Programa Experto en Innovación y Gestión sanitariaII edición en Madrid | Octubre 2025

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    El nuevo paradigma del sector salud

    El nuevo paradigma del sector de la salud ya está aquí. ¿Tienes las herramientas para abordarlo?

    El Programa Experto en Innovación y Gestión Sanitaria (EIGS) te ofrece ese espacio para ponerte al día sobre las últimas tendencias de la gestión organizacional y prepararte para diseñar modelos de atención más innovadores, sostenibles y alineados con las necesidades de hoy.

    Partirás de una perspectiva global, panorámica y actualizada del sector para realizar una inmersión 360º en las organizaciones sanitarias del siglo XXI y desarrollar tus habilidades personales y de liderazgo de equipos. 


    Cuándo: Octubre 2025

    Descargar calendario



    Sede de Madrid

    • Campus:

      Madrid Headquarters

    • Programme name:

      EIGS - Expert Diploma in Healthcare Innovation and Management | Madrid Edition

    • Language


    • Programme type


    • Application process:

      Application process open

    • Additional information:

      15 ECTS

    • Faculty:

      Deusto Business School
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    Profesional del sector sanitario o sociosanitario

    y quieres ampliar tus competencias de gestión para convertirte en un agente capaz de contribuir a la transformación de las organizaciones.

    Cargos relacionados

    • Gerencia de organización sanitaria
    • Dirección médica
    • Medicina
    • Enfermería
    • Farmacia
    • Trabajos sociales
    • Gestión de personas 
    Marta Marco-Gardoqui

    Dirección académica

    Este programa te prepara para diseñar modelos de atención más innovadores, sostenibles y alineados con las necesidades de hoy.

    Patricia ArratibelDirectora académica del programa Experto en Innovación y Gestión Sanitaria

    Five key areas for operating in the new context


    Health transformation

    Develop new ideas and dare to break out of conventional patterns to promote the transformation of the sector.


    Persons-centred planning.

    Incorporate innovative models, techniques and methods to improve the service offered to users and thus enhance your experience.


    Frontier of knowledge

    Value-based care, data science in healthcare, digital transformation…Learn about emerging healthcare management methodologies and establish guidelines for implementing them in your day-to-day work.


    Transformational leadership

    Acquire the skills to be an influential and motivating leader. Use it as a tool to introduce innovations that improve teamwork and help to better manage change.


    A humanistic approach to team management

    Develop team management skills such as effective communication and the ability to build trusting relationships, based on a humanistic approach to the organisation.

    The Deusto Business School Executive Education method

    The secret of a transformative learning experience

    More than master classes

    Case studies, practical exercises …We offer you a learning experience that combines a variety of methods and resources, allowing you to express your views on the proposed ideas and to debate openly based on your own experience.


    Learn while you experiment

    Learn, while experiencing first-hand the theoretical concepts and frameworks of people leadership and develop your team management skills through experiential methods.

    From theory to practice

    We propose you to apply the acquired skills and knowledge in a project with a free theme and tutored by leading experts in the sector. 

    This project allows each participant to translate everything they have learnt into organisational improvement, providing new solutions to real problems.

    Experiences as a source of inspiration

    These inspiring sessions are an ideal opportunity to meet with leading figures in healthcare management and learn first-hand about their vision, experience and personal experiences built up over their career.

    It is an opportunity to contrast ideas and stay connected with the latest developments.


    Nos acompañan en este camino

    International Recognition

    Más información

    Departamento de Admisiones

    Asun Angulo
    Tel. 944 139 483

    Dirección Académica

    Patricia Arratibel