Subject areas
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Social and Human Sciences
Gobierno Vasco B
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Brief description of research aims
The research team on Ethics Applied to Social Reality belongs to the Centre for Applied Ethics in the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences at the University of Deusto. It has extensive experience in the study of diverse social realities from an ethical perspective, and is currently developing its work in two main research areas: i) Development and Social Transformation, and ii) Conflicts and Peace Cultures. These are made up of 19 research projects currently underway (2010-2012), with eight main researchers and 19 associate researchers.
The Centre for Applied Ethics is widely recognised in its local area. In recent years, it has published a considerably greater amount of scientific work, had a greater impact on the international scene and increased its participation in academic and professional networks. The team currently has two of its own projects within the 7PM.
Research areas
- Social conflict, violence and peacebuilding
- Ethics and Technology
- Politics, development and social transformation
The team researches on subjects related to application of ethics in today’s social realities. Therefore, this team carries out applied research in the Social Sciences field, focusing all its research on politics and promoting projects that, on the one hand, focus on the analysis of the current trends in the power structures of our society, on the management of the inequalities or conflicts generated by these structures, on their limitations and possibilities for transformation, on the conditions required for the construction of alternatives, etc.; and on the other hand, they highlight the transformative value of processes aimed at the interpretation of their social and historical narratives.