Double Bachelor’s degree in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

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    Towards industry 4.0

     Basque industry warns of a major shortage of engineers in the coming years. And in the IT sector, last year alone, there were 2 million unfilled jobs in Europe.

    Europe aims to be the world's most modern industrial hub, where full automation and data analytics will characterise Europe's new factories and advances in artificial intelligence will create increasingly human robots.

    Software development will be the key to entering the world of Industry 4.0. Siemens announced the recruitment of 8,000 software engineers this year  and the European Commission has set a target of one in five euros in Europe to come from industry, compared to current 13 per cent. 

    Individualised attention to help you enter the labour market

    DeustoAlumni will facilitate your access to the labour market. It will provide you with legal guidance and advice on all employment-related matters.

    We have a team of experts who have been working in the field of employment and career guidance for more than 10 years. From the last years of your degree you will be able to participate in workshops and seminars with individual monitoring of your employability.

    Deusto Alumni

    Over 40 years’ experience training professionals

    Deusto Engineering

    +125Collaborating companies

    98.4%Employment rate

    100%Embedded employment rate (graduates working in a field that relates to their degree)

    2ndUniversity for teaching (U-Ranking 2020)

    From general knowledge to specialisation



    From general knowledge to specialisation


    Work placements are an essential complement to professional development

    Internships are guaranteed for 100% of the students, focused on gaining professional experience that will be highly valued for their labour market integration.

    All internships are optional and are held in 4º year. They are supervised by qualified professionals at the host centre and by a lecturer from the faculty.



    More than 125 companies in the Basque Country will welcome students from our Faculty for internships this year

    University-Business Seminars


    University-Business Seminars

    In the university-business seminars, our students receive grants from leading companies in the area. Working side by side with lecturers and business professionals, they develop pilot projects in which they experiment with the latest technologies and then implement them in these companies. The company and students learn at the same time. 

    You will be able to work in...Career Opportunities

    A wide range of industrial companies

    Manufacturing, energy or equipment

    Advertising and marketing companies

    All types of companies in data analytics areas

    Industrial R&D&I centres or departments.

    Master’s Degree in Development and Integration of Software Solutions

    Digitalizar y dotar de inteligencia nuestro entorno

    Empleos que transforman el futuro


    Digitalizar y dotar de inteligencia nuestro entorno

    Empleos que transforman el futuro

    Si te apasiona resolver problemas, imagina crear algoritmos que predigan tendencias, optimicen negocios o mejoren la medicina. Desde startups hasta grandes empresas, estas áreas ofrecen infinitas oportunidades para jóvenes que quieren usar la tecnología para transformar industrias y ayudar a tomar decisiones más inteligentes.

    En la siguiente INFOGRAFÍA puedes ver algunos ejemplos