Deusto Orthodontic Programme (DOP)+ Máster de formación permanente clínico en ortodoncia
+ Máster de formación permanente en Ortodoncia y Ortopedia Dentofacial
+ Formación Avanzada en Ortodoncia

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    Course syllabus


    Subjects DOP

    Course syllabus


    Deusto Orthodontic Programme (DOP) has a total of 192 ECTSdistributed over three years of study. 

    • Clinical Master’s Degree in Orthodontics (Continuing Education) - 60 ECTS - See subjects.
    • Master’s Degree in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics (Continuing Education) - 120 ECTS - See subjects
    • Advanced Training in Orthodontics - 12 ECTS - See subjects.

    The first master's degree lays the foundations of theoretical and clinical orthodontics.
    The second master's degree completes the curriculum.
    The advanced trainingsyllabus included in both master's degrees enables students to acquire the skills required of an orthodontist according to the European framework, both at a theoretical and healthcare level.



    Starting in September 2023 (3 academic years).

    Theoretical classes will be held in the morning and practical classes in the afternoon, although there may be occasional exceptions. In addition, some Saturdays will be included for master classes.



    Monday to Friday, from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 15:00 to 20:00