Learn what the entrepreneurship ecosystem is and should be like and analyse concepts such as the Business Model and the Business Plan.
¿So you are thinking of starting your own business? ¿Would you like to work on your ideas with professionals from the entrepreneurial ecosystem?
DeustoSTART II is our free programme to grow, enjoy and start your business project.
This course aims to inspire, support and train people who want to carry out entrepreneurial initiatives.
Face-to-face workshops and inspirational sessions once a week, every Friday from 15:30 to 19:30.
It is the best opportunity to start a business and be able to do so under the guidance of professionals, who will guide and facilitate the process for participants.
Bilbao Campus
Deustostart II
Application process open
If you want to develop your project with professional support, whether or not you are a student at the University.
You would like to meet people like you who are interested in starting up a business or becoming an intrapreneur in an organisation.
You will learn about different areas of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship.
You will learn how to make your business known and improve your tolerance for failure.
Start of the next round of workshops and sessions: May 2025. Due to health restrictions, these workshops will be online.
Face-to-face workshops and inspirational sessions one day a week, every Friday from 15:30 to 19:30.
ESIDE building, 4th floor, 24, Universidades Ave.
48007, Bilbao
Garate Innogunea building, 50, Mundaiz St.
20012, San Sebastián