive attitude and a desire to excel. Graduates have shown initiative, companionship, respect and compliance with the company’s policy.

    Germán Lasa

    Head of Marketing Communication at TECNALIA Ventures

    Nerea Ramos

    Both experiences were of great help to me, as for the first time I was able to see myself with one foot in the world of work. This is how you see yourself as a communication professional.

    Nerea Ramos

    Internship at Diario Vasco and Teledonosti

    Visit to Berria

    Direct contact with professionals

    Talks with Rosa María Calaf (RTVE) and Xabier Madariaga (EiTB)