Deusto holds the III International Congress on Law and Artificial Intelligence

The last session and closing ceremony will be attended by the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, the Basque Minister Juan Ignacio Pérez and the Rector of Deusto, Juan José Etxeberria.


27 March 2025

Bilbao Campus

The University of Deusto and Cuatrecasas, in collaboration with Marsh McLennan, will bring together leading experts on March 27 and 28 to address the challenges and opportunities presented by the development of Artificial Intelligence in relation to fundamental rights. This III International Congress on Law and Artificial Intelligence, which will be held in the Auditorium of the academic center, will be attended by the Minister of Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts, Felix Bolaños.

The dean of Law at the University of Deusto, José Ramón Intxaurbe; the professor of Civil Law at Deusto and partner at Cuatrecasas, David Fernández de Retana; and the professor of Civil Law, also at Deusto, Inmaculada Herbosa, will open the Congress at 9:15 am. Then, Omar Puertas, AI Technology Strategic Advisor and partner at Cuatrecasas, will give the inaugural lecture on 'Artificial Intelligence and the law: the next frontier'.

The day will continue with various round tables and conferences on the implications of AI in the public and private spheres, criminal liability and the balance between technology and fundamental rights. Among them, the session on 'Risks and liability arising from the use of Artificial Intelligence in the field of business and its managers' will have as speakers Ainhoa Barrutia from Cuatrecasas; Sofía García-Ollauri, Head of Financial and Professional Claims Advocacy at Marsh; María Ortiz de Guinea, from Risk and Insurance Management at Iberdrola; and Álvaro Fraile, Global Cybersecurity Services Director at Ayesa. In addition, Rafael Sánchez-Aristi, from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and partner at Cuatrecasas, will give a talk on 'The training of Artificial Intelligence systems and intellectual property rights: the scope of the text and data mining limit', among other interventions.

AI in health and insurance

On the second day, from 09:00 to 14:00, the Congress will focus on the impact of fundamental rights in key sectors such as health, consumption and insurance. Risks and liabilities in business, the right to effective judicial protection and legal reasoning will also be addressed. In addition, new technologies and fundamental rights will be explored from a labor perspective, the role of the media in the right to information, and how AI affects product liability.

Ignacio García-Perrote, professor of Labor Law at the UNED and magistrate of the 4th Chamber of the Supreme Court, will give a keynote lecture on 'New technologies and fundamental rights from the labor perspective' and Mariano Yzquierdo, professor of Civil Law at the Complutense University, will give a keynote lecture on 'Artificial Intelligence and consumption: How does Artificial Intelligence affect product liability'.

This last day will be completed with a session, at 12:45 pm, on 'Artificial Intelligence and citizens' rights. A vision from the institutions', with Juan Ignacio Pérez, Minister of Science, Universities and Innovation of the Basque Government, and Minister Félix Bolaños as speakers. The International Congress will be closed by Javier Fontcuberta, CEO of Cuatrecasas, and Juan José Etxeberria, rector of the University of Deusto.

Program and registration