16 October 2024
Bilbao Campus
This year marks the XII edition of Forotech, the week of Engineering and Technology organized by the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Deusto. This event will take place from October 16 to 18 at the Deusto and Donostia-San Sebastian campuses, with the theme “Decent Work and Economic Growth”. This title refers to the Sustainable Development Goal-ODS 8, which seeks to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth that benefits all people equally without harming the environment.
The objective of Forotech is to awaken vocations in the field of research and technological development, especially among women, bringing engineering and technology closer to society, through partnerships between universities and companies. The activities will begin on Wednesday, October 16, at the Bilbao campus, with technological workshops at 9:45 a.m. in the Deusto FabLab laboratory. Simultaneously, from 10:00 a.m. an R3 Experiment (Rural, Remote and Real) will be held with 6th grade students.
Hot air balloon
On the second day, Thursday 17, students will have the opportunity to ride in a hot air balloon on the Bilbao campus. As last year and for two hours the balloon will fly at a height of between 10 and 20 meters above the University. At 10:00, the Caixa d'Enginyers Awards will be presented and from 15:30, DeustoTech will host the Virtualware Immersive Technologies Laboratory, which will be repeated on Friday 18 at the same time.
In addition, at 18:00, an Afterwork entitled “The Power of AI in Modern Engineering” will be held in the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering. Experts such as Susana Pérez (Tecnalia), Leire Legarreta (We are the Clickers) and Aitor Moreno (Ibermática) will discuss autonomous systems, biases in artificial intelligence, engineering education and the opportunities of this technology.
With Ferran Adrià at your University
One of the most relevant events will be the talk “Let's imagine with Ferran Adrià in your university”, starring the famous Catalan chef, on Friday, October 18 at 10:00 in the Auditorium. During the event, the “Challenge elBulli1846” will be launched, a creative activity that aims to teach university students to be innovative by applying the “Sapiens” methodology, a research tool created by chef Adrià and the Telefónica Chairs together with several students, in their projects or final degree or master's degree projects.
The event will be attended by the rector of Deusto, Juan José Etxeberria; the deputy of Bizkaia for Economic Promotion, Ainara Basurko; and the director of Telefónica Euskadi, Javier Benito. Deusto, through its Telefónica Chair, is one of the nine universities chosen to participate in this university challenge, organized together with Telefónica in the framework of its centenary.
Forotech Week will conclude on Wednesday, October 30 with a Workshop, to be held in the Atrium of the Library-CRAI, on the transformation of Supply Chains, where innovative approaches to improve positive social impact and sustainability will be addressed. An activity for the promotion of Innovation and Technology is also planned, with the collaboration of Deusto Emprendimiento and Fomento San Sebastián.
Forotech 2024 is sponsored by Vidrala, Grupo SPRI Taldea (under the Department of Industry, Energy Transition and Sustainability), IHOBE, Siemens Energy, Caja de Ingenieros, EJIE, Innolab, Fomento San Sebastián, BilbaoTIK, NTT Data, Alzola, Telefónica, Telefónica Chairs and the European project ReSchape. Likewise, entities such as DeustoTech, Deusto Emprendimiento, Deusto Alumni and Intermon Oxfam are also collaborating.
For more information and schedules here