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Many people aspire to move to positions of higher responsibility and leadership. Only those who develop a proactive mentality and prepare themselves with commitment can achieve this.
Deusto Business School's EMBA will allow you to live a unique transformational experience and provide you with the most advanced tools and knowledge to lead any organisation in an ever-changing global world.
Get an international vision of business management, travel to the epicentre of executive education and gain vital experiences to your learning process.
January 2026
On site
18 months
Bilbao, San Sebastián, New York and Paris
Bilbao Campus
San Sebastian Campus
Fontainebleau (París)New York
EMBA | Executive Master in Business Administration - Master's degree Continuing Education
18 meses - 60 ECTS
Face to face
Admission process open
Every 2 weeks
Fridays: from 9am to 8pm
Saturdays: from 9am to 2pm
After several years, you dominate the technical part of your job, but you feel that you need that extra that will allow you to promote yourself and advance in your career.
Despite having experience in team management and leadership, you have no specific training and you want to develop your skills to manage better in your day-to-day work.
You have to take on management responsibilities in the near future and you believe that you need an integrated and multidisciplinary vision of the company in order to take on the challenge with greater confidence.
Understand the environment to analyse trends, take advantage of opportunities and develop a capacity for vigilance that allows you to anticipate new scenarios.
Acquire an updated and global vision, dominate the emerging concepts and practices of management and develop strategies that create value and guarantee the long-term sustainability of your company.
Create an innovative organisation, develop an entrepreneurial mindset and put people at the centre of the organisation. Learn to transform from the centrality of the human being, to communicate from empathy and assertiveness and to make your organisation grow from the well-being and care of the teams.
Value Innovation
Learn to think differently, identify the ideas that generate value and innovate from this new perspective to create your own space in the market.
Agenda of the XXIst Century
Social responsibility, corporate governance, business ethics, sustainable development... get closer to the agenda of future management to get an insight into the latest trends in the strategic and operational field.
More than just master classes
Case studies, practical exercises... we offer you a training experience that combines different methodologies and resources, inviting you to express your points of view on the concepts proposed and to openly debate based on your experience.
From theory to practice
Apply the skills and knowledge acquired in projects and work that you will put into practice in your day-to-day work.
This work is carried out in groups or individually over a period of 6 months, in parallel with the programme, and you can choose one of the following two options::
A pioneering model in executive education
Discover the tools to develop your individual capabilities and transform them into results..
This personal improvement process consists of individual sessions with professionals that take place during the second semester, based on a personalised diagnosis.
Experiences as a source of inspiration
Attend meetings with leading figures from the business, economic and social world to learn about their vision, experience and personal experiences accumulated over the course of their careers.
Expand a network that will accompany you for the rest of your career.
Join a group of participants who share the same concerns and access the network of the University of Deusto.
Iratxe San Vicente
Tel. +34 944 139 454
Tontxu Campos