Doble grado en Ingeniería Mecánica + Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial

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    At the end of your Double Bachelor’s degreeCareer opportunities

    Leading and coordinating

    all activities related to product development and manufacturing, in a variety of sectors such as the automotive, machine tool and consumer products industries.



    in innovationmanagement, which will give you access to the R&D&I, design and product engineering departments of the most cutting-edge companies.


    Prototyping and designing

    using the technologies and software tools needed to design.

    Over 40 years’ experience training professionals

    Deusto Engineering

    +125Collaborating companies

    98.4%Employment rate

    100%Embedded employment rate (graduates working in a field that relates to their degree)

    2ndUniversity for teaching (U-Ranking 2020)

    From general knowledge to specialisation



    From general knowledge to specialisation


    Work placements are an essential complement to professional development

    Internships are guaranteed for 100% of the students, focused on gaining professional experience that will be highly valued for their labour market integration.

    All internships are optional and are held in 4º year. They are supervised by qualified professionals at the host centre and by a lecturer from the faculty.



    Partner companies

    Career opportunities

    Career opportunities

    Sectors: Automotive industry, railways, aeronautics, naval, machine tools, furniture, lighting, electronic equipment, clothing, cycling, hand tools and urban equipment, among others.

    Product or Marketing and Communication Development.
