Deusto Undergraduate Grants

The University of Deusto offers its own grant programme aimed at undergraduate students, including undergraduate and double degree programmes combined with a Deusto degree.

The Deusto Grants are awarded annually, so a new application is required for
each academic year.


The Deusto Grants are aimed at students enrolled in the University of Deusto's
own institutions who are currently undertaking or are about to undertake:

  • Official undergraduate programmes.
  • Official joint undergraduate programmes.
  • A degree programme combined witha Deusto degree (Bachelor’s degree + Deusto degree).



  • Be an undergraduate student, a double degree student, or enrolled in a combined degree programme.
  • Not being a holder of a previous official university degree. 
  • Apply for the grant through the official general calls (Basque Government or Ministry of Education). 


  • Enrol for a minimum of 60 credits, or the maximum number of credits allowed in accordance with academic regulations. 
  • Have achieved an average grade of 6 or higher in the entry qualifications (new entries) or in the previous academic year (subsequent years).
  • Have successfully completed 70% of the credits enrolled in during the last academic year (for subsequent years).


  • The economic requirements related to the family's income are specified in the call for applications, depending on the number of eligible members and the average mark achieved by the student. There are also limits on assets and turnover from economic activities.
  • The criteria for calculating household income can also be found in the above-mentioned call for applications.

Application deadlines

  • SINGLE APPLICATION PERIOD: from 1 June to 21 July 2024.
  • The grant application can be submitted before enrolling.

Application form, supporting documents to be submitted and instructions


Call for applications for Deusto Undergraduate Grants

Grant allocation

The Deusto Grant consists of a percentage reduction on the amount of tuition fees (monthly fees) for new enrolment credits. The percentage granted can range from 20% to 40% of the above-mentioned amount. In contrast, the grant does not apply to the initial tuition fee or to any recognition fees, if applicable.

The type of grant awarded depends on the student's family financial situationand the total number of eligible applicationsreceived each academic year, until the budget is exhausted. For this reason, it is possible to receive a different deduction in a new academic year, even if the family's financial situation and the student's academic performance have not changed.

To determine whether you meet the criteria for a grant, we have this Deusto Grant Simulator available to calculate those values.

Decision, communication and allegations


A first provisional decision will be issued prior to the payment of the October monthly fee, which will be sent to the student by email. The allocated deduction will be applied to each of the monthly payments from October to May.

Decisions will be final after the appeals period and following the verifications with the resolutions made in the general grant calls issued by official bodies.


Within 10 calendar days from the publication of the initial decision, students may submit appeals and provide additional documentation if necessary.

Claim form

The decisions made by the Grants Committee regarding the appeals received will not be subject to reconsideration.

Resolvemos tus dudas

Avda. de las Universidades 24
48007 Bilbao
944 139 161

Camino de Mundaiz 50
20012 - San Sebastián
943 326 280

Portal de Arriaga, 62
01013 - Vitoria
945 010 114

Campus Bilbao
Lunes a Jueves: 9:00 - 13:00 y 15:00 - 17:00 
Viernes y Julio: sólo mañana
Agosto cerrado
Campus San Sebastian
Lunes a viernes: 9:00 - 13:00h
además, martes de jueves: 14:30 - 16:00h
Julio: sólo mañana
Agosto cerrado
Sede Vitoria 
Lunes a Viernes de 13:30 a 19:30. Miércoles Cerrado.
Junio, a partir del 20 cambia a mañana. De 9 a 14h. Miércoles Cerrado.
Julio de 8:30 a 13:30h. Miércoles Cerrado.
Agosto cerrado.