Bachelor’s degree in Psychology+ Organizational Psychology Programme

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    We bring you closer to the professional reality

    In the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, professional practice is compulsory and is carried out in 4thº year. It is one of the most important and important activities in the study programme.

    This experience will enable you to apply theknowledge and skills acquired throughout your degree, and gain insight into the world of work and improve your employability and job prospects. 

    240hours of professional experience

    12 ECTS in the final year

    Gaizka Agirregoikoa’s testimonial on Psychology internships

    I had my first opportunity in the industrial group Elay, where I created and implemented a work climate intervention.

    Gaizka AgirregoikoaPsychology

    Discover your job opportunities

    Internship assessment

    It includes the areas of human resource management and development , recruitment processes and career guidance, staff training etc.

    Internship centres

    • Entities, institutions and companies aimed at personnel selection and psychosocial adjustment of workers to their jobs.
    • Entities working on the integration and/or training of various disadvantaged groups or in precarious employment situations.

    Work with children and adolescents with mental health problems, disturbances or disorders. It focuses on the development of assessment and intervention competences in psychological processes that affect learning (e.g. educational guidance, care for children and adolescents with special educational needs, learning difficulties, etc.).

    Internship centres

    • Basque Mental Health Network Centres (CSM, UTE…)
    • Private centres and consultations
    • Public and private schools and colleges
    • Special education classrooms

    Work with adults who have mental health problems, disorders or disturbances, understood in a broad sense and not in the strictly psychopathological sense.

    Internship centres

    • General hospitals
    • Hospitals for palliative care
    • Mental Health Network (Psychiatric Hospitals, CSM, HD)
    • Patients’ associations
    • Private centres and consultations

    Assessment and intervention with people with cognitive deficits, care and intervention with older people with cognitive impairment, socialisation activities, care for family members, awareness-raising activities, etc.

    Internship centres

    • Psychogeriatric Units
    • Social centres for the elderly
    • Residential Homes and Day Centres
    • Associations of affected people
    • Gerontological centres
    • Hospitals (neurology service)
    • Brain Injury Units
    • Research

    Evaluation and intervention on different family problems, psychosocial assessment, diagnosis and intervention with populations at risk, prevention actions, etc.

    Internship centres

    • Psychosocial centres and public social protection services
    • Family counselling centres,
    • Family associations
    • Family meeting points
    • Prison
    • Associations and organisations working with disadvantaged groups
    • Centres related to sport psychology

    Career opportunities

    Career opportunities…

    Graduates in Psychology can work as advisers, counsellors, group leaders, mediators or therapists for people of all ages in all types of environments.

    Areas of activity

    • Health services and health centres: general and psychiatric hospitals, mental health centres, rehabilitation centres, primary care centres, social and health care settings, geriatric units, children's units, pain units, palliative care units, neurological and oncological units, psychological offices.
    • Formal and non-formaleducational institutions  related to child and developmental psychology and school psychology.
    • Community services in the private sector or linked to public administrations (Regional Council, Basque Government, City Council): Therapeutic communities, residential centres for minors or the elderly, welfare centres, youth services, services for victims of abuse, services for people with disabilities.
    • Companies and consultancies: occupational health, occupational hazards, ergonomics, human resources, recruitment and training, quality departments, psychological well-being, labour relations.
    • Research and teaching centres: laboratories, universities.
    • Sports, cultural, tourism and leisureorganisations.
    • Entities where legal psychologyis developed: courts, tribunals, penitentiary institutions, police and armed forces, psychological expertise centres. 
    • Entities in which traffic and safety psychologyis developed: The Spanish Directorate-General for Traffic (DGT), testing centres, insurance companies, driver training centres. 
    • Media: advertising and marketing (TV, radio, press…).