Expert Diploma in Protection in Humanitarian Action

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Expert diploma in Protection in Humanitarian Action

Subject syllabus


New Trends and Legal Responses in Protection

The overall aim of the module is to help students understand the new trends and responses to situations of conflict and human rights violations, mainly from the perspective of international law.  

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Protection in conflict situations and transition processes, and peacebuilding

This module will provide students with knowledge and understanding of the concept of protection and the key new trends and challenges in protection that arise in conflict, war-to-peace transition situations and peacebuilding processes.  

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Design and Strategies for Protection Programmes in Humanitarian Action

The module focuses on how to design a programme for the protection of civilians in a context of conflict and humanitarian action, from the perspective of an international organisation.

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Mark and Degree Award


The final grade for each subject is the sum of the different assessment components. The results obtained by the student will be graded according to the following numerical scale from 0 to 10, to one decimal place, to which the corresponding qualitative mark may be added: 0- 4.9: Suspenso (SS); 5,0-6,9: Aprobado (AP); 7,0-8,9: Notable (NT); 9,0-10: Sobresaliente (SB).

Degree award

Passing all the credits that make up the syllabus of this postgraduate course will lead to the award of an Expert Diploma in Protection in Humanitarian Action