Subject areas
Faculty of Health Sciences
Gobierno Vasco B
Brief description of research aims
- Identify potential cognitive and clinical endophenotypes that could guide the diagnosis and prognosis of diseases and the various diagnostic subgroups.
- Contribute to the longitudinal prognosis and improvement of the functional status and quality of life of patients and their families.
- Develop effective treatment programmes and experimental checks for signs of effectiveness.
- Adapt and standardise diagnostic and assessment instruments.
- Prevent brain diseases and cognitive decline
Research area
- Diagnosis and treatment of severe psychiatric diseases
- Diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases
- Development of diagnostic assessment tools in neuropsychology
- Development of treatments for cognitive impairment and brain diseases
- Search for brain plasticity and functional improvement in healthy and diagnosed people
- Prevention of pathological ageing
* Team Recognised by the Basque Government
Principal Investigator
Natalia Ojeda
Research Team
Acebo García
Agurne Sampedro
Javier Peña Lasa
Leire Zubiaurre Elorza
Lexuri Fernández de Gamarra
Naroa Ibarretxe-Bilbao
Olaia Lucas
Oihana Zabala
María Del Mar Mendibe Bilbao
Processing Speed Mediates the Relationship between Apathy and Emotion Recognition in Parkinson´s disease
Zabala Gomez, Oihana; Sanchez Luengos, Itsasne; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Acera Gil, Marian; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia
Congress name: Processing Speed Mediates the Relationship between Apathy and Emotion Recognition in Parkinson´s disease / City: Lisboa / Country: Portugal / Publication name: Processing Speed Mediates the Relationship between Apathy and Emotion Recognition in Parkinson´s disease / Start date: 2024/05/19 / End date: 2024/05/22
Longitudinal cognitive changes in genetic and idiopathic Parkinson's disease: 5-year follow-up study
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Acera Gil, Marian; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Longitudinal cognitive changes in genetic and idiopathic Parkinson's disease: 5-year follow-up study / City: Chicago / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Longitudinal cognitive changes in genetic and idiopathic Parkinson's disease: 5-year follow-up study / Start date: 2023/05/13 / End date: 2023/05/16
Cognitive rehabilitation and neuroimaging in schizophrenia. Comunicación oral presentada en Simposio Invitado.
Sampedro Calvete, Agurne
Congress name: Cognitive rehabilitation and neuroimaging in schizophrenia. Comunicación oral presentada en Simposio Invitado. / Country: España / Publication name: Cognitive rehabilitation and neuroimaging in schizophrenia. Comunicación oral presentada en Simposio Invitado en el International Neuropsychological Society (INS) 2022 Meeting. / Start date: 2022/07/06 / End date: 2022/07/08
Moderators of functional outcome improvement after integrative cognitive remediation in schizophrenia
Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Peña Lasa, Javier; Sanchez Gomez, Pedro; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Iriarte Yoller, Nagore; Pavón, Cristobal; Tous-Espelosin, Mikel; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Moderators of functional outcome improvement after integrative cognitive remediation in schizophrenia / Country: España / Publication name: Moderators of functional outcome improvement after integrative cognitive remediation in schizophrenia / Start date: 2022/07/06 / End date: 2022/07/08
Structural brain differences between Lewy body diseases subtypes based on nonmotor symptoms
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Díez, Ibai; Peña Lasa, Javier; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Galdós, Marta; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Acera Gil, Marian; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Structural brain differences between Lewy body diseases subtypes based on nonmotor symptoms / Country: España / Publication name: Structural brain differences between Lewy body diseases subtypes based on nonmotor symptoms / Start date: 2022/07/06 / End date: 2022/07/08
Zabala Gómez, Oihana; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Acera Gil, Marian; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia
Integrative Cognitive Remediation in Schizophrenia: Analysis of Brain Structure and Function
Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Sanchez Gomez, Pedro; Gómez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Iriarte Yoller, Nagore; Pavón, Cristobal; Tous-Espelosin, Mikel; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Integrative Cognitive Remediation in Schizophrenia: Analysis of Brain Structure and Function / City: Florencia / Country: Italia / Publication name: Integrative Cognitive Remediation in Schizophrenia: Analysis of Brain Structure and Function / Start date: 2022/04/06 / End date: 2022/04/10
Integrative Cognitive Remediation in Schizophrenia: Improvement in Cognition, Creativity, Functional Outcome, and Clinical Symptoms
Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Peña Lasa, Javier; Sanchez Gomez, Pedro; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Gómez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Iriarte Yoller, Nagore; Pavón, Cristobal; Tous-Espelosin, Mikel; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Integrative Cognitive Remediation in Schizophrenia: Improvement in Cognition, Creativity, Functional Outcome, and Clinical Symptoms / City: Florencia / Country: Italia / Publication name: Integrative Cognitive Remediation in Schizophrenia: Improvement in Cognition, Creativity, Functional Outcome, and Clinical Symptoms / Start date: 2022/04/06 / End date: 2022/04/10
Association between modified shuttle walk test and cardiorespiratory fitness in adults with schizophrenia: CORTEX-SP study.
Tous-Espelosin, Mikel; Iriarte Yoller, Nagore; Sanchez Gomez, Pedro; Pavón, Cristobal; Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Maldonado-Martín, Sara
Congress name: Association between modified shuttle walk test and cardiorespiratory fitness in adults with schizophrenia: CORTEX-SP study. / City: Lisboa / Country: Portugal / Publication name: Association between modified shuttle walk test and cardiorespiratory fitness in adults with schizophrenia: CORTEX-SP study. / Start date: 2021/10/02 / End date: 2021/10/05
The mediating role of creativity on functional outcome among people with schizophrenia
Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Sánchez, Pedro; Iriarte Yoller, Nagore; Pavón, Cristobal; Hervella, Isabel; Tous-Espelosin, Mikel; Martinezaguirre-Betolaza, Aitor; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: The mediating role of creativity on functional outcome among people with schizophrenia / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: The mediating role of creativity on functional outcome among people with schizophrenia / Start date: 2021/04/17 / End date: 2021/04/21
Rendimiento cognitivo en familiares cuidadores de personas con enfermedad de Parkinson.
Sanchez Luengos, Itsasne; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Vazquez Picón, Raquel; Foncea Beti, Nerea; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Rendimiento cognitivo en familiares cuidadores de personas con enfermedad de Parkinson. / Country: España / Publication name: Rendimiento cognitivo en familiares cuidadores de personas con enfermedad de Parkinson. / Start date: 2021/03/12 / End date: 2021/03/13
Exploring brain white matter correlates of creativity in schizophrenia
Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gomez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Sanchez Gomez, Pedro; Iriarte, Nagore; Elizagarate Zabala, Edorta; Pavón, Cristobal; Hervella, Isabel; Tous-Espelosin, Mikel; Maldonado-Martín, Sara; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Exploring brain white matter correlates of creativity in schizophrenia / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Exploring brain white matter correlates of creativity in schizophrenia / Start date: 2020/10/22 / End date: 2020/10/23
Sampedro, A., Peña, J., Ibarretxe-Bilbao, N., Cabrera-Zubizarreta, A., Gómez-Gastiasoro, A., Sánchez, P., Iriarte, N., Elizagarate, E., Pavón, C., Hervella, I., Tous-Espelosin, M., Maldonado-Martín, S., Ojeda, N. Exploring brain white matter correlates of creativity in schizophrenia. . October 23, 2020. Virtual Congress.
Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gomez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Sanchez Gomez, Pedro; Iriarte, Nagore; Elizagarate Zabala, Edorta; Pavón, Cristobal; Hervella, Isabel; Tous-Espelosin, Mikel; Maldonado-Martín, Sara; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Sampedro, A., Peña, J., Ibarretxe-Bilbao, N., Cabrera-Zubizarreta, A., Gómez-Gastiasoro, A., Sánchez, P., Iriarte, N., Elizagarate, E., Pavón, C., Hervella, I., Tous-Espelosin, M., Maldonado-Martín, S., Ojeda, N. Exploring brain white matter correlates of creativity in schizophrenia. . October 23, 2020. Virtual Congress. / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Sampedro, A., Peña, J., Ibarretxe-Bilbao, N., Cabrera-Zubizarreta, A., Gómez-Gastiasoro, A., Sánchez, P., Iriarte, N., Elizagarate, E., Pavón, C., Hervella, I., Tous-Espelosin, M., Maldonado-Martín, S., Ojeda, N. Exploring brain white matter correlates of creativity in schizophrenia. . October 23, 2020. Virtual Congress. / Start date: 2020/10/22 / End date: 2020/10/23
Kognizio Soziala Garatuz (desarrollando cognicion social)
Garcia Guerrero, Acebo
Congress name: Kognizio Soziala Garatuz (desarrollando cognicion social) / Country: España / Publication name: Kognizio Soziala Garatuz (desarrollando cognicion social) / Start date: 2020/10/22
The role of low contrast visual acuity in cognitive performance in Lewy body diseases
Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Acera Gil, Marian; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Reyero, Paula; Cortés, Jesus; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Galdós, Marta; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: The role of low contrast visual acuity in cognitive performance in Lewy body diseases / City: Filadelfia / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: The role of low contrast visual acuity in cognitive performance in Lewy body diseases / Start date: 2020/09/13 / End date: 2020/09/17
Sex differences on dynamic functional connectivity in Parkinson's disease and healthy controls
Díez Cirarda, María; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Kim, Jinhee; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Mihaescu, Alexander; Valli, Mickael; Acera Gil, Marian; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gómez Beldarrain, Mari Ángeles; Strafella, Antonio
Congress name: Sex differences on dynamic functional connectivity in Parkinson's disease and healthy controls / City: Filadelfia / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Sex differences on dynamic functional connectivity in Parkinson's disease and healthy controls / Start date: 2020/09/13 / End date: 2020/09/17
Retinal thinning and disease worsening in Lewy body diseases
Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Galdós, Marta; Arana, Begoña; Acera Gil, Marian; Carmona Abellán, Mar; Reyero, Paula; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: Retinal thinning and disease worsening in Lewy body diseases / City: Filadelfia / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Retinal thinning and disease worsening in Lewy body diseases / Start date: 2020/09/13 / End date: 2020/09/17
Influence of emotion-affective apathy in theory of mind in Parkinson's disease patients
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Acera Gil, Marian; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Influence of emotion-affective apathy in theory of mind in Parkinson's disease patients / City: Filadelfia / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Influence of emotion-affective apathy in theory of mind in Parkinson's disease patients / Start date: 2020/09/13 / End date: 2020/09/17
Effectiveness of a psychoeducational intervention on cognition and functionality in family caregivers of patients with Parkinson´s Disease.
