Abogacía y la procura + Master of Laws in International Legal StudiesDoble Máster

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Law and legal Practice + Master of Laws (LLM) in International Legal Studies



Clases: Septiembre 2023 - Junio 2024
Prácticas: a partir de junio 2024



Mañanas y tardes, de lunes a viernes

Field experience abroad

During the autumnsemester, students undertake a compulsory intensive theoretical and practical training week in a European country as part of the Field Experience Abroad programme.

Competition Law from an international perspective



Competition Law from an international perspective


Our international field experience in transnational law will take you to Luxembourg. This city is one of the main financial hubs where you can deepen your knowledge of competition law. You will learn how markets work within the European legal system, exploring international business strategies and international taxation from a multidisciplinary perspective. This academic programme will be supported by the Luxembourg Competition Authority.

Genocide, mass atrocities and Memory under international law



Genocide, mass atrocities and Memory under international law


Our field experience on genocide, mass atrocities and Memory will take you to Krakow, Poland, where we will spend a week reflecting on issuesrelated to genocide and Memory. In the context of the Holocaust, we will visit the former Auschwitz concentration camp and the Krakow Ghetto to illustrate the logic of genocide and the politics of reparation, memory and international justice after gross human rights violations. This academic programme will be supported by the Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation.

Academic regulations and credit transfer


Academic regulations

Maximum number of calls, conditions of permanence, recognition of credits...

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General and specific competences of the Master's Degree in Law and Legal Practice.

Further information



Aims and methodology

Further information