Social Intervention PsychologyMaster's degree

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    Social Intervention Psychology

    About the Master’s degree

    We live in a rapidly changing society: we have worked for the equality of men and women but violence against women is increasing; we promote economic and social development but situations of poverty and social exclusion are emerging.…

    These are just some of the problems that put certain people at a disadvantage not only socially but also psychologically. Social Intervention Psychology looks to offer solutions to these issues through study of the social, political, economic and cultural scope where they take place.

    It is important to note the increasing number of jobs being created in this field in Spain, both in the public sector and in other emerging fields of non-profit social action.

    Welcome the Master’s Programme Director


    Who is this programme designed for?

    The programme has been designed for Psychology graduatescommitted to working in the fields of:

    • Social change
    • Promotion of justice
    • Welfare of disadvantaged groups

    A practical approach

    You will undertake supervised professional internship worth 12 ECTS (300 hours) in leading organisations in the sector. 


    A Learning Community

    All of the people and institutions involved in this Master’s programme form a learning community. Regular meetings give us the chance the share and discuss our ideas and knowledge. 


    Keys to social psychology

    • Ecological approach in the analysis of reality.
    • A discipline more focused on developing resources than on making up for deficits. 
    • Preventivevocation.
    • Campus:

      Bilbao Campus

    • Programme name:

      Social Intervention Psychology

    • Duration/credits:

      From September to July. - 60 ECTS

    • Language


    • Number of places


    • Programme type

      On campus

    • Application process:

      Admission process open

    • Faculty:

      Health Sciences
    • Share:

    2025-2026 ACADEMIC YEAR

    Applications are now open

    The admission process for the 2025-26 academic year is now open

    Who is this programme for?

    Student profile

    The master's degree is aimed at graduates in psychology who are committed to social change, the promotion of justice and the welfare of disadvantaged groups. The following will also be considered an asset:

    • Prior contact with organisations working with vulnerable groups.
    • Interpersonal skills, teamwork capacity and personal maturity.
    • A B2 level in English is recommended.


    The graduate profile defined for this Master's degree is that of a professional with the following characteristics:

    • The capacity to foster personal reflection to address complex social situations from the perspective of ethics and social responsibility. The aim is to train professionals to question situations, searching for innovative responses and communicating their conclusions and the reasons they are based on.
    • Graduates are expected to have developed specific competences that enable them to practise as psychologists in social intervention, according to the description provided in the Spanish Psychological Association,.Graduates will be required to make use of advanced psychological techniques, strategies and instruments in different areas. 

    Why deusto

    Programme contents



    The degree programme looks to prepare psychology graduates for professional practice in psychosocial and community intervention.


    Therefore, it focuses on training for this regulated profession that is based on theoretical and practical knowledge that students access through an active teaching methodology that encourages the application of this knowledge under the constant supervision of practising professionals.


    Research in the Master’s degree

    Research is not conceived as an exercise reserved for academic spheres but as a necessary function to be carried out by all professionals in the psychology of social intervention.


    This Master’s degree programme looks to foster continuous development of basic and applied theoretical and empirical knowledge in the field of Social Psychology. Students completing this Master’s degree will have the qualifications required to enter the PhD Programme in Psychology.


    Human Rights defence

    This Master’s programme especially focuses on the respect and defence of human rights, democratic principles, equal opportunities between men and women, solidarity, universal access and design for all, promotion of a culture for peace and respect for religious and cultural diversity and plurality, by identifying the way in which social psychology can contribute to protecting and developing them, especially for people at risk of social exclusion.


    Psychologists in social and community contexts

    This Master’s degree does not only provide students with the current range of tasks, procedures, techniques, and tools used by psychologists in the social context but it also seeks to transform that professional reality and make progress in developing a role to be achieved.


    Close links with society

    To achieve this goal, we have the cooperation of a number of both private and public bodies and professional psychologists, all of whom have extensive proven experience in care, teaching and research, and who share the innovative perspective of this teaching project.


    Therefore, this Master’s degree programme is closely linked to local society while it includes international experiences and good practices.



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    Academic regulations

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    Social Intervention Psychology

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