Sanchez Luengos, Itsasne; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Vazquez Picón, Raquel; Foncea Beti, Nerea; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Effectiveness of a psychoeducational intervention on cognition and functionality in family caregivers of patients with Parkinson´s Disease. / City: Viena / Country: Austria / Publication name: Effectiveness of a psychoeducational intervention on cognition and functionality in family caregivers of patients with Parkinson´s Disease. / Start date: 2020/07/01 / End date: 2020/07/03
Explaining creativity in schizophrenia: cognitive and clinical correlates
Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Sánchez, Pedro; Iriarte, Nagore; Elizagarate Zabala, Edorta; Pavón, Cristobal; Hervella, Isabel; Tous-Espelosin, Mikel; Maldonado-Martín, Sara; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Explaining creativity in schizophrenia: cognitive and clinical correlates / City: Viena / Country: Austria / Publication name: Explaining creativity in schizophrenia: cognitive and clinical correlates / Start date: 2020/07/01 / End date: 2020/07/03
Predictors of Quality of Life in Parkinson´s Disease.
Sanchez Luengos, Itsasne; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Vazquez Picón, Raquel; Foncea Beti, Nerea; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Predictors of Quality of Life in Parkinson´s Disease. / City: Praga / Country: Republica Checa / Publication name: Predictors of Quality of Life in Parkinson´s Disease. / Start date: 2020/06/07 / End date: 2020/06/10
Phonetic but not semantic verbal fluency impairment based on side-onset in Lewy body diseases
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Acera Gil, Marian; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Phonetic but not semantic verbal fluency impairment based on side-onset in Lewy body diseases / City: Praga / Country: Republica Checa / Publication name: Phonetic but not semantic verbal fluency impairment based on side-onset in Lewy body diseases / Start date: 2020/06/07 / End date: 2020/06/10
Ejercicio físico en pacientes con esquizofrenia. Cómo estamos y dónde deberíamos estar.
Iriarte Yoller, Nagore; Pavón, Cristobal; Hervella, Isabel; Tous-Espelosin, Mikel; Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Sanchez Gomez, Pedro
Congress name: Ejercicio físico en pacientes con esquizofrenia. Cómo estamos y dónde deberíamos estar. / ISBN: 978-84-945449-9-6 / City: Online / Publication name: Ejercicio físico en pacientes con esquizofrenia. Cómo estamos y dónde deberíamos estar. / Start date: 2020/05/25 / End date: 2020/06/05
Intrinsic Brain Functional Network Dynamics in Parkinson´s Disease Patients with Depression
Díez Cirarda, María; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Kim, Jinhee; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Soo Cho, Sang; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Acera Gil, Marian; Mihaescu, Alexander; Valli, Mikaeel; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gomez Beldarrain, Marian; Strafella, Antonio
Congress name: Intrinsic Brain Functional Network Dynamics in Parkinson´s Disease Patients with Depression / City: Toronto / Country: Canada / Publication name: Intrinsic Brain Functional Network Dynamics in Parkinson´s Disease Patients with Depression / Start date: 2020/04/25 / End date: 2020/05/01
Cardiovascular Risk and Vascular Age in Adults with Schizophrenia Compared to a Healthy population: Data from Cortex-Sp Study
Tous-Espelosin, Mikel; Iriarte, Nagore; Martínez Aguirre Betolaza, Aitor; Hervella, Isabel; Corres, Pablo; Pavón, Cristobal; Arratibel Imaz, Iñaki; Elizagarate Zabala, Edorta; Sanchez Gomez, Pedro Manuel; Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Ortiz De Zarate, Amaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Maldonado-Martín, Sara
Congress name: Cardiovascular Risk and Vascular Age in Adults with Schizophrenia Compared to a Healthy population: Data from Cortex-Sp Study / City: Florencia / Country: Italia / Publication name: Cardiovascular Risk and Vascular Age in Adults with Schizophrenia Compared to a Healthy population: Data from Cortex-Sp Study / Start date: 2020/04/04 / End date: 2020/04/08
Creativity, executive functions, and theory of mind in schizophrenia: a mediational model
Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Sanchez Gomez, Pedro Manuel; Iriarte, Nagore; Elizagarate Zabala, Edorta; Pavón, Cristobal; Hervella, Isabel; Ledesma González, Sara; Tous-Espelosin, Mikel; Maldonado-Martín, Sara; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Creativity, executive functions, and theory of mind in schizophrenia: a mediational model / City: Florencia / Country: Italia / Publication name: Creativity, executive functions, and theory of mind in schizophrenia: a mediational model / Start date: 2020/04/04 / End date: 2020/04/08
Cardiovascular risk and vascular age in adults with schizophrenia compared to a healthy population according to physical, physiological, biochemical parameters: data from CORTEX-SP study.
Tous-Espelosin, Mikel; Iriarte, Nagore; Martínez Aguirre Betolaza, Aitor; Corres, Pablo; Arratibel Imaz, Iñaki; Sánchez, Pedro; Ortiz De Zarate, Amaia; Elizagarate Zabala, Edorta; Pavón, Cristobal; Hervella, Isabel; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Maldonado-Martín, Sara
Congress name: Cardiovascular risk and vascular age in adults with schizophrenia compared to a healthy population according to physical, physiological, biochemical parameters: data from CORTEX-SP study. / Country: España / Publication name: Cardiovascular risk and vascular age in adults with schizophrenia compared to a healthy population according to physical, physiological, biochemical parameters: data from CORTEX-SP study. / Start date: 2020/04/02 / End date: 2020/04/04
Atrofia retiniana y el riesgo de progresión de la enfermedad en enfermedades por cuerpos de Lewy
Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Galdós, Marta; Carmona Abellán, M; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Acera Gil, Marian; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: Atrofia retiniana y el riesgo de progresión de la enfermedad en enfermedades por cuerpos de Lewy / Country: España / Publication name: Atrofia retiniana y el riesgo de progresión de la enfermedad en enfermedades por cuerpos de Lewy / Start date: 2020/02/28 / End date: 2020/02/29
The impact of fatigue and depressive symptoms in the quality of life in Parkinson´s disease
Sanchez Luengos, Itsasne; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gomez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Vazquez Picón, Raquel; Foncea Beti, Nerea; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: The impact of fatigue and depressive symptoms in the quality of life in Parkinson´s disease / City: Miami / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: The impact of fatigue and depressive symptoms in the quality of life in Parkinson´s disease / Start date: 2020/02/14 / End date: 2020/02/16
Dynamic functional connectivity patterns in Parkinson?s disease patients with depressive symptomatology
Díez Cirarda, María; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Kim, Jinhee; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Cho, Ss; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Acera Gil, Marian; Mihaescu, M; Valli, Mickael; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gomez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Strafella, Antonio
Congress name: Dynamic functional connectivity patterns in Parkinson?s disease patients with depressive symptomatology / City: Miami / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Dynamic functional connectivity patterns in Parkinson?s disease patients with depressive symptomatology / Start date: 2020/02/14 / End date: 2020/02/16
La influencia de la función visual sobre la cognición visual en pacientes con enfermedad por cuerpos de Lewy
Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Acera Gil, Marian; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Reyero, Paula; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Galdós, Marta; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: La influencia de la función visual sobre la cognición visual en pacientes con enfermedad por cuerpos de Lewy / Country: España / Publication name: La influencia de la función visual sobre la cognición visual en pacientes con enfermedad por cuerpos de Lewy / Start date: 2019/11/19 / End date: 2019/11/23
Eficacia de la Rehabilitación Cognitiva en la Enfermedad del Parkinson.
Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Eficacia de la Rehabilitación Cognitiva en la Enfermedad del Parkinson. / Country: España / Publication name: Eficacia de la Rehabilitación Cognitiva en la Enfermedad del Parkinson. / Start date: 2019/10/25 / End date: 2019/10/26
Metabolic network abnormalities in drug-naive Parkinson?s disease
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Schindlbeck, Katharina; Tang, Chris; Morbelli, S; Arnaldi, D; Pardini, M; Nobili, Flavio; Eidelberg, David
Congress name: Metabolic network abnormalities in drug-naive Parkinson?s disease / City: NICE / Country: France (European Territory) / Publication name: Metabolic network abnormalities in drug-naive Parkinson?s disease / Start date: 2019/09/22 / End date: 2019/09/26
Structural and functional MRI brain alterations of Lewy body diseases
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: Structural and functional MRI brain alterations of Lewy body diseases / City: nice / Country: France (European Territory) / Publication name: Structural and functional MRI brain alterations of Lewy body diseases / Start date: 2019/09/22 / End date: 2019/09/26
Physical, physiological and biochemical parameters of adults with schizophrenia: data from cognitive rehabilitation and training with exercise for schizophrenia study
Iriarte, Nagore; Tous-Espelosin, Mikel; Hervella, Isabel; Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Maldonado-Martín, Sara; Pavón, Cristobal; Martínez Aguirre Betolaza, Aitor; García, Gemma; Corres, Pablo; Elizagarate Zabala, Edorta; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ortiz De Zarate, Amaia; Arratibel, I; García-Marchena, Jose Antonio; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Sanchez Gomez, Pedro Manuel
Congress name: Physical, physiological and biochemical parameters of adults with schizophrenia: data from cognitive rehabilitation and training with exercise for schizophrenia study / City: Copenhague / Country: Dinamarca / Publication name: Physical, physiological and biochemical parameters of adults with schizophrenia: data from cognitive rehabilitation and training with exercise for schizophrenia study / Start date: 2019/09/07 / End date: 2019/09/10
The spectrum of mild cognitive impairment in alpha-synucleinopathies
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Acera Gil, Marian; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: The spectrum of mild cognitive impairment in alpha-synucleinopathies / City: Montreal / Country: Canada / Publication name: The spectrum of mild cognitive impairment in alpha-synucleinopathies / Start date: 2019/06/16 / End date: 2019/06/19
Selective parafoveal inner retina thinning predicts visual outcomes in Lewy body diseases
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia
Congress name: Selective parafoveal inner retina thinning predicts visual outcomes in Lewy body diseases / City: Kioto / Country: Japon / Publication name: Selective parafoveal inner retina thinning predicts visual outcomes in Lewy body diseases / Start date: 2019/06/04 / End date: 2019/06/07
Genetic variants and non-motor features of Parkinson?s disease for clustering Lewy body diseases
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Díez, Ibai; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Galdós, Marta; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Acera Gil, Marian; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: Genetic variants and non-motor features of Parkinson?s disease for clustering Lewy body diseases / City: Kioto / Country: Japon / Publication name: Genetic variants and non-motor features of Parkinson?s disease for clustering Lewy body diseases / Start date: 2019/06/04 / End date: 2019/06/07
Functional connectivity alterations and grey matter atrophy in Parkinson?s disease
Díez Cirarda, María; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Kim, Jinhee; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Cho, Ss; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Mihaescu, A; Mihaescu, A; Mihaescu, A; Acera Gil, Marian; Gomez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Strafella, Antonio
Congress name: Functional connectivity alterations and grey matter atrophy in Parkinson?s disease / Country: Canada / Publication name: Functional connectivity alterations and grey matter atrophy in Parkinson?s disease / Start date: 2019/05/15
Rehabilitación cognitiva y ejercicio físico intensivo en personas con esquizofrenia.
