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Would you like to develop the technologies to perform remote surgery? Are you interested in cellular nanotechnology? If the answer is yes, then this degree can be the right choice for you.
¿What is biomedical engineering?
Biomedical Engineering is a new branch of engineering that focuses on the application of engineering principles, methods and techniques applied in an interdisciplinary way to the field of medicine and biology. At present, skills from different engineering disciplines, including electronics and automation, industrial, mechanical, chemical, computer engineering and telecommunications engineering, are applied to the analysis and resolution of problems related to medicine and biology in multidisciplinary teams.
People passionate about new technologies focused on the health and well-being of living beings.
Concerned about finding solutions to health problems and experimenting with a multidisciplinary approach that takes into account social and environmental factors...
The Basque Government has defined 3 smart specialisation priorities related to advanced manufacturing, energy and biosciences (where human health is the main focus of activity). In addition, a series of niches with different levels of maturity linked to the territory have been identified.
You will be able to participate in the eVIDA group, which has extensive previous experience in national and international projects. The results of their research and its application have been published in more than 100 scientific articles in international journals and books and presented at more than 150 international scientific conferences.
Bilbao Campus
Biomedical Engineering
4 years - 240 ECTS
On campus
Application process closed
Bilingual programme: Spanish - English
Learning by doing. Through internships, projects, real case studies, collaborations with companies and teamwork... In addition, the presence of professionals in the classroom will allow you to address real business cases.
You can study at least 40% of the ECTS in English. It will enable you to respond to the different scenarios offered by data science or artificial intelligence anywhere in the world.
30 ECTS in virtual mode with experts from all over the world. This degree is clearly committed to online education, as it helps to create proactivity and develop competences.
This degree includes subjects in artificial intelligence applied to biomedical engineering. Furthermore, you will be able to put into practice everything you have learned in the engineering laboratories and at Deusto BIO.
The US bureau of labour statistics reports a 23.1% increase in job openings for biomedical engineers for the period 2014-24.
Combine two official bachelor's degrees and achieve them in just 5 years.
An understanding of human anatomy and physiology to explain the functioning of human body systems and their regulation, and to identify and propose solutions to medical problems that can be treated by techniques encompassed in Biomedical Engineering.
There is a growing demand for highly skilled professionals to address the new 21st century challenges.There is a growing demand for highly skilled professionals to address the new 21st century challenges. There is a growing demand for highly skilled professionals to address the new 21st century challenges.There is a growing demand for highly skilled professionals to address the new 21st century challenges.
Between now and 2022, 1,250,000 technology jobs will be created in Spain, according to Randstad Research.Between now and 2022, 1,250,000 technology jobs will be created in Spain, according to Randstad Research.Between now and 2022, 1,250,000 technology jobs will be created in Spain, according to Randstad Research.Between now and 2022, 1,250,000 technology jobs will be created in Spain, according to Randstad Research.
An increasing need for profiles to fill new jobs in areas such as robotics, internet development, data science and AI.An increasing need for profiles to fill new jobs in areas such as robotics, internet development, data science and AI.An increasing need for profiles to fill new jobs in areas such as robotics, internet development, data science and AI.An increasing need for profiles to fill new jobs in areas such as robotics, internet development, data science and AI.
Augmented reality, cloud computing, big data, social networks, the internet of things, cyberphysical systems, mobility... are trends in technological exploitation.Augmented reality, cloud computing, big data, social networks, the internet of things, cyberphysical systems, mobility... are trends in technological exploitation.Augmented reality, cloud computing, big data, social networks, the internet of things, cyberphysical systems, mobility... are trends in technological exploitation.Augmented reality, cloud computing, big data, social networks, the internet of things, cyberphysical systems, mobility... are trends in technological exploitation.
Candidates should have acquired the competences required for Spanish baccalaureate studies.
An interest in new technologies (robotics, automation, electronics, programming, communications, etc.) and their application in today's world. In addition to addressing major challenges related to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
A capacity for work, continuously striving to achieve the goals set and the ability to work under pressure at certain times.
An interest in working in laboratories, handling electronic instrumentation and creating new devices.
An adequate level of self-knowledge, maturity and the ability to form inter-professional relationships.
A committed attitude to the teaching-learning process within an environment of continuous assessment.
A vocation for service to society and a commitment to upholding the basic rights and values of a culture of peace and democracy.
If you are going to study at the University of Deusto, you can benefit from our grant aid. We will give you information about the eligibility criteria and the range of grants promoted by other organisations.
Faith, solidarity, culture and sports activities