Relational-Systemic PsychotherapyMaster's degree

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    What does the master’s degree offer you?


    The overall aim of this Master’s programme is to prepare and provide specialist training to professionals in the fields of psychology, psychiatry and related disciplines with specialist knowledge of psychotherapeutic assessment and intervention with couples and families.

    • Know how the various therapeutic schools (strategic psychodynamic, structural, narrative, integrative, behavioural, Bowen) approach problem-solving for behavioural and emotional difficulties in individuals, couples and families.
    • Grasp the concepts of behavioural and emotional problems from systemic and relational-dynamic frameworks.
    • Assess, diagnose, plan and perform supervised psychotherapeutic interventions based on strategic, structural and dynamic-relational principles, all of which are oriented to quality and continuous improvement.



    The programme mainly prepares graduates for professional practice with a view to continuous development of the discipline, equipping them to practise couple and family psychotherapy, while constantly contributing to the development of systematic technical and scientific knowledge and also enabling them to continue with:

    1. Accreditation as a psychotherapist through the "Diploma of Specialisation in Systemic-Relational Psychotherapy: Clinical Supervision and Psychotherapeutic Advances", of an eminently practical nature.
    2. Access the PhD programme by completing the elective subjects on research.

    A practical and dynamic learning method

    The University of Deusto learning model (MAUD)


    Experiential context

    We know that we learn from experience, so at Deusto we start from the student’s prior knowledge. In the first stage, activities are proposed aimed at exploring students’ preconceptions, significant cases and previous experiences in relation to the subject matter addressed.


    Reflective observation

    Once these preliminary outlines have been established, it is essential to consider and question them. Thus, in this second phase, a number of activities are carried out for reflection through questioning and systematic observation .



    We compare our prior knowledge with written theory on the subject. We follow an lecture-based method (online and live streaming), with reading of texts and/or their guided presenation .


    Active experimentation

    To put into practice what has been learnt: participation in clinical sessions as a co-therapist or reflective team, case analysis, project development, design of assessment programmes, external placements in centres, development of a research project, etc.



    Finally, the evaluation reflects on what has been learned and assesses the work done. Activities such as written tests, report writing and other activities are carried out.


    Face-to-face and online tutorials

    You will follow this whole process under the supervision of a tutor. At the university there are tutorials, both face-to-face and online, aimed at supervising and monitoring work (individual and/or group).

    How is learning assessed?

    Assessment systems


    How is learning assessed?

    Assessment systems

    • Individual practical activities in the classroom (questionnaires, solving exercises and problems, case analysis).
    • Practical activities in centres.
    • Record of student participation and engagement in the classroom.
    • Oral presentation in the classroom.
    • Project work.
    • Laboratory practice (Deusto-Psych).
    • Scientific report.
    • Practical group activities in the classroom (debates, case study analysis, paper drafting, etc.).
    • Specific written tests.

    24/26 Academic calendar

    From September to June.

    1stº year 

    2ndº year

    Important: Provisional and indicative timetable Subject to change.




    -Seminars, workshops and lectures: Thursday (4 hours) and Friday (8 hours, twice a month). Occasionally on Saturdays.

    Practicum: 12 hours per week from January (for two semesters).


    Academic regulations



    Academic regulations

    The following section explains the University of Deusto Postgraduate Regulations.

    Postgraduate Academic Regulations

    Academic rules on procedures for the regulation of official master's degree courses

    Transfer of credits