García-Marchena, Jose Antonio; Tous-Espelosin, Mikel; Iriarte, Nagore; Pavón, Cristobal; Sampedro Calvete, Agurne
Congress name: Rehabilitación cognitiva y ejercicio físico intensivo en personas con esquizofrenia. / Country: España / Publication name: Rehabilitación cognitiva y ejercicio físico intensivo en personas con esquizofrenia. / Start date: 2019/04/10 / End date: 2019/04/12
Cognitive rehabilitation and training with exercise for schizophrenia (cortex-sp): psychopathological and physical preliminary baseline outcomes
Tous-Espelosin, Mikel; Iriarte, Nagore; Maldonado-Martín, Sara; Hervella, Isabel; Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Martinezaguirre-Betolaza, Aitor; Corres, Pablo; Pavón, Cristobal; García, Gemma; Elizagarate Zabala, Edorta; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ortiz De Zarate, Amaia; García-Marchena, Jose Antonio; Sanchez Gomez, Pedro Manuel
Congress name: Cognitive rehabilitation and training with exercise for schizophrenia (cortex-sp): psychopathological and physical preliminary baseline outcomes / City: Warsaw / Country: Polonia / Publication name: Cognitive rehabilitation and training with exercise for schizophrenia (cortex-sp): psychopathological and physical preliminary baseline outcomes / Start date: 2019/04/06 / End date: 2019/04/09
Cognitive remediation and training with exercise for schizophrenia: cortex-sp study, a clinical trial
Iriarte, Nagore; Tous-Espelosin, Mikel; Hervella, Isabel; Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Maldonado-Martín, Sara; Pavón, Cristobal; Martinezaguirre-Betolaza, Aitor; García, Gemma; Corres, Pablo; Elizagarate Zabala, Edorta; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; García-Marchena, Jose Antonio; Ortiz De Zarate, Amaia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Sanchez Gomez, Pedro Manuel
Congress name: Cognitive remediation and training with exercise for schizophrenia: cortex-sp study, a clinical trial / City: Warsaw / Country: Polonia / Publication name: Cognitive remediation and training with exercise for schizophrenia: cortex-sp study, a clinical trial / Start date: 2019/04/06 / End date: 2019/04/09
The Role of Theory of Mind and Executive Functions in Creative Performance of People with Schizophrenia
Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Sanchez Gomez, Pedro Manuel; Elizagarate Zabala, Edorta; Iriarte, Nagore; Pavón, Cristobal; Hervella, Isabel; García, Gemma; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: The Role of Theory of Mind and Executive Functions in Creative Performance of People with Schizophrenia / City: Warsaw / Country: Polonia / Publication name: The Role of Theory of Mind and Executive Functions in Creative Performance of People with Schizophrenia / Start date: 2019/04/06 / End date: 2019/04/09
Alteraciones cerebrales relacionadas con la apatía en enfermedad de Parkinson: estudio de imagen multimodal
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Díez Cirarda, María; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gomez Beldarrain, Marian; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Alteraciones cerebrales relacionadas con la apatía en enfermedad de Parkinson: estudio de imagen multimodal / City: Madrid / Country: España / Publication name: Alteraciones cerebrales relacionadas con la apatía en enfermedad de Parkinson: estudio de imagen multimodal / Start date: 2019/03/08 / End date: 2019/03/10
Formas equivalentes y abreviadas del "Test de Reconocimiento de Características Situacionales-2": propiedades psicométricas y análisis de la equivalencia inter-forma y validez test-retest
Gomez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Peña Lasa, Javier; Zubiaurre Elorza, Leire; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Formas equivalentes y abreviadas del "Test de Reconocimiento de Características Situacionales-2": propiedades psicométricas y análisis de la equivalencia inter-forma y validez test-retest / Country: España / Publication name: Formas equivalentes y abreviadas del "Test de Reconocimiento de Características Situacionales-2": propiedades psicométricas y análisis de la equivalencia inter-forma y validez test-retest / Start date: 2019/03/07 / End date: 2019/03/09
La influencia de la función visual sobre el rendimiento neuropsicológico en pacientes con enfermedad por cuerpos de Lewy
Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Acera Gil, Marian; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Galdós, Marta; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: La influencia de la función visual sobre el rendimiento neuropsicológico en pacientes con enfermedad por cuerpos de Lewy / Country: España / Publication name: La influencia de la función visual sobre el rendimiento neuropsicológico en pacientes con enfermedad por cuerpos de Lewy / Start date: 2019/03/01 / End date: 2019/03/02
El adelgazamiento parafoveal de las capas internas de la retina está asociado a la disfunción visual en las enfermedades por cuerpos de Lewy
Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Galdós, Marta; Arana, Begoña; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Acera Gil, Marian; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: El adelgazamiento parafoveal de las capas internas de la retina está asociado a la disfunción visual en las enfermedades por cuerpos de Lewy / Country: España / Publication name: El adelgazamiento parafoveal de las capas internas de la retina está asociado a la disfunción visual en las enfermedades por cuerpos de Lewy / Start date: 2019/03/01 / End date: 2019/03/02
White Matter Fractional Anisotropy Differences Between Psychiatric Patients with and Without Suicide Attempts and Their Relationship with Impulsivity
Gomez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Zubiaurre Elorza, Leire; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Rilo Cano, Oihane; Schretlen, David J; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: White Matter Fractional Anisotropy Differences Between Psychiatric Patients with and Without Suicide Attempts and Their Relationship with Impulsivity / City: New York City / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: White Matter Fractional Anisotropy Differences Between Psychiatric Patients with and Without Suicide Attempts and Their Relationship with Impulsivity / Start date: 2019/02/20 / End date: 2019/02/23
Cambios cerebrales tras la rehabilitación cognitiva en enfermedad de Parkinson
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia
Congress name: Cambios cerebrales tras la rehabilitación cognitiva en enfermedad de Parkinson / Country: España / Publication name: Cambios cerebrales tras la rehabilitación cognitiva en enfermedad de Parkinson / Start date: 2018/11/09 / End date: 2018/11/10
Mechanism through which CR improves functioning in Schizophrenia
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Mechanism through which CR improves functioning in Schizophrenia / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Mechanism through which CR improves functioning in Schizophrenia / Start date: 2018/06/01
The influence of visual pathway integrity on primary and higher order visual dysfunction in synucleinopathies
Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Galdós, Marta; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Acera Gil, Marian; Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Díez, Ibai; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: The influence of visual pathway integrity on primary and higher order visual dysfunction in synucleinopathies / City: Hawai / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: The influence of visual pathway integrity on primary and higher order visual dysfunction in synucleinopathies / Start date: 2018/04/29 / End date: 2018/05/03
Spanish adaptation and validation of the SFRT-2 in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls
Gomez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Peña Lasa, Javier; Zubiaurre Elorza, Leire; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Spanish adaptation and validation of the SFRT-2 in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls / City: Florencia / Country: Italia / Publication name: Spanish adaptation and validation of the SFRT-2 in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls / Start date: 2018/04/04 / End date: 2018/04/08
Caracterización de los trastornos cognitivos visuales en formas genéticas e idiopáticas de enfermedad de Parkinson
Acera Gil, Marian; Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Galdós, Marta; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: Caracterización de los trastornos cognitivos visuales en formas genéticas e idiopáticas de enfermedad de Parkinson / Country: España / Publication name: Caracterización de los trastornos cognitivos visuales en formas genéticas e idiopáticas de enfermedad de Parkinson / Start date: 2018/02/23 / End date: 2018/02/24
Identificación de biomarcadores de imagen de la retina y la vía visual asociados a trastornos visuo-espaciales en sinucleinpatías
Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Galdós, Marta; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Acera Gil, Marian; Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Díez, Ibai; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: Identificación de biomarcadores de imagen de la retina y la vía visual asociados a trastornos visuo-espaciales en sinucleinpatías / Country: España / Publication name: Identificación de biomarcadores de imagen de la retina y la vía visual asociados a trastornos visuo-espaciales en sinucleinpatías / Start date: 2018/02/23 / End date: 2018/02/24
Rehacop: RHB en trastornos psicóticos y enfermedades neurodegenerativas
Garcia Guerrero, Acebo
Congress name: Rehacop: RHB en trastornos psicóticos y enfermedades neurodegenerativas / Country: España / Publication name: Rehacop: RHB en trastornos psicóticos y enfermedades neurodegenerativas / Start date: 2018/02/01 / End date: 2018/02/03
Longitudinal effects of cognitive rehabilitation in Parkinson?s disease: a cogntiive, clinical and neuroimaging study
Díez Cirarda, María; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Longitudinal effects of cognitive rehabilitation in Parkinson?s disease: a cogntiive, clinical and neuroimaging study / City: Ho Chi Minh / Country: Vietnam / Publication name: Longitudinal effects of cognitive rehabilitation in Parkinson?s disease: a cogntiive, clinical and neuroimaging study / Start date: 2017/11/12 / End date: 2017/11/15
REHACOP: Rehab programme for people in early phases of cognitive decline
Garcia Guerrero, Acebo
Congress name: REHACOP: Rehab programme for people in early phases of cognitive decline / City: Edimburgo / Country: Reino Unido / Publication name: REHACOP: Rehab programme for people in early phases of cognitive decline / Start date: 2017/10/03 / End date: 2017/10/04
Functional disruption of extrastriatal networks is the major contributor to visual hallucinations in Parkinson Disease
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia
Congress name: Functional disruption of extrastriatal networks is the major contributor to visual hallucinations in Parkinson Disease / City: Malmo / Country: Suecia / Publication name: Functional disruption of extrastriatal networks is the major contributor to visual hallucinations in Parkinson Disease / Start date: 2017/09/13 / End date: 2017/09/17
Estimation of verbal memory and processing speed cognitive performance according to premorbid intelligence in multiple sclerosis patients
Rilo Cano, Oihane; Peña Lasa, Javier; Gómez, Ainara; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Rodríguez Antigüedad, Alfredo; Mendibe, Mar; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Estimation of verbal memory and processing speed cognitive performance according to premorbid intelligence in multiple sclerosis patients / Country: España / Publication name: Estimation of verbal memory and processing speed cognitive performance according to premorbid intelligence in multiple sclerosis patients / Start date: 2017/05/04 / End date: 2017/05/06
Maintenance of the default mode network functional connectivity through an integrative group-based cognitive rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis
Rilo Cano, Oihane; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera, Alberto; Antigüedad, Alfredo; Mendibe, Mar; Gómez, Ainara; Deluca, John; Chiaravalloti, Nancy; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Maintenance of the default mode network functional connectivity through an integrative group-based cognitive rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis / Country: España / Publication name: Maintenance of the default mode network functional connectivity through an integrative group-based cognitive rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis / Start date: 2017/05/04 / End date: 2017/05/06
Síntomas clínicos e índices de integridad de la sustancia blanca cerebral como variables de discriminación entre pacientes con Esquizofrenia y Trastorno Bipolar.
