Expert Diploma in Sexual Violence Intervention

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    Course syllabus

    The syllabus consists of 24 ECTS credits and is divided into six compulsory subjects. The programme is delivered entirely online.

    Subject Type Type ECTS Semester*
    Contextualising the Sexual Violence Phenomenon Compulsory Virtual 5 1
    Forms of Sexual Violence Compulsory Virtual 3 1
    Therapeutic Approach in Trauma and Crisis Situations Compulsory Virtual 5 2
    Psychosocial and Institutional Intervention in Sexual Violence Compulsory Virtual 5 2
    Sexual Cyberviolence against Female Corporealities Compulsory Virtual 3 2

    Prevention and Detection of all Forms of Sexual Violence

    Compulsory Virtual 3 2

    Profiles and objectives

    This expert diploma allows for addressing the identification and diagnosis of sexual violence in ever-evolving environments, while also developing competences aimed at preventing and comprehensively addressing such violence.

    Teaching methods


    Teaching methods

    The subjects are organised into different units. In each unit, students will be presented with a learning scenario containing a situation they must resolve. To aid them, a variety of resources will be made available in an organised and contextualised manner (such as videos, documents, activities, etc.), along with tools for planning, studying, practice, discussion, etc. The subjects will feature a continuous assessment system based on the submission of tasks requested in each unit.