Bachelor's degree in Tourism+ International Trade Skills

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    A professional from the internship centre and a tutor from the University of Deusto will give you individual support so that you can gain practical experience and apply the skills and knowledge acquired throughout the degree.


    Internships in 4th year

    You will join a company in the tourism industry and will make use of the competences and abilities acquired throughout the degree. You will be able to carry out internships in companies, institutions and public and private entities.


    National and international internships

    More than 130 tourism companies and institutions130 tourism companies and institutions where you can do compulsory internships in companies, institutions and public and private entities both in Spain and abroad.

    See internship agreements

    Convenios con entidades de múltiples sectores



    We help you find out about career opportunities


    Visits from professionals in the sector

    Professional meetings will be held in the classroom from the first year: professionals and alumni will have the opportunity to share their professional experiences with current students.



    Learning in businesses

    Throughout the 4 years, students will complete their training in other areas, such as companies, tourism organisations or destinations.



    Training for entrepreneurship

    Students will participate in activities, training programmes and methodologies that will help them develop values and attitudes necessary for entrepreneurship.



    Other activities

    Our students will participate in other activities organised by the University such as DeustoForum, meetings with professionals, employment and entrepreneurship forum among others.


    Izaskun Valle

    In first person

    The Tourism degree instilled in me the importance of sustainability in the sector and the need to innovate in order to achieve it.

    Graduate in Social WorkIzaskun Valle
    Aritz Ura Uli

    In first person

    The Tourism degree at Deusto has helped me stand out in the job market and has opened doors to a wide range of career opportunities.

    Graduate Aritz Ura Uli
    Ainhoa Etxano Sarrionandia

    In first person

    Since I finished my Tourism degree, I have dedicated myself to my two passions: wine and communication.

    GraduateAinhoa Etxano Sarrionandia
    Aitor Infante

    In first person

    As a tour guide I accompany small groups of tourists on alternative, cultural and adventure trips around the five continents.

    AlumnusAitor Infante
    Ana Álvarez

    In first person

    I work in Paris at Winamax, as Events Manager in the events department

    AlumnusAna Álvarez
    Ignacio Ortega

    In first person

    Problem solving and time management are just some of the skills I learnt at the University of Deusto.

    AlumnusIgnacio Ortega
    Isabel Martínez

    In first person

    I work as an Inbound Marketer at Lantek HQ, a multinational industrial software company.

    AlumnusIsabel Martínez
    James Rhind

    In first person

    I deal with the entire hotel market in Spain, generating new contacts, exploiting business opportunities.

    AlumnusJames Rhind
    Lucia Trueba

    In first person

    After studying Tourism and Hotel Management, I applied for the Barceló Development Programme: a challenge that allows me to live in different cit...

    Graduate in Social WorkLucia Trueba

    We will support you in your job search

    At the university...

    The Deusto Alumni Association also assists graduates in entering the job market, offering them guidance and legal advice on employment. We will also assist you in developing your entrepreneurial spirit and, if you wish so, we will help you implement your business ideas.

    As a complement, we organise the Employment Forum every year, a space where you can contact companies, hand in your CV, attend presentations, seminars and workshops and even participate in selection processes.

    Further information