Gomez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Zubiaurre Elorza, Leire; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Schretlen, David J; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Síntomas clínicos e índices de integridad de la sustancia blanca cerebral como variables de discriminación entre pacientes con Esquizofrenia y Trastorno Bipolar. / Country: España / Publication name: Síntomas clínicos e índices de integridad de la sustancia blanca cerebral como variables de discriminación entre pacientes con Esquizofrenia y Trastorno Bipolar. / Start date: 2017/03/10 / End date: 2017/03/11
Influencia de la edad y el nivel educativo en el rendimiento cognitivo del test Modificado de Clasificación de Tarjetas de Wisconsin (M-WCST)
Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Saez Atxukarro, Oihane; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Influencia de la edad y el nivel educativo en el rendimiento cognitivo del test Modificado de Clasificación de Tarjetas de Wisconsin (M-WCST) / Country: España / Publication name: Influencia de la edad y el nivel educativo en el rendimiento cognitivo del test Modificado de Clasificación de Tarjetas de Wisconsin (M-WCST) / Start date: 2017/03/09 / End date: 2017/03/11
Cognitive improvement and functional connectivity changes after integrative group-based cognitive rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis
Rilo Cano, Oihane; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Antigüedad, Alfredo; Mendibe, Mar; Cabrera, Alberto; Gómez, Ainara; Deluca, John; Chiaravalloti, Nancy; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Cognitive improvement and functional connectivity changes after integrative group-based cognitive rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis / City: Londres / Country: Reino Unido / Publication name: Cognitive improvement and functional connectivity changes after integrative group-based cognitive rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis / Start date: 2016/09/14 / End date: 2016/09/17
The Normacog Project.
Zubiaurre Elorza, Leire
Congress name: The Normacog Project. / City: London / Country: Reino Unido / Publication name: The Normacog Project. / Start date: 2016/07/06 / End date: 2016/07/08
Resting-state functional connectivity in carriers of E46K-SNCA mutation
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Resting-state functional connectivity in carriers of E46K-SNCA mutation / Country: España / Publication name: Resting-state functional connectivity in carriers of E46K-SNCA mutation / Start date: 2016/06/27
Structural and functional brain alterations in patients with Parkinson's disease and mild cognitive impairment: a multimodal imaging study
Díez Cirarda, María; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Structural and functional brain alterations in patients with Parkinson's disease and mild cognitive impairment: a multimodal imaging study / Country: España / Publication name: Structural and functional brain alterations in patients with Parkinson's disease and mild cognitive impairment: a multimodal imaging study / Start date: 2016/06/27
Inverse anterior frontal white matter asymmetry and its implications for cognition in patients with schizophrenia.
Gomez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Zubiaurre Elorza, Leire; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Rilo Cano, Oihane; Schretlen, David; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Inverse anterior frontal white matter asymmetry and its implications for cognition in patients with schizophrenia. / Country: España / Publication name: Inverse anterior frontal white matter asymmetry and its implications for cognition in patients with schizophrenia. / Start date: 2016/06/27
Retinal and Visual Cortex Damage and Higher Order Visual Dysfunction in Carriers of E46K Mutation of alpha-Synuclein Gene
Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Galdós, Marta; Arjonilla, Alvaro; González, Amaia; Arana, Begoña; Acera Gil, Marian; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Alonso, Carmen; Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos
Congress name: Retinal and Visual Cortex Damage and Higher Order Visual Dysfunction in Carriers of E46K Mutation of alpha-Synuclein Gene / City: Vancouver / Country: Canada / Publication name: Retinal and Visual Cortex Damage and Higher Order Visual Dysfunction in Carriers of E46K Mutation of alpha-Synuclein Gene / Start date: 2016/04/15 / End date: 2016/04/21
Neuropsychological profile in carriers of E46K mutation of the alpha-synuclein gene
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Acera Gil, Marian; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Díez Cirarda, María; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Neuropsychological profile in carriers of E46K mutation of the alpha-synuclein gene / City: Vancouver / Country: Canada / Publication name: Neuropsychological profile in carriers of E46K mutation of the alpha-synuclein gene / Start date: 2016/04/15 / End date: 2016/04/21
The role of disorganization symptoms in the relationship between executive functions and white matter in schizophrenia.
Gomez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Zubiaurre Elorza, Leire; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Rilo Cano, Oihane; Schretlen, David J; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: The role of disorganization symptoms in the relationship between executive functions and white matter in schizophrenia. / City: Florencia / Country: Italia / Publication name: The role of disorganization symptoms in the relationship between executive functions and white matter in schizophrenia. / Start date: 2016/04/02 / End date: 2016/04/06
Neuroanatomical correlates of socioeconomic status in schizophrenia and its implications for cognition
Zubiaurre Elorza, Leire; Gomez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Schretlen, David J
Congress name: Neuroanatomical correlates of socioeconomic status in schizophrenia and its implications for cognition / City: Florencia / Country: Italia / Publication name: Neuroanatomical correlates of socioeconomic status in schizophrenia and its implications for cognition / Start date: 2016/04/02 / End date: 2016/04/06
Impacto del tratamiento del virus Hepatitis C (VHC) sobre síntomas mentales
Garcia Guerrero, Acebo; Ruiz De Azua Velasco, Maria Anegeles; Grivé Isern, Nuria; Santamaría Mas, Maribel; Ubis Gonzalez, Aitziber
Congress name: Impacto del tratamiento del virus Hepatitis C (VHC) sobre síntomas mentales / ISBN: 9788494292149 / Country: España / Publication name: Impacto del tratamiento del virus Hepatitis C (VHC) sobre síntomas mentales / Start date: 2016/03/16 / End date: 2016/03/18
Deterioro cognitivo en los portadores de la mutación E46K del gen alfa-sinucleína
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Acera Gil, Marian; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Díez Cirarda, María; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Deterioro cognitivo en los portadores de la mutación E46K del gen alfa-sinucleína / Country: España / Publication name: Deterioro cognitivo en los portadores de la mutación E46K del gen alfa-sinucleína / Start date: 2016/03/04 / End date: 2016/03/05
Normalización y estandarización de instrumentos neuropsicológicos en España
Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Normalización y estandarización de instrumentos neuropsicológicos en España / Country: España / Publication name: Normalización y estandarización de instrumentos neuropsicológicos en España / Start date: 2016/03/04 / End date: 2016/03/05
Psiquiatría: nuevos conocimientos, nuevas alternativas
Garcia Guerrero, Acebo
Congress name: Psiquiatría: nuevos conocimientos, nuevas alternativas / City: Vitoria / Publication name: Psiquiatría: nuevos conocimientos, nuevas alternativas / Start date: 2016/03/02 / End date: 2016/03/05
Rehabilitación cognitiva, Rehacop
Garcia Guerrero, Acebo
Congress name: Rehabilitación cognitiva, Rehacop / City: Vitoria / Publication name: Rehabilitación cognitiva, Rehacop / Start date: 2016/03/02 / End date: 2016/03/05
Efectos de la rehabilitación cognitiva sobre la fatiga, apatía y satisfacción de la vida en personas mayores
Montoya Murillo, Genoveva; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Efectos de la rehabilitación cognitiva sobre la fatiga, apatía y satisfacción de la vida en personas mayores / Country: España / Publication name: Efectos de la rehabilitación cognitiva sobre la fatiga, apatía y satisfacción de la vida en personas mayores / Start date: 2016/02/11 / End date: 2016/02/13
Effects of cognitive rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease: Randomised controlled trial
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Díez Cirarda, María; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia
Congress name: Effects of cognitive rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease: Randomised controlled trial / City: Boston / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Effects of cognitive rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease: Randomised controlled trial / Start date: 2016/02/03 / End date: 2016/02/06
Short and long term effect of cognitive rehabilitation in mild cognitive impairment subtypes in Parkinson's disease.
Díez Cirarda, María; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Short and long term effect of cognitive rehabilitation in mild cognitive impairment subtypes in Parkinson's disease. / City: Milán / Country: Italia / Publication name: Short and long term effect of cognitive rehabilitation in mild cognitive impairment subtypes in Parkinson's disease. / Start date: 2015/12/06 / End date: 2015/12/09
Apathy is associated to altered resting-state functional connectivity and structural changes in Parkinson's disease.
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Díez Cirarda, María; Cabrera, Alberto; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Apathy is associated to altered resting-state functional connectivity and structural changes in Parkinson's disease. / City: Milán / Publication name: Apathy is associated to altered resting-state functional connectivity and structural changes in Parkinson's disease. / Start date: 2015/12/06 / End date: 2015/12/09
Incremento de la activación cerebral tras la participación en un programa de rehabilitación cognitiva en la enfermedad de Parkinson con el programa REHACOP
Díez Cirarda, María; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Incremento de la activación cerebral tras la participación en un programa de rehabilitación cognitiva en la enfermedad de Parkinson con el programa REHACOP / Country: España / Publication name: Incremento de la activación cerebral tras la participación en un programa de rehabilitación cognitiva en la enfermedad de Parkinson con el programa REHACOP / Start date: 2015/11/17 / End date: 2015/11/21
El rol predictivo de la velocidad de procesamiento en la memoria en esclerosis múltiple: evidencias desde la neuropsicología y la neuroimagen microestructural
Rilo Cano, Oihane; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Mendibe, Mar; Antigüedad, Alfredo; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gomez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: El rol predictivo de la velocidad de procesamiento en la memoria en esclerosis múltiple: evidencias desde la neuropsicología y la neuroimagen microestructural / Country: España / Publication name: El rol predictivo de la velocidad de procesamiento en la memoria en esclerosis múltiple: evidencias desde la neuropsicología y la neuroimagen microestructural / Start date: 2015/11/17 / End date: 2015/11/21
Relación entre la conectividad funcional en estado de reposo, sustancia gris y memoria en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Díez Cirarda, María; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Relación entre la conectividad funcional en estado de reposo, sustancia gris y memoria en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson / Country: España / Publication name: Relación entre la conectividad funcional en estado de reposo, sustancia gris y memoria en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson / Start date: 2015/11/17 / End date: 2015/11/21
Proyecto Normacog: normalización y estandarización de instrumentos neuropsicológicos en población española.
Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Peña Lasa, Javier; Schretlen, David; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Proyecto Normacog: normalización y estandarización de instrumentos neuropsicológicos en población española. / Country: España / Publication name: Proyecto Normacog: normalización y estandarización de instrumentos neuropsicológicos en población española. / Start date: 2015/11/17 / End date: 2015/11/21
Deterioro cognitivo en pacientes con hepatitis virus C: un estudio piloto
Garcia Guerrero, Acebo
Congress name: Deterioro cognitivo en pacientes con hepatitis virus C: un estudio piloto / Country: España / Publication name: Deterioro cognitivo en pacientes con hepatitis virus C: un estudio piloto / Start date: 2015/11/05 / End date: 2015/11/07
Correlatos neuroanatómicos de los síntomas clínicos en pacientes con esquizofrenia.
Gomez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Zubiaurre Elorza, Leire; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Rilo Cano, Oihane; Schretlen, David J; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Correlatos neuroanatómicos de los síntomas clínicos en pacientes con esquizofrenia. / Country: España / Publication name: Correlatos neuroanatómicos de los síntomas clínicos en pacientes con esquizofrenia. / Start date: 2015/10/16 / End date: 2015/10/17
Conectividad funcional en estado de reposo y en una tarea de memoria en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Díez Cirarda, María; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Conectividad funcional en estado de reposo y en una tarea de memoria en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson / Country: España / Publication name: Conectividad funcional en estado de reposo y en una tarea de memoria en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson / Start date: 2015/10/16 / End date: 2015/10/17
Aplicación de la Rehabilitación neuropsicológica; Programa Rehacop
Garcia Guerrero, Acebo
Congress name: Aplicación de la Rehabilitación neuropsicológica; Programa Rehacop / Country: España / Publication name: Aplicación de la Rehabilitación neuropsicológica; Programa Rehacop / Start date: 2015/10/16 / End date: 2015/10/17
Mecanismo de mejora en la capacidad funcional en esquizofrenia después de la rehabilitación cognitiva.
Gomez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Sánchez, Pedro; Elizagárate, E.; Ezcurra, J.; Gutiérrez, M
Congress name: Mecanismo de mejora en la capacidad funcional en esquizofrenia después de la rehabilitación cognitiva. / Country: España / Publication name: Mecanismo de mejora en la capacidad funcional en esquizofrenia después de la rehabilitación cognitiva. / Start date: 2015/10/16 / End date: 2015/10/17
Normalización y Estandarización del Test de Evaluación Cognitiva Montreal (MoCA) en Población Española.
Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Normalización y Estandarización del Test de Evaluación Cognitiva Montreal (MoCA) en Población Española. / Country: España / Publication name: Normalización y Estandarización del Test de Evaluación Cognitiva Montreal (MoCA) en Población Española. / Start date: 2015/10/15 / End date: 2015/10/17
Normalización y Estandarización del Test de la Figura Compleja de Taylor (FCT) en Población Española.
Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Normalización y Estandarización del Test de la Figura Compleja de Taylor (FCT) en Población Española. / Country: España / Publication name: Normalización y Estandarización del Test de la Figura Compleja de Taylor (FCT) en Población Española. / Start date: 2015/10/15 / End date: 2015/10/17
Normalización y Estandarización del Test de Comparación Perceptual de Salthouse (TCPS) en Población Española.
Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Normalización y Estandarización del Test de Comparación Perceptual de Salthouse (TCPS) en Población Española. / Country: España / Publication name: Normalización y Estandarización del Test de Comparación Perceptual de Salthouse (TCPS) en Población Española. / Start date: 2015/10/15 / End date: 2015/10/17
The role of processing speed in multiple sclerosis cognitive impairment
Rilo Cano, Oihane; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Gomez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Mendibe, Mar; Antigüedad, Alfredo; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: The role of processing speed in multiple sclerosis cognitive impairment / Country: España / Publication name: The role of processing speed in multiple sclerosis cognitive impairment / Start date: 2015/10/07 / End date: 2015/10/10
Integrative group-based cognitive rehabilitation efficacy in multiple sclerosis
Rilo Cano, Oihane; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Antigüedad, Alfredo; Mendibe, Mar; Gomez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Deluca, John; Chiaravalloti, Nancy; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Integrative group-based cognitive rehabilitation efficacy in multiple sclerosis / Country: España / Publication name: Integrative group-based cognitive rehabilitation efficacy in multiple sclerosis / Start date: 2015/10/07 / End date: 2015/10/10
Association of the damage to posterior visual pathway with visual information processing speed in multiple sclerosis
Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Rilo Cano, Oihane; Gomez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Mendibe, Mar; Antigüedad, Alfredo; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Díez, Ibai; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Association of the damage to posterior visual pathway with visual information processing speed in multiple sclerosis / Country: España / Publication name: Association of the damage to posterior visual pathway with visual information processing speed in multiple sclerosis / Start date: 2015/10/07 / End date: 2015/10/10
Falta de asociación entre síntomas positivos y deterioro cognitivo en la esquizofrenia refractaria a tratamiento
Garcia Guerrero, Acebo; Sanchez Gomez, Pedro; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Elizagarate Zabala, Edorta; Peña Lasa, Javier; Crego Meda, Marta; Yoller Elburgo, Ana Blanca; Martinez San Martin, Maria Pilar; Ezcurra Sanchez, Jesus
Congress name: Falta de asociación entre síntomas positivos y deterioro cognitivo en la esquizofrenia refractaria a tratamiento / City: Santiago / Publication name: Falta de asociación entre síntomas positivos y deterioro cognitivo en la esquizofrenia refractaria a tratamiento / Start date: 2015/09/24 / End date: 2015/09/26
Paliperidona de larga duración en esquizofrenia resistente a tratamiento, resultados de un estudio observacional en espejo
Garcia Guerrero, Acebo; Elizagarate Zabala, Edorta; Orbe , Arantza; Alonso Durana, Isabel; Crego Meda, Marta; Ortiz De Zarate San Agustin, Amaia; Ezcurra Sanchez, Jesus
Congress name: Paliperidona de larga duración en esquizofrenia resistente a tratamiento, resultados de un estudio observacional en espejo / City: Santiago / Publication name: Paliperidona de larga duración en esquizofrenia resistente a tratamiento, resultados de un estudio observacional en espejo / Start date: 2015/09/24 / End date: 2015/09/26
¿Hay una esquizofrenia cognitivamente refractaria? Intervención y resultados
Garcia Guerrero, Acebo
Congress name: ¿Hay una esquizofrenia cognitivamente refractaria? Intervención y resultados / Country: España / Publication name: ¿Hay una esquizofrenia cognitivamente refractaria? Intervención y resultados / Start date: 2015/09/24 / End date: 2015/09/26
The predicted value of clinical symptoms on the cognitive performance in Adolescents at Risk for Schizophrenia or Affective Psychosis Results from the Harvard Adolescent Family High Risk Study.
Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Mesholam-Gately, Raquelle; Stone, William S; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Tsuang, Ming T; Faraone, Stephen V; Seidman, Larry J
Congress name: The predicted value of clinical symptoms on the cognitive performance in Adolescents at Risk for Schizophrenia or Affective Psychosis Results from the Harvard Adolescent Family High Risk Study. / City: Berlin / Country: Alemania / Publication name: The predicted value of clinical symptoms on the cognitive performance in Adolescents at Risk for Schizophrenia or Affective Psychosis Results from the Harvard Adolescent Family High Risk Study. / Start date: 2015/09/24 / End date: 2015/09/26
Deterioro cognitivo asociado a la hepatitis C: un estudio experimental español
Garcia Guerrero, Acebo
Congress name: Deterioro cognitivo asociado a la hepatitis C: un estudio experimental español / Country: España / Publication name: Deterioro cognitivo asociado a la hepatitis C: un estudio experimental español / Start date: 2015/09/24 / End date: 2015/09/26
Rehabilitación cognitiva integral en personal mayores con el programa rehacop
Garcia Guerrero, Acebo; Montoya Murillo, Genoveva; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier
Congress name: Rehabilitación cognitiva integral en personal mayores con el programa rehacop / Country: España / Publication name: Rehabilitación cognitiva integral en personal mayores con el programa rehacop / Start date: 2015/07/02 / End date: 2015/07/03
La influencia de la reserva cognitiva en el desempeño cognitivo en adultos mayores.
Montoya Murillo, Genoveva; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: La influencia de la reserva cognitiva en el desempeño cognitivo en adultos mayores. / Country: España / Publication name: La influencia de la reserva cognitiva en el desempeño cognitivo en adultos mayores. / Start date: 2015/07/02 / End date: 2015/07/03
Mejora de la discapacidad funcional, depresión y cognición mediante rehabilitación cognitiva en la enfermedad de Parkinson: programa REHACOP
Díez Cirarda, María; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; García Gorostiaga, Inés; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Mejora de la discapacidad funcional, depresión y cognición mediante rehabilitación cognitiva en la enfermedad de Parkinson: programa REHACOP / Country: España / Publication name: Mejora de la discapacidad funcional, depresión y cognición mediante rehabilitación cognitiva en la enfermedad de Parkinson: programa REHACOP / Start date: 2014/11/18 / End date: 2014/11/22
Disfunción cognitiva y alteración de la integridad estructural y microestructural cerebral en esclerosis múltiple
Rilo Cano, Oihane; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Antigüedad, Alfredo; Mendibe, Mar; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gomez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Disfunción cognitiva y alteración de la integridad estructural y microestructural cerebral en esclerosis múltiple / Country: España / Publication name: Disfunción cognitiva y alteración de la integridad estructural y microestructural cerebral en esclerosis múltiple / Start date: 2014/11/18 / End date: 2014/11/22
Disfunción cognitiva y alteración de la integridad estructural y micoestructural cerebral en esclerosis múltiple
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier
Congress name: Disfunción cognitiva y alteración de la integridad estructural y micoestructural cerebral en esclerosis múltiple / Publication name: Disfunción cognitiva y alteración de la integridad estructural y micoestructural cerebral en esclerosis múltiple / Start date: 2014/11/18 / End date: 2014/11/22
Comparison of Neurocognitive Impairment in Adolescents at Risk for Schizophrenia or Affective Psychosis: Results from the Harvard Adolescent Family High Risk Study.
Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Mesholam-Gately, Raquelle; Stone, William; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Suang, Ming T; Faraone, Stephen V; Seidman, Larry J
Congress name: Comparison of Neurocognitive Impairment in Adolescents at Risk for Schizophrenia or Affective Psychosis: Results from the Harvard Adolescent Family High Risk Study. / City: Boston / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Comparison of Neurocognitive Impairment in Adolescents at Risk for Schizophrenia or Affective Psychosis: Results from the Harvard Adolescent Family High Risk Study. / Start date: 2014/10/08
Validation and normalized data for the M-WCST (NORMACOG Project) in Spanish population
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Validation and normalized data for the M-WCST (NORMACOG Project) in Spanish population / City: Jerusalen / Country: Israel / Publication name: Validation and normalized data for the M-WCST (NORMACOG Project) in Spanish population / Start date: 2014/07/09 / End date: 2014/07/11
Cognitive impairment and brain structural alterations in multiple slerosis patients
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Cognitive impairment and brain structural alterations in multiple slerosis patients / Publication name: Cognitive impairment and brain structural alterations in multiple slerosis patients / Start date: 2014/07/09 / End date: 2014/07/11
White matter differences in subtypes of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson Disease
Díez Cirarda, María; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: White matter differences in subtypes of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson Disease / Country: España / Publication name: White matter differences in subtypes of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson Disease / Start date: 2014/07/09
Social and basic cognitive functions improvement in Parkinson disease with REHACOP program
Díez Cirarda, María; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Social and basic cognitive functions improvement in Parkinson disease with REHACOP program / Country: España / Publication name: Social and basic cognitive functions improvement in Parkinson disease with REHACOP program / Start date: 2014/07/09
Structural brain alterations and cognitive disturbances in Parkinson's Disease Patients with Impaired Processing Speed
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Díez Cirarda, María; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Ontañon, Jose Maria; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; García Gorostiaga, Inés; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Structural brain alterations and cognitive disturbances in Parkinson's Disease Patients with Impaired Processing Speed / City: Jerusalen / Country: Jerusalen / Publication name: Structural brain alterations and cognitive disturbances in Parkinson's Disease Patients with Impaired Processing Speed / Start date: 2014/07/09 / End date: 2014/07/11
Validation and Normalized Data for the M-WCST (NORMACOG Project) in Spanish Population.
Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Aznar, Ana; Sanchis, Belen; López, Leticia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Validation and Normalized Data for the M-WCST (NORMACOG Project) in Spanish Population. / City: Jerusalem / Country: Israel / Publication name: Validation and Normalized Data for the M-WCST (NORMACOG Project) in Spanish Population. / Start date: 2014/07/09 / End date: 2014/07/11
Comparison of the Verbal Fluency Performance with letter P and Letter L in a Spanish Sample.
Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Bengoetxea Noreña, Eneritz; Aznar, Ana; Sanchis, Belen; López, Leticia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Comparison of the Verbal Fluency Performance with letter P and Letter L in a Spanish Sample. / City: Jerusalem / Country: Israel / Publication name: Comparison of the Verbal Fluency Performance with letter P and Letter L in a Spanish Sample. / Start date: 2014/07/09 / End date: 2014/07/11
The predictive role of processing speed deficit in verbal and visual memory in multiple sclerosis
Gomez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Rilo Cano, Oihane; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Mendibe, Mar; Antigüedad, Alfredo; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: The predictive role of processing speed deficit in verbal and visual memory in multiple sclerosis / Country: España / Publication name: The predictive role of processing speed deficit in verbal and visual memory in multiple sclerosis / Start date: 2014/07/09
Predictive role of processing speed deficit in verbal and visual memory in multiple sclerosis
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier
Congress name: Predictive role of processing speed deficit in verbal and visual memory in multiple sclerosis / Publication name: Predictive role of processing speed deficit in verbal and visual memory in multiple sclerosis / Start date: 2014/07/09
Effectiveness of the REHACOP Cognitive Rehabilitation Program in Multiple Sclerosis
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Effectiveness of the REHACOP Cognitive Rehabilitation Program in Multiple Sclerosis / Publication name: Effectiveness of the REHACOP Cognitive Rehabilitation Program in Multiple Sclerosis / Start date: 2014/07/09
Comparison of the verbal fluency performance with letter P and letter L in a Spanish sample
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Comparison of the verbal fluency performance with letter P and letter L in a Spanish sample / City: Jerusalen / Country: Israel / Publication name: Comparison of the verbal fluency performance with letter P and letter L in a Spanish sample / Start date: 2014/07/09 / End date: 2014/07/11
The Relationship Between the Uncinate Tract and Verbal and Visual Memory is Mediated by Processing Speed in Parkinson' s Disease
Díez Cirarda, María; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; María Ontañon, Jose; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; García Gorostiaga, Inés; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: The Relationship Between the Uncinate Tract and Verbal and Visual Memory is Mediated by Processing Speed in Parkinson' s Disease / City: Jerusalen / Country: Jerusalen / Publication name: The Relationship Between the Uncinate Tract and Verbal and Visual Memory is Mediated by Processing Speed in Parkinson' s Disease / Start date: 2014/07/09 / End date: 2014/07/11
Cognitive impairment and brain structural alterations in multiple sclerosis patients.
Gomez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Rilo Cano, Oihane; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Ontañon, Jose Maria; Antigüedad, Alfredo; Mendibe, Mar; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Cognitive impairment and brain structural alterations in multiple sclerosis patients. / City: Jerusalén / Country: Israel / Publication name: Cognitive impairment and brain structural alterations in multiple sclerosis patients. / Start date: 2014/07/09 / End date: 2014/07/11
Structural and Functional Cerebral Correlates of Memory in Parkinson Disease
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Díez Cirarda, María; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Structural and Functional Cerebral Correlates of Memory in Parkinson Disease / Country: España / Publication name: Structural and Functional Cerebral Correlates of Memory in Parkinson Disease / Start date: 2014/07/09
Social cognition predictor of functional outcome in schizophrenia
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier
Congress name: Social cognition predictor of functional outcome in schizophrenia / Publication name: Social cognition predictor of functional outcome in schizophrenia / Start date: 2014/07/08
White matter integrity in multiple sclerosis patients with impaired and preserved processing speed
Rilo Cano, Oihane; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera, Alberto; Ontañón, Jose María; Mendibe, Mar; Antigüedad, Alfredo; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: White matter integrity in multiple sclerosis patients with impaired and preserved processing speed / City: Hamburgo / Country: Alemania / Publication name: White matter integrity in multiple sclerosis patients with impaired and preserved processing speed / Start date: 2014/06/08 / End date: 2014/06/12
Social Cognition is related to brain white matter integrtity in Parkinson disease
Díez Cirarda, María; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera, Alberto; Ontañon, Jose Maria; García Gorostiaga, Iñes; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Social Cognition is related to brain white matter integrtity in Parkinson disease / City: Hamburgo / Country: Alemania / Publication name: Social Cognition is related to brain white matter integrtity in Parkinson disease / Start date: 2014/06/08 / End date: 2014/06/12
Intervenciones de promoción del envejecimiento activo como estrategia de prevención de la discapacidad y dependencia en personas mayores.
Montoya Murillo, Genoveva; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Intervenciones de promoción del envejecimiento activo como estrategia de prevención de la discapacidad y dependencia en personas mayores. / Country: España / Publication name: Intervenciones de promoción del envejecimiento activo como estrategia de prevención de la discapacidad y dependencia en personas mayores. / Start date: 2013/12/04
El programa Rehacop presenta evidencias de eficacia en la rehabilitación cognitiva en psicosis y esquizofrenia
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: El programa Rehacop presenta evidencias de eficacia en la rehabilitación cognitiva en psicosis y esquizofrenia / Publication name: El programa Rehacop presenta evidencias de eficacia en la rehabilitación cognitiva en psicosis y esquizofrenia / Start date: 2013/10/23 / End date: 2013/10/25
Processing speed relates to white matter integrity in multiple sclerosis
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier
Congress name: Processing speed relates to white matter integrity in multiple sclerosis / Publication name: Processing speed relates to white matter integrity in multiple sclerosis / Start date: 2013/10/03 / End date: 2013/10/05
Altered white matter connectivity relates to processing speed in Parkinson disease´s patients.
Olabarrieta Landa, Laiene; Cabrera, Alberto; Ontañón, Jose María; Rilo Cano, Oihane; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Gómez Beldarrain, Mari Ángeles; García Gorostiaga, Inés; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Altered white matter connectivity relates to processing speed in Parkinson disease´s patients. / City: Tolouse / Country: Francia / Publication name: Altered white matter connectivity relates to processing speed in Parkinson disease´s patients. / Start date: 2013/10/03 / End date: 2013/10/05
Deterioro cognitivo en pacientes con hepatitis C en tratamiento con Interferon + Ribabirina: un estudio piloto
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Deterioro cognitivo en pacientes con hepatitis C en tratamiento con Interferon + Ribabirina: un estudio piloto / Publication name: Deterioro cognitivo en pacientes con hepatitis C en tratamiento con Interferon + Ribabirina: un estudio piloto / Start date: 2013/09/26 / End date: 2013/09/28
Processing speed impairment is related to white matter damage in schizophrenia
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier
Congress name: Processing speed impairment is related to white matter damage in schizophrenia / Publication name: Processing speed impairment is related to white matter damage in schizophrenia / Start date: 2013/09/26 / End date: 2013/09/28
El reto de los síntomas negativos en la esquizofrenia: rehabilitación cognitiva para síntomas negativos
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: El reto de los síntomas negativos en la esquizofrenia: rehabilitación cognitiva para síntomas negativos / Publication name: El reto de los síntomas negativos en la esquizofrenia: rehabilitación cognitiva para síntomas negativos / Start date: 2013/09/23 / End date: 2013/09/28
Preliminary Results of the Spanish Multicenter Normative Study (NORMACOG Project): Taylor?s Complex Figure.
Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Preliminary Results of the Spanish Multicenter Normative Study (NORMACOG Project): Taylor?s Complex Figure. / Country: España / Publication name: Preliminary Results of the Spanish Multicenter Normative Study (NORMACOG Project): Taylor?s Complex Figure. / Start date: 2013/07/17 / End date: 2013/07/20
Comparison between performance on the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure & Taylor Figure in Spanish population.
Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Peña Lasa, Javier; Aretouli, Eleni; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Comparison between performance on the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure & Taylor Figure in Spanish population. / Country: España / Publication name: Comparison between performance on the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure & Taylor Figure in Spanish population. / Start date: 2013/07/17 / End date: 2013/07/20
Preliminary results from the multisite study for the normalization and standarization of neuroppsychological instruments in Spain
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Preliminary results from the multisite study for the normalization and standarization of neuroppsychological instruments in Spain / Country: España / Publication name: Preliminary results from the multisite study for the normalization and standarization of neuroppsychological instruments in Spain / Start date: 2013/07/17 / End date: 2013/07/20
Preliminary results of the Spanish Multicenter Normative Study (NORMACOG Project): Taylor's Complex Figure ECPA12
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier
Congress name: Preliminary results of the Spanish Multicenter Normative Study (NORMACOG Project): Taylor's Complex Figure ECPA12 / Country: España / Publication name: Preliminary results of the Spanish Multicenter Normative Study (NORMACOG Project): Taylor's Complex Figure ECPA12 / Start date: 2013/07/17 / End date: 2013/07/20
Preliminary Results from the Multisite Study for the Normalization and Standardization of Neuropsychological Instruments in Spain.
Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Peña Lasa, Javier; Aznar, Ana; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Preliminary Results from the Multisite Study for the Normalization and Standardization of Neuropsychological Instruments in Spain. / Country: España / Publication name: Preliminary Results from the Multisite Study for the Normalization and Standardization of Neuropsychological Instruments in Spain. / Start date: 2013/07/17 / End date: 2013/07/20
Results from the multisite study for the normalization and standarization of neuropsychological instruments in Spain
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier
Congress name: Results from the multisite study for the normalization and standarization of neuropsychological instruments in Spain / Country: España / Publication name: Results from the multisite study for the normalization and standarization of neuropsychological instruments in Spain / Start date: 2013/07/17 / End date: 2013/07/20
Clinical Symptoms Moderate the Association Between nicotine dependence and cognition
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier
Congress name: Clinical Symptoms Moderate the Association Between nicotine dependence and cognition / City: Amsterdam / Country: Holanda / Publication name: Clinical Symptoms Moderate the Association Between nicotine dependence and cognition / Start date: 2013/07/10 / End date: 2013/07/13
Cognitive reserve mediates the relation between processing speed and verbal memory in Parkinson's disease
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Cognitive reserve mediates the relation between processing speed and verbal memory in Parkinson's disease / City: Maastricht / Publication name: Cognitive reserve mediates the relation between processing speed and verbal memory in Parkinson's disease / Start date: 2013/07/10 / End date: 2013/07/13
Altered white matter connectivity relates to semantic fluency in bipolar disorder relatives
Olabarrieta Landa, Laiene; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Rilo Cano, Oihane; Schretlen, Claire; Varvaris, Mark; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Altered white matter connectivity relates to semantic fluency in bipolar disorder relatives / City: Amsterdam / Country: Holanda / Publication name: Altered white matter connectivity relates to semantic fluency in bipolar disorder relatives / Start date: 2013/07/10 / End date: 2013/07/13
Altered white matter connectivity relates to processing speed deficits in schizophrenia
Rilo Cano, Oihane; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Olabarrieta Landa, Laiene; Schretlen, Claire; Varvaris, Mark; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Altered white matter connectivity relates to processing speed deficits in schizophrenia / City: Amsterdam / Country: Holanda / Publication name: Altered white matter connectivity relates to processing speed deficits in schizophrenia / Start date: 2013/07/10 / End date: 2013/07/13
Altered white matter connectivity relates to executive function deficits in schizophrenia
Schretlen, Claire; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Olabarrieta Landa, Laiene; Rilo Cano, Oihane; Varvaris, Mark; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Altered white matter connectivity relates to executive function deficits in schizophrenia / City: Amsterdam / Country: Holanda / Publication name: Altered white matter connectivity relates to executive function deficits in schizophrenia / Start date: 2013/07/10 / End date: 2013/07/13
Altered white matter connectivity relates to executive function deficits in schizophrenia.
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Altered white matter connectivity relates to executive function deficits in schizophrenia. / City: Amsterdam / Country: Holanda / Publication name: Altered white matter connectivity relates to executive function deficits in schizophrenia. / Start date: 2013/07/10 / End date: 2013/07/13
Clinical Symptoms Moderate the Association Between Nicotine Dependence and Cognition.
Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Schretlen, Claire; Peña Lasa, Javier; Aretouli, Eleni; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; De La Cruz, Arkatiz; Aspiunza, Macarena
Congress name: Clinical Symptoms Moderate the Association Between Nicotine Dependence and Cognition. / City: Amsterdam / Country: Holanda / Publication name: Clinical Symptoms Moderate the Association Between Nicotine Dependence and Cognition. / Start date: 2013/07/10 / End date: 2013/07/13
Cognitive reserve mediates the relation between processing speed and verbal memory in Parkinson´s disease
Olabarrieta Landa, Laiene; Peña Lasa, Javier; Rilo Cano, Oihane; Gómez Beldarrain, Mari Ángeles; García Gorostiaga, Inés; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Cognitive reserve mediates the relation between processing speed and verbal memory in Parkinson´s disease / City: Amsterdam / Country: Holanda / Publication name: Cognitive reserve mediates the relation between processing speed and verbal memory in Parkinson´s disease / Start date: 2013/07/10 / End date: 2013/07/13
Baseline predictors of functional outcome improvement after a cognitive remediation programa
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier
Congress name: Baseline predictors of functional outcome improvement after a cognitive remediation programa / City: Amsterdam / Country: Holanda / Publication name: Baseline predictors of functional outcome improvement after a cognitive remediation programa / Start date: 2013/07/10 / End date: 2013/07/13
Cerebral white matter correlates of processing speed in multiple sclerosis
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier
Congress name: Cerebral white matter correlates of processing speed in multiple sclerosis / Publication name: Cerebral white matter correlates of processing speed in multiple sclerosis / Start date: 2013/07/08
Relation between cognitive reserve and cognitive functions in Parkinson?s disease.
Díez Cirarda, María; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Ontañon, Jose Maria; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Relation between cognitive reserve and cognitive functions in Parkinson?s disease. / Country: España / Publication name: Relation between cognitive reserve and cognitive functions in Parkinson?s disease. / Start date: 2013/07/08
Consumption predicts cognitive performance and clinical symptoms in schizophrenia
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier
Congress name: Consumption predicts cognitive performance and clinical symptoms in schizophrenia / Country: España / Publication name: Consumption predicts cognitive performance and clinical symptoms in schizophrenia / Start date: 2013/07/08
Clinical symptoms and functional outcome improvement in chronic schizophrenia by a cognitive rehabilitation program: REHACOP
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier
Congress name: Clinical symptoms and functional outcome improvement in chronic schizophrenia by a cognitive rehabilitation program: REHACOP / Publication name: Clinical symptoms and functional outcome improvement in chronic schizophrenia by a cognitive rehabilitation program: REHACOP / Start date: 2013/07/08 / End date: 2013/07/09
Studies of normalization and standarization of neuropsychological psychometric instruments in Spanish healthy adults
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier
Congress name: Studies of normalization and standarization of neuropsychological psychometric instruments in Spanish healthy adults / Country: España / Publication name: Studies of normalization and standarization of neuropsychological psychometric instruments in Spanish healthy adults / Start date: 2013/07/08
Executive function in schizophrenia and its diffusion tensor imaging correlates
Ávila, Raquel; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Schretlen, Claire; Rilo Cano, Oihane; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Executive function in schizophrenia and its diffusion tensor imaging correlates / Country: España / Publication name: Executive function in schizophrenia and its diffusion tensor imaging correlates / Start date: 2013/07/08
Is it possible for healthy other people to benefit from cognitive rehabilitation?
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Is it possible for healthy other people to benefit from cognitive rehabilitation? / City: Maastricht / Publication name: Is it possible for healthy other people to benefit from cognitive rehabilitation? / Start date: 2013/07/08 / End date: 2013/07/09
Nicotine Consumption predicts Cognitive Performance and Clinical Symptoms in Schizophrenia
Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Schretlen, Claire; Garcia Guerrero, Acebo; Bengoetxea Noreña, Eneritz; Peña Lasa, Javier; Aretouli, Eleni; Gutierrez, Miguel; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Nicotine Consumption predicts Cognitive Performance and Clinical Symptoms in Schizophrenia / Country: España / Publication name: Nicotine Consumption predicts Cognitive Performance and Clinical Symptoms in Schizophrenia / Start date: 2013/07/08
La investigación en neuropsicología y psiquiatría
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: La investigación en neuropsicología y psiquiatría / Publication name: La investigación en neuropsicología y psiquiatría / Start date: 2013/05/24
The efficacy of a new generation cognitive rehabilitation program for psychosis: clinical symptoms and functional outcome improvement in chronic schizophrenia
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier
Congress name: The efficacy of a new generation cognitive rehabilitation program for psychosis: clinical symptoms and functional outcome improvement in chronic schizophrenia / Country: España / Publication name: The efficacy of a new generation cognitive rehabilitation program for psychosis: clinical symptoms and functional outcome improvement in chronic schizophrenia / Start date: 2013/05/05
Cognitive improvement in elderly population after cognitive rehabilitation with REHACOP.
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Cognitive improvement in elderly population after cognitive rehabilitation with REHACOP. / Country: España / Publication name: Cognitive improvement in elderly population after cognitive rehabilitation with REHACOP. / Start date: 2013/05/05
Cerebral white matter correlates of processing speed in multiple sclerosis.
