- Regular admission period: From 1 July 2024 to 15 January 2025.
- Venue: Fundación OMIE, Ramón y Cajal, 2 Bis-4º-Dpto. 4º
Tel. 944223824 / 616847963
e-mail: omie@fundacionomie.org
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Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), originally developed by Marsha Linehan, has the strongest evidence base for its effectiveness and its use has spread worldwide.
Initially focused on clinical work with borderline personality disorder, it has successfully expanded to applications for adolescents with behavioral issues, eating disorders, substance use disorders, and other diagnoses. It can be said that DBT is now a versatile and powerful psychotherapeutic tool.
Master's degree from the University of Deusto, the Psychiatry Service of the Basurto University Hospital, and the Basque Foundation for Mental Health Research OMIE.
The Expert program is aimed at doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, and healthcare professionals in general.
Participants will acquire knowledge focused on daily clinical practice, aimed at being applied in various healthcare settings within the mental health network.
The curriculum is structured into 5 subjects distributed over 2 academic semesters. In the case of choosing online training, this will be reflected on the certificate.
Bilbao Campus
Expert Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Interventions based on Behavioural Dialectic Therapy
On campus
Admission process closed
Duración: de enero a diciembre
22,5 ECTS
Come to the Bilbao Campus (Auditorium Cloister) on March 20 from 12.00h to 17.00h.
Find out more about our master's degree programs and receive personalized advice.
The Expert program is aimed at doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, and healthcare professionals in general, with an interest in addressing personality disorders and pathologies characterized by impulsivity and/or emotional dysregulation using the most current techniques.
The overall aim of the programme is to enable students to develop psychotherapeutic interventions based on dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) in their clinical practice, and especially to carry out psychosocial skills training groups, the main component of this intervention, in different contexts.
Ramón y Cajal 2 Bis - 4º- Dpto. 4º
48014 Bilbao
Tel. 944 223 824 / 616 847 963