Human Rights and DemocratisationMaster's degree

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    Work experience

    After completing the master's degree,15 students with the best academic recordswill receive a grant to do a 6-month internship in one of the following institutions:

    • Ministries of Foreign Affairs(partner institutions collaborating most frequently: Austria, Belgium, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Finland, Germany, Italy Poland, Portugal and Slovenia)
    • European Union officesin Peking, Geneva, Khartoum, New York and Strasbourg
    • European Agency for Fundamental Rights
    • Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
    • UNESCO
    • OSCE(Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights; Office of the High Commissioner for National Minorities)
    • Council of Europe(offices in Strasbourg, Belgrade and Sarajevo)
    • Human Rights Watch
    • International Commission of Jurists
    • No Peace Without Justice
    • International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims(offices in Brussels and Copenhagen)
    • World Organisation Against Torture
    • Norwegian Refugee Council

    The EU-UN Fellowship Programme offers 4 full grants to EMA graduates each year, thus enabling them to do high level internships in the European Union offices in Geneva and New York.

    The following are the entities where such placements can be carried out.

    Master’s Final Project


    Master’s Final Project

    Training activities

    In order to complete the Master's thesis (21 ECTS), students must first draw up a detailed research project proposal, which will be submitted to the National Director of the Master’s programme at each university. The National Director and each student will look for the most suitable person to supervise the development of the Master's project.

    Further information