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier
Congress name: Cerebral white matter correlates of processing speed in multiple sclerosis. / Country: España / Publication name: Cerebral white matter correlates of processing speed in multiple sclerosis. / Start date: 2013/05/05
Parkinson's disease, processing speed and white matter connectivity: a diffusion tensor imaging study
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier
Congress name: Parkinson's disease, processing speed and white matter connectivity: a diffusion tensor imaging study / Country: España / Publication name: Parkinson's disease, processing speed and white matter connectivity: a diffusion tensor imaging study / Start date: 2013/05/05
Relation between cognitive reserve and cognitive functions in Parkinson's disease
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Relation between cognitive reserve and cognitive functions in Parkinson's disease / Country: España / Publication name: Relation between cognitive reserve and cognitive functions in Parkinson's disease / Start date: 2013/05/05
Role of insight and cognitive reserve in First-episode-psychosis long term functionality
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier
Congress name: Role of insight and cognitive reserve in First-episode-psychosis long term functionality / Country: España / Publication name: Role of insight and cognitive reserve in First-episode-psychosis long term functionality / Start date: 2013/05/05
Impairments of different memory processes in patients with parkinson's disease without dementia
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Impairments of different memory processes in patients with parkinson's disease without dementia / Publication name: Impairments of different memory processes in patients with parkinson's disease without dementia / Start date: 2013/05/05
Negative symptoms and functional outcome improve after group cognitive remediation treatment (REHACOP program): A randomized controlled trial
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier
Congress name: Negative symptoms and functional outcome improve after group cognitive remediation treatment (REHACOP program): A randomized controlled trial / Publication name: Negative symptoms and functional outcome improve after group cognitive remediation treatment (REHACOP program): A randomized controlled trial / Start date: 2013/05/01
El estado de la Neuropsicología: presente y futuro
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: El estado de la Neuropsicología: presente y futuro / Publication name: El estado de la Neuropsicología: presente y futuro / Start date: 2013/04/26
Cognitive rehabilitation in Schizophrenia: a review
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Cognitive rehabilitation in Schizophrenia: a review / Publication name: Cognitive rehabilitation in Schizophrenia: a review / Start date: 2013/04/11
Nuevas técnicas para la rehabilitación cognitiva y social en la esquizofrenia
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier
Congress name: Nuevas técnicas para la rehabilitación cognitiva y social en la esquizofrenia / Publication name: Nuevas técnicas para la rehabilitación cognitiva y social en la esquizofrenia / Start date: 2013/03/03
Diferencias de Género en Esquizofrenia: Consumo de Nicotina, Rendimiento Cognitivo y Síntomas Clínicos.
Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Schretlen, Claire; Garcia Guerrero, Acebo; Bengoetxea Noreña, Eneritz; Peña Lasa, Javier; Aretouli, Eleni; Aspiunza, Macarena; De La Cruz, Arkatiz; Gutierrez, Miguel; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Diferencias de Género en Esquizofrenia: Consumo de Nicotina, Rendimiento Cognitivo y Síntomas Clínicos. / Publication name: Diferencias de Género en Esquizofrenia: Consumo de Nicotina, Rendimiento Cognitivo y Síntomas Clínicos. / Start date: 2013/02/01 / End date: 2013/02/28
Diferencias de Género en Esquizofrenia: Consumo de nicotina, rendimiento cognitivo y síntomas clínicos
Del Pino, R; Schretlen, Dj; Garcia Guerrero, Acebo; Bengoetxea Noreña, Eneritz; Peña Lasa, Javier; Aretouli, Eleni; Aspiunza, M; De La Cruz, A; Gutiérrez, M; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Diferencias de Género en Esquizofrenia: Consumo de nicotina, rendimiento cognitivo y síntomas clínicos / Publication name: Diferencias de Género en Esquizofrenia: Consumo de nicotina, rendimiento cognitivo y síntomas clínicos / Start date: 2013/02/01 / End date: 2013/03/28
La Hipótesis de Automedicación: Nicotina, Rendimiento Cognitivo y Síntomas Clínicos en Esquizofrenia.
Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Garcia Guerrero, Acebo; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: La Hipótesis de Automedicación: Nicotina, Rendimiento Cognitivo y Síntomas Clínicos en Esquizofrenia. / Country: España / Publication name: La Hipótesis de Automedicación: Nicotina, Rendimiento Cognitivo y Síntomas Clínicos en Esquizofrenia. / Start date: 2012/10/25 / End date: 2012/10/27
Mejora cognitiva, clínica y funcional en pacientes con esquizofrenia tras la rehabilitación neuropsicológica con el REHACOP
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Mejora cognitiva, clínica y funcional en pacientes con esquizofrenia tras la rehabilitación neuropsicológica con el REHACOP / Publication name: Mejora cognitiva, clínica y funcional en pacientes con esquizofrenia tras la rehabilitación neuropsicológica con el REHACOP / Start date: 2012/10/24 / End date: 2012/10/27
La rehabilitación neuropsicológica en los trastornos mentales: de la teoría a la práctica. Dentro del Symposium Rehabilitación neuropsicológica: la relación entre la teoría y el método.
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: La rehabilitación neuropsicológica en los trastornos mentales: de la teoría a la práctica. Dentro del Symposium Rehabilitación neuropsicológica: la relación entre la teoría y el método. / Publication name: La rehabilitación neuropsicológica en los trastornos mentales: de la teoría a la práctica. Dentro del Symposium Rehabilitación neuropsicológica: la relación entre la teoría y el método. / Start date: 2012/10/24 / End date: 2012/12/27
Eficacia del Programa REHACOP
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Bengoetxea Noreña, Eneritz; Garcia Guerrero, Acebo
Congress name: Eficacia del Programa REHACOP / Publication name: Eficacia del Programa REHACOP / Start date: 2012/10/08 / End date: 2012/10/10
Consumo de Nicotina, Rendimiento Cognitivo y Síntomas Clínicos en la Esquizofrenia: el efecto del género.
Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Bengoetxea Noreña, Eneritz; Garcia Guerrero, Acebo; Peña Lasa, Javier; Aspiunza, Macarena; De La Cruz, Arkaitz; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Consumo de Nicotina, Rendimiento Cognitivo y Síntomas Clínicos en la Esquizofrenia: el efecto del género. / Country: España / Publication name: Consumo de Nicotina, Rendimiento Cognitivo y Síntomas Clínicos en la Esquizofrenia: el efecto del género. / Start date: 2012/09/25 / End date: 2012/09/28
EL REHACOP como programa de Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica para trastornos mentales severos
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: EL REHACOP como programa de Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica para trastornos mentales severos / Country: España / Publication name: EL REHACOP como programa de Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica para trastornos mentales severos / Start date: 2012/09/01
CFA reveals a common structure in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and normal controls
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Schretlen, Dj
Congress name: CFA reveals a common structure in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and normal controls / Publication name: CFA reveals a common structure in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and normal controls / Start date: 2012/09/01
Relationship between subcomponents of verbal fluency and functional disability in chronic schizophrenia patients
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Relationship between subcomponents of verbal fluency and functional disability in chronic schizophrenia patients / Publication name: Relationship between subcomponents of verbal fluency and functional disability in chronic schizophrenia patients / Start date: 2012/04/27
Psicoterapia psicoeducativa en esquizofrenia
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Psicoterapia psicoeducativa en esquizofrenia / Country: España / Publication name: Psicoterapia psicoeducativa en esquizofrenia / Start date: 2012/03/07 / End date: 2012/03/09
Rehabilitación Neuropsicologica en trastornos Psicoticos y Esquizofrenia
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Rehabilitación Neuropsicologica en trastornos Psicoticos y Esquizofrenia / Publication name: Rehabilitación Neuropsicologica en trastornos Psicoticos y Esquizofrenia / Start date: 2011/11/26 / End date: 2011/11/27
INS estudio de validación de pruebas con muestra española
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: INS estudio de validación de pruebas con muestra española / Publication name: INS estudio de validación de pruebas con muestra española / Start date: 2011/10/27 / End date: 2011/10/29
Integración de técnicas de evaluación del funcionamiento del cerebro
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Integración de técnicas de evaluación del funcionamiento del cerebro / Country: España / Publication name: Integración de técnicas de evaluación del funcionamiento del cerebro / Start date: 2011/09/02
¿En qué medida los aspectos neuropsicológicos nos ayudan a comprender el insight en la psicosis?
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Garcia Guerrero, Acebo; Bengoetxea Noreña, Eneritz; Peña Lasa, Javier; Gutiérrez, M; Segarra, R.
Congress name: ¿En qué medida los aspectos neuropsicológicos nos ayudan a comprender el insight en la psicosis? / Publication name: ¿En qué medida los aspectos neuropsicológicos nos ayudan a comprender el insight en la psicosis? / Start date: 2011/09/01
El desafío de las neurociencias
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: El desafío de las neurociencias / Publication name: El desafío de las neurociencias / Start date: 2011/07/08
Papel del insight en la relación entre Reserva cognitiva como predictora de Funcionalidad en PEP: un estudio longitudinal
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Segarra, R.; Ugarte, A.; Cartón, J.; Ballorca, Y.; Bengoetxea Noreña, Eneritz; Martín, L.; Gutiérrez, M
Congress name: Papel del insight en la relación entre Reserva cognitiva como predictora de Funcionalidad en PEP: un estudio longitudinal / Publication name: Papel del insight en la relación entre Reserva cognitiva como predictora de Funcionalidad en PEP: un estudio longitudinal / Start date: 2011/07/01
Evidencias de eficacia de la Rehabilitación Cognitiva en Psicosis y esquizofrenia con el programa Rehacop
Bengoetxea Noreña, Eneritz; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Segarra, R.; Sánchez, P; Peña Lasa, Javier; Garcia Guerrero, Acebo; Eguiluz, Ji
Congress name: Evidencias de eficacia de la Rehabilitación Cognitiva en Psicosis y esquizofrenia con el programa Rehacop / Publication name: Evidencias de eficacia de la Rehabilitación Cognitiva en Psicosis y esquizofrenia con el programa Rehacop / Start date: 2011/07/01
Neuroscience: the challenge
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Neuroscience: the challenge / Country: España / Publication name: Neuroscience: the challenge / Start date: 2011/07/01
Cuestiones de Actualidad en Ezquizofrenia
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Cuestiones de Actualidad en Ezquizofrenia / Publication name: Cuestiones de Actualidad en Ezquizofrenia / Start date: 2011/03/04
¿En qué medida los aspectos neuropsicológicos nos ayudan a comprender el insight en la psicosis?.
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: ¿En qué medida los aspectos neuropsicológicos nos ayudan a comprender el insight en la psicosis?. / Publication name: ¿En qué medida los aspectos neuropsicológicos nos ayudan a comprender el insight en la psicosis?. / Start date: 2011/02/01 / End date: 2011/02/28
El abordaje terapeútico de la esquizofrenia refractaria a tratamiento. Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica en Trastornos Psicóticos y esquizofrenia.
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: El abordaje terapeútico de la esquizofrenia refractaria a tratamiento. Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica en Trastornos Psicóticos y esquizofrenia. / Publication name: El abordaje terapeútico de la esquizofrenia refractaria a tratamiento. Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica en Trastornos Psicóticos y esquizofrenia. / Start date: 2010/11/26 / End date: 2010/11/27
El abordaje terapeútico de la esquizofrenia refractaria a tratamiento
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: El abordaje terapeútico de la esquizofrenia refractaria a tratamiento / Publication name: El abordaje terapeútico de la esquizofrenia refractaria a tratamiento / Start date: 2010/10/18 / End date: 2010/10/22