Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering

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    Career Opportunities

    The start of a highly promising career

    The Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering is one of the most in-demand degrees , framed within the the professions of the future. According to Michigan Tech, medical diagnostics are tripling in market value every year and revolutionary advances in medical imaging and medical diagnostics are changing the way medicine is practised. This is why the University of Deusto is launching this degree with an innovative approach and in line with future trends.

    The Faculty of Engineering maintains a close relationship with a wide network of collaborating companies, which allows students to gain first-hand knowledge of the demands and needs of the professional environment. This is why its graduates are versatile professionals, capable of adapting to multiple roles within organisations.

    DeustoAlumni will help you access the labour market. It will provide you with legal guidance and advice on all employment-related matters.

    We have ateam of expertswho have been working in the field of employment and career guidance for more than 10 years. From the last years of your degree, you will be able to participate in workshops and seminars with individual monitoring of your employability.

    Deusto Alumni

    Over 40 years’ experience training professionals

    Deusto Engineering

    +125Collaborating companies

    98.4%Employment rate

    100%Embedded employment rate (graduates working in a field that relates to their degree)

    2ndUniversity for teaching (U-Ranking 2020)

    From general knowledge to specialisation



    From general knowledge to specialisation


    Work placements are an essential complement to professional development

    Internships are guaranteed for 100% of the students, focused on gaining professional experience that will be highly valued for their labour market integration.

    All internships are optional and are held in 4º year. They are supervised by qualified professionals at the host centre and by a lecturer from the faculty.



    We currently manage internship agreements with more than 125 companies in the engineering sector.

    After completing your studiesYou will be able to...

    Offer medical solutions

    Identify and propose solutions to medical problems that can be treated using techniques encompassed in Biomedical Engineering applied to clinical practice related to the pathologies of the different apparatuses and systems

    Understand biological systems

    at the molecular, cellular and histological level through the interpretation of the results of different laboratory study methods, in order to apply this knowledge to problem solving in biomedicine and biotechnology

    New technologies

    such as sensors, robotics and network technologies, including Internet, interactive services and mobile computing for health and social care products and services associated with telecare and telemedicine

    Design products

    that include mechanical design, use of (bio)materials / (bio)fluids ensuring biocompatibility and technological ergonomics including user-centred design

    Implement AI methods

    You will be able to design and implement simple data processing and artificial intelligence algorithms using prototyping and software development tools and platforms oriented to this area


    You will acquire an innovative vision to develop technological projects focused on health

    New technologies aimed at improving people's health and well-being

    Jobs transforming the future


    New technologies aimed at improving people's health and well-being

    Jobs transforming the future

    Imagine creating smart prosthetics, developing devices that detect diseases, or designing health apps. The career opportunities are vast: from hospitals to startups, this degree enables you to use science to improve people's lives and make a real impact on society.

    You can see some examples in the following INFOGRAPHICS 



    You will be able to work in...

    Diagnostic, monitoring and medical therapy equipment companies, where scientific and technological knowledge and engineering methods are applied in the healthcare environment.

    You will be able to create new biomaterials such as implants for people suffering from severe burns. In addition, you will be able to develop software to facilitate the processing of brain signals or medical images for tissue regeneration and to develop bio-materials that offer less rejection.

    Institutions and clinics where prostheses or exoskeletons can be created.

    Management of health centre equipment and infrastructure. 

    • Diagnostic equipment (scanners, ultrasound scanners, lab on a chip…)
    • Treatment and rehabilitation equipment (defibrillators, implants, robotic arms…)
    • Equipment for the improvement of quality of life (telecare, telemonitoring…)

    Biomedical R&D&I centres or departments.
