PsychologyPhD programme

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    International Experts

    • Dr. David Bailey, (Professor of Political Economy, Aston Business School)
    • Dr. José Antonio Caride. University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
    • Dr. Luke Chen. University of Ulster (United Kingdom)
    • Dr Arthur Ellis. Seattle Pacific University (USA)
    • Dr. Adel Elmagrhaby. University of Louisville (USA)
    • Dr. Miguel Angel Escotet. The University of Texas at Brownswville (USA)
    • Dr. Benjamin L. Hankin, University of Denver (USA)
    • Dr. Maria Lucinda Cruz Fonseca. Universidade da Lisboa (Portugal)
    • Dr. Alfredo Jiménez. University of Burgos (Spain)
    • Dr. Douglas Kleiber. University of Georgia (USA)
    • Dr. Jocelyn Maclure. Université Laval (Canada)
    • Dr. Mario Piattini, University of Castilla La-Mancha (Spain)
    • Dr. Peter van der Hijden, Independent European expert in higher education and research