“Human Rights and Sociocultural Challenges in a Changing World”

“Human Rights and Sociocultural Challenges in a Changing World”
  • Subject areas

    Faculty of Law
    Faculty of Social and Human Sciences

    The interdisciplinary research group “Human Rights and Sociocultural Challenges in a Changing World" is attached to the University of Deusto’s Human Rights Institute within the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, and includes members from the Law School.
    The Team was born as a research group of the thematic network of excellence HumanitarianNet (Thematic Network on Humanitarian Development Studies) made up of 110 universities, research institutes and organisations in the European Union. The network has given rise to numerous research projects, focus areas and international work in different fields related to human rights and new social and cultural challenges concerning them in Europe and on the international scene.
    The research team, which has been working for more than 15 years, has two key characteristics: multidisciplinarity and internationalisation. The group is formed by researchers from different social science disciplines (including legal, political and human sciences). Furthermore, the team’s projects always keep an interdisciplinary perspective and focus on having a positive influence on public policy. Its international nature is shown by its membership and leadership in European networks from the time it was founded, its international research activities and the use of Spanish and English as working, research and transfer languages. Thus, since its inception, the group has actively participated, and in many cases led international networks and activities in order to:
    a) Implement research projects aimed at generating knowledge, with the participation of European and international experts.
    b) Create and develop stable research networks with other foreign university centres.
    c) Promote international university cooperation in postgraduate programmes, based on the research carried out.
    d) Disseminate and transfer research results through activities and publications both in the two official languages of the Basque Autonomous Community and in English.

    Research areas

    - International protection and human rights
    - Human rights and international migration
    - Human rights, cultural diversity and social cohesion
    - Human rights research methodologies
    *Team Recognised by the Basque Government